250 research outputs found

    International Refugee Law: Misconceiving Reconceptions

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    This paper addresses the implications and adequacy of the "Hathaway model" for grounding refugee immigration policy. The Hathaway model envisions and may be suitable for cases of mass migration such as the recent tragedy in the Great Lakes region of Central Africa or the response to the "ethnic cleansing," which took place in the former Yugoslavia, large-scale crisis situations calling for immediate solutions. The author argues that for other more individualized types of refugee situations, there is a need to distinguish between the categories of "asylum seeker" and "refugee" when implementing policy in order to make a better effort to screen and adequately protect those individuals who make asylum claims.Cet article traite des implications et de la pertinence du « modèle Hathaway» pour asseoir une politique d'immigration de réfugiés. Le modèle Hathaway appréhende ( et se révèle possiblement pertinent pour) des cas d'immigration de masse du type de celle ayant eu lieu lors de la récente tragédiedes Grands Lacs du Centre de l'Afrique, ou dans le cas de la réponse apportée aux «purifications ethniques» qui ont eu lieu en ex-Yougoslavie. On parle donc de crises a grande échelle nécessitant des solutions immédiates. L'auteur développe une argumentation selon laquelle dans les cas où on a affaire à des types plus individualisées de situations impliquant des réfugiés, la nécessité se fait jour d'établir une distinction entre «r echercheur d'asile » et « réfugié », au moment de la mise en place des politiques, de façon à déployer un effort plus efficace pour sélectionner et protéger plus adéquatement ces individus demandant asile

    This Province, so Meanly and Thinly Inhabited : Punishing Maryland\u27s Criminals, 1681-1850

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    This essay examines three questions, in each case using the colony and state of Maryland as a case study. First, why did some states adopt the penitentiary so much earlier than others? Pennsylvania opened one in 1790, but South Carolina waited until 1868 to do so. Given the variations in timing, did different states establish penitentiaries for different reasons? That seems to have been the case, as a comparison of Maryland\u27s path to the penitentiary with that of other jurisdictions will demonstrate. Second, was the penitentiary truly revolutionary? Perhaps in some places, but not in Maryland. Third, did the diverse paths to the penitentiary produce equally diverse forms of the penitentiary? At least in the case of Maryland, that seems not to have been the case

    Marte Valles site

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    This site is located at 16 deg N, 177 deg W on the flood plains of Marte Valles, which is perhaps the youngest channel system on Mars. The young age of this channel warrants investigation because of climatic implications for fluvial activities in recent geologic time. The paucity of craters makes this an excellent site in terms of safety requirements. Some of the objectives stated previously for the Maja Valles region would also apply to this site (grab bag of rock types, etc.)

    Scientific rationale for selecting northwest Isidis Planitia (14 deg - 17 deg N latitude, 278 deg - 281 deg longitude) as a potential Mars Pathfinder landing site

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    The northwest Isidis Basin offers a unique opportunity to land near a fretted terrain lowland/upland boundary that meets both the latitudinal and elevation requirements imposed on the spacecraft. The landing site lies east of erosional scarps and among remnant massif inselbergs of the Syrtis Major volcanic plains. The plains surface throughout Isidis exhibits abundant, low-relief mounds that are the local expression of the 'thumbprint terrain' that is common within a few hundred kilometers of the lowland/upland boundary. The massif inselbergs are not as numerous nor as massive as those fretted terrains to the northwest, so local slopes are not expected to be steep. Neither feature should pose a serious threat to the lander. Landing on or adjacent to one of these features would enhance the science return and would help to pinpoint the landing site in Viking and subsequent orbiter images by offering views of landmarks beyond the local horizon

    Minor Soil Pests

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    Populations of any insect pest whose damaging stage occurs below the soil surface are difficult to detect and equally difficult in evaluating the need for an insecticide. Wireworms, white grubs, seedcorn maggots, and sandhill cutworms are minor soil pests but occasionally cause stand loss which requires replanting. Management decisions regarding the economic feasibility of applying a soil insecticide specifically for a minor soil pest is made even more difficult because no postemergence insecticide rescue treatments are available for any of these four insects. Therefore, control measures must be applied at planting time if economic damage is anticipated based upon past field history or farming practices. Understanding basic biology and the field conditions that are conducive to stand loss from these insects can help reduce potential problems

    Feasibility of Establishing HIV Case-Based Surveillance to Measure Progress Along the Health Sector Cascade: Situational Assessments in Tanzania, South Africa, and Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: To track the HIV epidemic and responses to it, the World Health Organization recommends 10 global indicators to collect information along the HIV care cascade. Patient diagnosis and medical record data, harnessed through case-based surveillance (CBS), can be used to measure 8 of these. While many high burden countries have well-established systems for monitoring patients on HIV treatment, few have formally adopted CBS. OBJECTIVE: In response to the need for improved strategic HIV information and to facilitate the development of CBS in resource-limited countries, we aimed to conduct situational assessments of existing data collection systems in Tanzania, South Africa, and Kenya. METHODS: We developed a standardized protocol and a modularized data collection tool to be adapted for the particular focus of the assessments within each country. The three countries were selected based on their stage of readiness for CBS. The assessment included three parts: a desk review of relevant materials on HIV surveillance and program monitoring, stakeholder meetings, and site visits. RESULTS: In all three countries, routine HIV program monitoring is conducted, and information on new HIV diagnoses and persons accessing HIV care and treatment services is collected. Key findings from the assessments included substantial stakeholder support for the development of CBS, significant challenges in linking data within and between systems, data quality, the ability to obtain data from multiple sources, and information technology infrastructure. Viral load testing capacity varied by country, and vital registry data were not routinely linked to health systems to update medical records. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the development of CBS systems to systematically capture routinely collected health data to measure and monitor HIV epidemics and guide responses. Although there were wide variations in the systems examined, some of the current program and patient monitoring systems can be adapted to function effectively for CBS, especially if supported by an improved patient registration system with shared unique health identifiers

    NPS MICRO-COBOL: an implementation of Navy standard HYPO-COBOL for a microprocessor-based computer system

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    A compiler for a subset of the Automated Data Processing Equipment Selection Office (ASPESO) HYPO-COBOL has been implemented on a microcomputer. The implementation provides nucleus level constructs and file options from the ANSI COBOL package along with the PERFORM UNTIL construct from a higher level to give increased structural control. The language was implemented through a compiler and run-time package executing under the CP/M operating system of an 8080 microcomputer-based system. Both the compiler and interpreter can be executed in 20K bytes of main memory. A program consisting of 8.5K bytes of intermediate code can be supported on this size machine. Modification of the compiler and interpreter programs can be accomplished to take advantage of larger machines. The programs that make up the compiler and interpreter package require 50K bytes of disk storage.http://archive.org/details/npsmicrocobolimp00farlCaptain, United States Marine CorpsApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited