974 research outputs found

    La auditoría sociolaboral como herramienta para la gestión de las Relaciones Laborales

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    En el presente texto presentamos la auditoría sociolaboral como un instrumento de futuro clave para la gestión de los recursos humanos y las relaciones laborales en las organizaciones en el contexto actual. Auditoría entendida como la herramienta capaz de generar los indicadores ¿datos e informaciones- suficientes en cantidad y calidad para afrontar adecuadamente el proceso de toma de decisiones. Pero para que esta herramienta aporte todas sus ventajas, materialice todos sus beneficios para la organización, es necesaria la superación de resistencias existentes en la misma (desconocimiento, miedos y creencias falsas que tienen las organizaciones) y que se conviertan en aspectos clave para su pleno aprovechamiento

    Reflexiones sobre la realidad del modelo turístico valenciano desde la implantación del modelo de desarrollo local

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    Se intenta a través de los resultados obtenidos en un estudio aplicado, plantear una mirada crítica Sobre el alcance real del turismo como recurso endógeno para el desarrollo del territorio. Para ello, la discusión se centrará en el análisis de las garantías de sostenibilidad que el modelo turístico puede ofrecer de cara al futuro inmediato. Factores como la inexistencia de una visión integral para el desarrollo del territorio, el motivo que origina la aparición del turismo en el municipio, el grado de importancia otorgada a la materia, o las características propias de las políticas de turismo implementadas se convertirán en elementos para el análisis sobre el actual modelo de desarrollo del territorio

    La auditoría sociolaboral : una herramienta por descubrir (y utilizar)

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    La manera en que se ha desarrollado en las últimas décadas la aplicación de la auditoría como herramienta de gestión de los recursos humanos en las organizaciones, no ha hecho más que sembrar de incertidumbre la utilidad real que esta podría haber llegado a tener. Una investigación iniciada en 2012 en el departamento de Sociología y Antropología Social de la Universitat de València, no ha hecho sino ratificar esta realidad, poniendo de manifiesto las resistencias que tienen las organizaciones actuales para llamar a sus procesos internos de control, de análisis, de estudio o de investigación como procesos de auditoría. Entre las dificultades que nos oferta el estudio, uno nos llama la atención de manera especial: ¿cuándo podemos afirmar que estamos auditando una organización? ¿Siempre que analicemos, estudiemos o investiguemos la misma? ¿Qué requisitos convierten un proceso de análisis, estudio o investigación en un proceso de auditoría?. Es por ello que la presente comunicación centrará su propósito en analizar los elementos ¿requisitos- que permiten afirmar que estamos desarrollando una auditoría, haciendo una propuesta razonada de los mismos

    La auditoria sociolaboral: una herramienta por descubrir (y utilizar)

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    Auditoriaren erabilerak erakundeetan, giza baliabideen kudeaketarako tresna gisa, ziurgabetasuna besterik ez du sortu bere eraginkortasunarengan. 2012an Valentziako Unibertsitateko Soziologia eta Gizarte Antropologia sailak hasitako ikerketa batek errealitate hori berretsi du eta agerian jarri du egungo erakundeek kontrol, analisi, ikasketa edo ikerkuntza barne prozesuei auditoria prozesu deitzeko dituzten erresistentziak. Ikerketak azaltzen dituen zailtasunen artetik batek bereziki deitu du gure arreta: noiz baiezta dezakegu erakunde baten gaineko auditoria egiten ari garela? Hori aztertu, ikasi edo ikertzen dugun bakoitzean? Zein betekizun behar ditu analisi, ikerketa edo ikerkuntza prozesu batek auditoria prozesua bihurtzeko? Artikulu honek auditoria bat egiten ari garela baieztatu ahal izateko elementuen -betekizunen- analisia egiten du.; The manner in which the audit has been developed as a tool for management of human resources in organizations has sown the real utility of uncertainty that this could have. An investigation initiated in 2012 in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Valencia, ratified this reality, showing the resistance organizations today have to call their internal control processes, analysis, study or research and audit processes. Among the difficulties that we offer studio, one strikes us in a special way: when can we say that we are auditing an organization? Always we analyze, we study or investigate it? What requirements become a process of analysis, study or research in an audit? This article focuses on analyzing the elements, requirements - which allow reasonably assert that we are developing an audit.; La manera en que se ha desarrollado la auditoría como herramienta de gestión de los recursos humanos en las organizaciones ha sembrado de incertidumbre la utilidad real que esta podría tener. Una investigación iniciada en 2012 en el departamento de Sociología y Antropología Social de la Universitat de València, ratifica esta realidad, poniendo de manifiesto las resistencias que tienen las organizaciones actuales para llamar a sus procesos internos de control, de análisis, de estudio o de investigación como procesos de auditoría. Entre las dificultades que nos oferta el estudio, uno nos llama la atención de manera especial: ¿cuándo podemos afirmar que estamos auditando una organización? ¿Siempre que analicemos, estudiemos o investiguemos la misma? ¿Qué requisitos convierten un proceso de análisis, estudio o investigación en un proceso de auditoría? El presente artículo se centra en analizar los elementos -requisitos- que permiten afirmar razonadamente que estamos desarrollando una auditoría

