6 research outputs found

    Lymphatic drainage on healthy and neoplasic mammary glands in female dogs: Can it really be altered?

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    The purpose of this research was to study the mammary lymphatic drainage under a macroscopic and mesoscopic view, comparing the vascular pattern of healthy and neoplasic mammary glands injected with drawing ink alcoholic and fluorescein solutions, in 46 mongrel female dogs. The results pointed out that the thoracic gland is drained by the axillary lymph centre, but in mammary neoplasia either superficial cervical or ventral thoracic lymph centres can be involved. Cranial and caudal abdominal glands may be drained by the axillary, inguinofemoral and popliteal lymph centres. However, the popliteal drainage is specific for the healthy caudal abdominal mammary gland. The inguinal gland can be drained by both inguinofemoral and popliteal lymph centres in both neoplasic and healthy conditions. Regarding the mammary lymphatic communications, this research demonstrated that neoplasic glands present more types of anastomosis (40.9%), than healthy glands (33.33%), and an increase in contralateral anastomosis (50%) compared with healthy ones (33%). Given the data, the mammary neoplasia can change the lymphatic drainage pattern in terms of lymph centres and vascular arborization, thus forming new drainage channels and recruiting a larger number of lymph nodes. Lastly, some comments were made about the severity of a specific neoplasic mammary gland and conditions to be considered before making a decision in terms of the most adequate operative procedure, and suggestions for further investigations

    Lymphatic drainage on healthy and neoplasic mammary glands in female dogs: Can it really be altered?

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    The purpose of this research was to study the mammary lymphatic drainage under a macroscopic and mesoscopic view, comparing the vascular pattern of healthy and neoplasic mammary glands injected with drawing ink alcoholic and fluorescein solutions, in 46 mongrel female dogs. The results pointed out that the thoracic gland is drained by the axillary lymph centre, but in mammary neoplasia either superficial cervical or ventral thoracic lymph centres can be involved. Cranial and caudal abdominal glands may be drained by the axillary, inguinofemoral and popliteal lymph centres. However, the popliteal drainage is specific for the healthy caudal abdominal mammary gland. The inguinal gland can be drained by both inguinofemoral and popliteal lymph centres in both neoplasic and healthy conditions. Regarding the mammary lymphatic communications, this research demonstrated that neoplasic glands present more types of anastomosis (40.9%), than healthy glands (33.33%), and an increase in contralateral anastomosis (50%) compared with healthy ones (33%). Given the data, the mammary neoplasia can change the lymphatic drainage pattern in terms of lymph centres and vascular arborization, thus forming new drainage channels and recruiting a larger number of lymph nodes. Lastly, some comments were made about the severity of a specific neoplasic mammary gland and conditions to be considered before making a decision in terms of the most adequate operative procedure, and suggestions for further investigations. © 2003 Blackwell Verlag

    The muscular organization of the stomach of Capybaira (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris): an architectural view

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    Twenty-two stomachs from adult capybaras were used in this study, and an acid digestion mesoscopic technique was pursued using different concentrations of nitric acid to observe the muscular organization of the stomach. The capybara's stomach possessed a muscular coat composed of four layers or strata: external longitudinal, external oblique, circular and internal oblique. Also, the cardiac and pyloric sphincter muscles were comprised of three or two different layers, respectively. Furthermore, the internal oblique fibres were observed extending from the cardiac portion of the stomach to the smaller curvature, where they participated in the formation of the Ansa cardiaca together with the external. longitudinal fibres. This muscular architectural arrangement was compared to that in small rodents (rat, hamster, guinea pig), as well as in rabbits and pigs. In conclusion, the stomach of the capybara has a very particular, complex and defined muscular organization that differs from that in other rodents, or domestic animals, in particular, pigs. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    Study of lobation and vascularization of the lungs of wild boar (Sus scrofa)

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the anatomy of the lungs of wild boars for comparison with those of domestic swine. It was found that the right lung of the wild boar is divided into four lobes: cranial, median, caudal and accessory, whereas the left lung is divided into two lobes: cranial and caudal. In 93.4% of the cases, right pulmonary artery separates into the ascendant, descendant, median, accessory and caudal branches. In 73.3% of the cases, left pulmonary artery separates most frequently to form three branches to the cranial lobe, whereas the median lobe is generally supplied by only one arterial branch. There is a single pattern of bronchial distribution: in the right lung a tracheal bronchus leads to the cranial lobe, where it separates into the cranial and caudal bronchi and there are also bronchi to the median, caudal and accessory lobes. In the left lung, the large bronchus separates to form two branches, one of which further separates to form two branches to the cranial lobe whereas the other forms a single branch to the caudal lobe

    Some segmental features on the structure of the aortic wall of the dog

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    Structural features of segmental parts of the aorta of the dog were studied by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The variability in the wall architecture composition and vascular thickness of the ascending (T2-3 level), thoracic (T7-8 level) and abdominal (L6-7 infrarenal level) segments of the aorta was analysed. Morphological features such as presence of intimal folds, pattern of the medial myoconnective components with segmental variations in the number of elastic lamellae, whose relative number was higher in the thoracic aorta (ascending and descending parts), compared with the abdominal aorta, and a network of connective (stromal) elements formed by elastic and collagen lamellae and fibres in the adventitia were observed. The results were discussed on a histophysiological basis, because small but significant segmental differences had been characterized in the aortic wall structure of the dog