5 research outputs found

    Papillary fibroelastoma, unusual cause of stroke in a young man: a case report

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    Abstract Background Papillary fibroelastoma is the third most common primary benign tumor with an incidence of up to 0.33% in autopsy series; it accounts for approximately 75% of all cardiac valvular tumors. Case presentation We describe a rare case of a 28-Year-old man that while playing football, had a sudden onset of neurological deficit: aphasia, right hemiparesis and right facial numbness. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) showed a 10x10 mm mass attached to the anterior mitral valve leaflet. The patient was treated surgically for the prevention of further embolic complications. Histologic examination of the resected mass revealed a papillary fibroelastoma. It is the third most frequent primary cardiac tumor, after myxoma and fibroma, and the most common primary tumor of heart valves. Despite the benign nature of this tumor, it carries very high risk of embolic complications. The successful complete resection of the papillary fibroelastoma is curative and the long-term postoperative prognosis is excellent. Conclusions Differential diagnosis of cardiac masses requires clinical informations, laboratory tests, blood cultures and appropriate use of imaging modalities. Papillary fibroelastoma is a potential cause of embolic stroke in the young. The prompt surgical excision of papillary fibroelastoma is curative and the long-term postoperative prognosis is excellent

    Utilizzo di compost a differente rapporto C/N in coltura protetta - Use of compost at different C/N ratio incrops under plastic cover

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    Intensive agriculture determines a decrease in soil quality mainly due to a strong organic matter reduction. Use of organic amendments is generally seen as a key tool for restoring soil health and sustainability in intensive agriculture systems,. Aim of this work was to study the recovery of fertility in agricultural soils of Southern Italy cultivated under permanent plastic cover, by supplying organic amendments characterized by a slow mineralization, such as wood scraps. After yearly addition of organic amendments, crop yields and soil quality were evaluated for two years by monitoring the main chemical, biochemical and biological properties. Results showed positive effects of organic amendments on soil chemical properties, in particular as improvement to organic carbon and nutrient contents, and to biological properties as well. Our results demonstrated that the use of compost enriched with low mineralization materials can enhance soil chemical biochemical and biological properties, improve crop yields, and, above all, guarantee an organic matter recovery that kept stable over time

    Recent Developments in Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery: Evolution or Revolution?

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    Intraluminal aortic clamping has been achieved until now by means of a sophisticated device consisting of a three-lumen catheter named Endoclamp, which allows at the same time occlusion of the aorta, antegrade delivering of cardioplegia, and venting through the aortic root. This tool has shown important advantages allowing aortic occlusion and perfusate delivering without a direct contact with ascending aorta reducing meanwhile the risk of traumatic and/or iatrogenic injuries. Recently, a new device (Intraclude catheter) with the same characteristics and properties has been proposed and introduced in clinical practice. The aim of this paper is to investigate the differences between Endoclamp and Intraclude catheters and to analyze the advantages advocated by this new device for intraluminal aortic occlusion since it is noticeable as these new technological tools are gaining more and more attractiveness due to their appraised clinical efficacy

    Appendix II: Select Bibliography

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