    Effectiveness of Mobile Technology in Managing Fatigue: Balert App

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    Artigo 704955[Abstract] The performance of professional tasks with a high cognitive, emotional, and even physiological demand, can cause a state of mental fatigue, which implies attentional alterations, greater errors in the tasks performed and a decrease in personal and work productivity caused by a deterioration of the cognitive control processes. The present study presents a mobile phone application named BAlert that allows monitoring and controlling the body's fatigue processes based on the scores obtained in the Stroop effect and the heart rate variability. A pilot study has been carried out with a sample of 63 adults who have used the application a total of 942 times. The results allow us to classify the subjects, by logistic regression analysis, in their fatigue levels in 74% of the occasions. These results highlight the importance of this mobile application to control work fatigue processes in different possible scenarios (military, health, sports, business, etc.

    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ activation inhibits hypertrophy in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes

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    Objective: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ (PPARβ/δ) is the predominant PPAR subtype in cardiac cells and plays a prominent role in the regulation of cardiac lipid metabolism. However, the role of PPARβ/δ activators in cardiac hypertrophy is not yet known. Methods and Results: In cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, the selective PPARβ/δ activator L-165041 (10 μmol/L) inhibited phenylephrine (PE)-induced protein synthesis ([3H]leucine uptake), induction of the fetal-type gene atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and cardiac myocyte size. Induction of cardiac hypertrophy by PE stimulation also led to a reduction in the transcript levels of both muscle-type carnitine palmitoyltransferase (50%, P<0.05) and pyruvatedehydrogenase kinase 4 (30%, P<0.05), and these changes were reversed in the presence of the PPARβ/δ agonist L-165041. Stimulation of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes with PE and embryonic rat heart-derived H9c2 cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) enhanced the expression of the nuclear factor (NF)-κB-target gene monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1). The induction of MCP-1 was reduced in the presence of L-165041, suggesting that this compound prevented NF-κB activation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) revealed that L-165041 significantly decreased LPS-stimulated NF-κB binding activity in H9c2 myotubes. Finally, coimmunoprecipitation studies showed that L-165041 strongly enhanced the physical interaction between PPARβ/δ and the p65 subunit of NF-κB, suggesting that increased association between these two proteins is the mechanism responsible for antagonizing NF-κB activation by PPARβ/δ activators. Conclusion: These results suggest that PPARβ/δ activation inhibits PE-induced cardiac hypertrophy and LPS-induced NF-κB activatio

    Footwear used by older people and a history of hyperkeratotic lesions on the foot : a prospective observational study

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    4 p.Inadequate footwear, painful and hyperkeratotic lesions (HL) are an extremely common problems amongst older people. Such problems increase the risk of falls, hamper mobility, reduction of quality of life, dignity, and ability to remain independent. The etiology of painful and feet conditions is poorly understood. To discover footwear preferences of older people, pain tolerance may favor presence of HL for the use of inadequate footwear in old age. A sample of 100 participants with a mean age of 74.90 ± 7.01 years attended an outpatient clinic where self-reported demographic data, frequency with which they checked their feet were recorded and measurements were taken of foot sensitivity. Additionally, all participants’ shoes were allocated into optimal, adequate, and dangerous categories based on design, structural and safety features, and materials. Only 12% of the sample population checked their feet every day, 37% revealed symptoms of neuropathy, 14% used optimal shoes, and 61% presented HL. In a bivariate analysis, no significant differences were observed. HL are associated with inadequate footwear, loss of sensitivity, and low frequency of foot health checks.S

