12 research outputs found

    Perdas econômicas pela condenação em matadouro frigorífico de fígados de bovino por fibrose causada por ingestão de Braquiaria spp

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    Resumo: A ingestão crônica de braquiária induz lesões hepáticas em bovinos caracterizadas por fibrose, atrofia do lobo esquerdo, hipertrofia compensatória do lobo direito e proliferação de ductos biliares. Tipicamente, essas lesões são associadas com agregados de macrófagos espumosos no parênquima hepático. Nesse trabalho foram estudados fígados com essas lesões num abatedouro frigorífico do Brasil Central e as perdas econômicas causadas pela condenação de tais fígados afetados foram estimadas. Durante o período estudado, 488.476 bovinos foram abatidos nesse matadouro frigorífico, dos quais 5.295 fígados foram condenados devido à fibrose, e 192 com lesão hepática foram estudados. Cálculos econômicos permitiram inferir que essas condenações representaram uma perda de R108.817,60.Concluisequeacondenac\ca~odefıˊgadosemraza~odefibroseinduzidapelaingesta~odebraquiaˊriacausaumaperdasignificativaparaainduˊstriadecarneeprodutosbovinosdevidoaˋcondenac\ca~ode23,6toneladasdefıˊgadoemumanoemapenasumfrigorıˊfico,comperdasestimadasacimadeR 108.817,60. Conclui-se que a condenação de fígados em razão de fibrose induzida pela ingestão de braquiária causa uma perda significativa para a indústria de carne e produtos bovinos devido à condenação de 23,6 toneladas de fígado em um ano em apenas um frigorífico, com perdas estimadas acima de R 100.000,00

    Economic losses due to Vernonia rubricaulis poisoning in cattle

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    ABSTRACT: Vernonia rubricaulis is a hepatotoxic plant found in the Pantanal biome. Under natural conditions, it is responsible for highly fatal poisonings in cattle. From January 1999 to December 2016, 33 outbreaks of V. rubricaulis poisoning were recorded, resulting in 1509 bovine deaths, of which 719 (47.6%) were adult females, 413 (27.4%) were adult males, 244 (16.2%) adult cattle with no information about sex and 133 (8.8%) calves. The coefficients of morbidity, mortality and lethality were respectively 2.79%, 2.77% and 99.24%. Most outbreaks occurred in properties containing up to 1,000 cattle, where the most significant economic impacts were also observed. Among the total recorded deaths, the total direct monetary loss was estimated at US764,893.33,whichrepresentsanaverageof3.05764,893.33, which represents an average of 3.05% of the total assets (US25,090,683.51) of the herds involved in the outbreaks. The plant can cause more severe damage to properties with less than 500 cattle, and can reach 50% of the total value of the herd. In comparison to other methods, the methodology used in this study has an economic impact consistent with reality, not overestimating the losses. Toxic plants, such as V. rubricaulis, can cause significant economic losses in the extensive systemic livestock, and it is important decision-making and prophylactic management to avoid the occurrence of poisoning in the herds

    Estimativas de perdas econômicas causadas por reação granulomatosa local após uso de vacina oleosa contra febre aftosa em bovinos de Mato Grosso do Sul

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    Lesões exacerbadas à vacina contra a febre aftosa foram observadas em 1.815 de um total de 5.000 bovinos abatidos em frigorífico com inspeção federal. Essas lesões resultaram na condenação de parte das carcaças de acordo com o Regulamento da Inspeção Industrial e Sanitária de Produtos de Origem Animal. Os bovinos haviam sido vacinados em maio de 2012 e abatidos em setembro do mesmo ano e divididos em Lotes 1 e 2 constituídos respectivamente por 1.500 e 315 bovinos. As lesões de reação vacinal eram caracterizadas por nódulos protuberantes, circunscritos, bem delimitados, firmes e de tamanhos variáveis, distribuídos multifocalmente na musculatura do aspecto lateral do pescoço; ao corte apresentavam exsudato purulento. Amostras da lesão de 28 bovinos foram avaliadas histologicamente e os principais achados foram piogranulomas com espaços claros circulares de tamanhos variados no centro, circundados por intenso infiltrado de neutrófilos íntegros e necróticos, circundados por macrófagos epitelioides com citoplasma vacuolizado, ocasionais células gigantes multinucleadas e, mais externamente, por abundante tecido conjuntivo em meio observavam-se linfócitos e plasmócitos. Culturas bacterianas realizadas em amostras do exsudato da lesão de seis bovinos resultaram negativas. Quando as carcaças afetadas foram submetidas ao toalete foi retirado em média 1,8 e 2,0 kg de músculo da área afetada, respectivamente dos Lotes 1 e 2. O prejuízo econômico da propriedade de origem dos bovinos afetados foi de R$ 20.424,00, considerando o preço pago pela arroba do boi no mês e ano da ocorrência. Esses valores à época seriam suficientes para adquirir 29,17 bezerros desmamados para engorda. Se considerarmos 5.000 bovinos vacinados forem considerados como população sob risco o coeficiente de morbidade seria de 0,36%. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que perdas por reação vacinal, mesmo quando não provocam sinais clínicos marcantes, podem ocasionar importantes prejuízos econômicos