    Infrared thermography applied to lower limb muscles in elite soccer players with functional ankle equinus and non-equinus condition

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    11 p.Gastrocnemius-soleus equinus (GSE) is a foot-ankle complaint in which the extensibility of the gastrocnemius (G) and soleus muscles (triceps surae) and ankle are limited to a dorsiflexion beyond a neutral ankle position. The asymmetric forces of leg muscles and the associated asymmetric loading forces might promote major activation of the triceps surae, tibialis anterior, transverses abdominal and multifidus muscles. Here, we made infrared recordings of 21 sportsmen (elite professional soccer players) before activity and after 30 min of running. These recordings were used to assess temperature modifications on the gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, and Achilles tendon in GSE and non-GSE participants. We identified significant temperature modifications among GSE and non-GSE participants for the tibialis anterior muscle (mean, minimum, and maximum temperature values). The cutaneous temperature increased as a direct consequence of muscle activity in GSE participants. IR imaging capture was reliable to muscle pattern activation for lower limb. Based on our findings, we propose that non-invasive IR evaluation is suitable for clinical evaluation of the status of these muscles.S

    Influence on Depression, Anxiety, and Satisfaction of the Relatives' Visit to Intensive Care Units prior to Hospital Admission for Elective Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    [Resumen] Background Intensive care units (ICUs) may produce stress on the relatives of patients that have long-term physiological and psychological implications. Objectives This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the relatives´ visit prior to hospital admission(s) on the patient's scheduled cardiac surgery regarding depression, anxiety, and satisfaction of the patient's family in an ICU. Methods A randomized clinical trial [NCT03605420] was carried out according to the CONSORT criteria. Thirty-eight relatives of ICU patients were recruited at an ICU and randomized into study groups. Experimental group participants (n = 19) consisted of relatives who received 1 ICU visit prior to the patient's admission. Control group participants (n = 19) consisted of patients' relatives who received standard care alone. A self-report test battery, including the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), was completed by the patient's relative prior to the patient's ICU admission and again three and 90 days after ICU discharge. Furthermore, the Family Satisfaction with Care in the Intensive Care Unit (FS-ICU) and Critical Care Family Needs Inventory (CCFNI) were administered to help determine the respondents' satisfaction three days after the patient's ICU discharge. Results Statistically significant differences in FS-ICU results were found between control and experimental groups; no statistically significant differences were found in IES-R, HADS, and CCFNI results. Thus, members in the control group were more satisfied with the time elapsed to raise their concerns (p=0.005), emotional support provided (p=0.020), quality of care (p=0.035), opportunities to express concerns and ask questions (p=0.005), and general satisfaction with the ICU's decision-making (p=0.003). Conclusions Relatives' satisfaction during patients' ICU admission may be impaired after their prior visit to the hospital admission. Relative's anxiety and depression scores did not seem to be significantly affected. Relatives´ visit prior to elective cardiac surgery hospital admission impaired their satisfaction in an ICU and may not be advisable for healthcare practice

    Translation and Test-Retest of the Spanish Podiatry Health Questionnaire (PHQ-S)

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    Background: The Podiatric Health Questionnaire (PHQ) is a health-related questionnaire consisting of six questions designed for measuring foot health status. To date, the PHQ has only been validated in the English-language version. Thus, this study aimed to perform the Spanish translation and test-retest procedures of the PHQ (PHQ-S). Method: The forward/backward translation and test-retest reliability methods were applied from English to Spanish languages. Regarding the total score for each domain, internal consistency and reliability were determined by the Cronbach α and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) with a confidence interval (CI) of 95%. Results: High internal consistency was shown for the six domains: (1) walking with a Cronbach α of 0.97; (2) hygiene and nail care with 0.93 and 093, respectively; (3) foot pain with 0.91; (4) worry and concern domain with 0.904; (5) quality of life with 0.87; and (6) the self-perception of how their feet are feeling measured by a visual analogic scale with 0.92. Excellent test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.99 (95% CI = 0.96-0.98)) was shown for the total score. Conclusions: The PHQ-S was shown to be a valid and reliable tool for an acceptable use in the Spanish population