    Economic impact of an outbreak of botulism in a cattle feedlot

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    ABSTRACT: Botulism is a febrile disease, fatal in most cases, which affects the muscles of locomotion, chewing, and swallowing, as well as the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, causing flaccid paralysis and respiratory arrest. In bovines, the etiology is due to the ingestion of neurotoxins types C and D formed by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum in an animal or vegetal substance, during decomposition. Vaccination is one of the most effective prophylactic means to prevent this disease. In this study, an outbreak of botulism was evaluated in a feedlot with 6,300 finishing cattle, wherein 25 died as a consequence of contracting this disease. The economic losses resulting from the deaths were analyzed, and economic analysis was conducted, involving the estimated cost of vaccination for the whole herd under risk, with the objective of evaluating whether this prophylactic practice is a viable action plan. The financial loss due to the deaths resulting from botulism in the case studied was found to be R$55,560.00, equivalent to 0.39% of the total monetary value of the herd. The cost of immunizing the entire herd under risk was 14.06% (for toxins exclusive to toxins C and D) and 22.22% (for polyvalent vaccines against clostridiosis) of the financial loss incurred as a consequence of the recorded deaths. It was concluded that botulism is a disease that can cause a significant economic impact on intensive livestock production systems, and that vaccination is an economically viable prophylactic action if performed with adequate sanitary planning

    Bovine rabies: economic loss and its mitigation through antirabies vaccination

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    ABSTRACT: Rabies is among the most common neurological disease in cattle in Brazil, causing significant economic losses. Data on the economic impact of rabies in livestock are available in several countries. However, in Brazil, these data focus mainly on the public health point o view, emphasizing the costs related to the prevention of rabies in humans, in dogs, or wildlife. Specific studies carried out in different regions of Brazil indicate critical economic losses caused by rabies in cattle in this country. However, the studies on the losses caused by the disease in cattle lack a detailed analysis of the affected rural properties based on data from official disease control agencies. The objective of this work was to evaluate the economic impact of bovine rabies, and its mitigation through antirabies vaccination in rural properties in Mato Grosso do Sul, Midwestern Brazil

    Blackleg in cattle in the state Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil: 59 cases

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    ABSTRACT: This study aimed to review cases of blackleg (Clostridium chauvoei infection) diagnosed in cattle from Midwestern Brazil from 1994 to 2014 considering epidemiological, clinical, necropsy and histopathological findings. Also the following laboratory tests were used for the diagnosis of some cases of blackleg: microbiological culture and identification of the agent, microbiological culture and identification of the agent by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and identification of the agent in formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues (FFPE). Criteria for presumptive diagnosis of blackleg included necrohemorrhagic emphysematous myositis consisting of inflammatory infiltrate, coagulative necrosis of myofiber, interstitial edema, hemorrhage, and gas bubbles between myofibers. Fifty nine cases from 51 outbreaks of blackleg were found, which corresponded to 1.1% of 5,375 cattle deaths investigated. In five of those outbreaks, samples of affected muscles cultures for the identification of pathogenic clostridia were made. Another three samples of similar material were cultured for clostridia with subsequent identification of the isolate by PCR. Twelve samples of FFPE affected muscle fragments were submitted to PCR for identification of the etiological agent. Except for January, cases were observed in each month of the year, with higher numbers in July-October. Most affected cattle were in the age of 7-12 years, but calves younger than 6 month-old and older than 24 months were also observed. Vaccination histories were scarce. In 32 outbreaks some vaccination history was available, but only in two of those vaccination has been carried out properly. In 56 six cases the skeletal muscles were involved. Muscles of the hind limbs were the most affected. In ten cases muscles of the tongue, myocardium and diaphragm were also affected. In three of the cases the visceral form was observed. Deaths occurred after a clinical course of 6-24 hours, but in most cases cattle were found death. Sudden death was the outcome in visceral cases (cardiac) blackleg. Clostridium chauvoei was confirmed to be the cause by culturing in 5 cases, and by PCR and histopatology in 8 cases. Bacterial culture followed by PCR did not demonstrate C. chauvoei. Calculation of the economic impact indicates that blackleg is a frequent disease in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) that inflicts significant economic loss. The amount of these losses would be reduced through proper vaccination programs against the prevalent strains of C. chauvoei in the region