8 research outputs found

    Application of Nanostructured Carbon-Based Electrochemical (Bio)Sensors for Screening of Emerging Pharmaceutical Pollutants in Waters and Aquatic Species: A Review

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    Pharmaceuticals, as a contaminant of emergent concern, are being released uncontrollably into the environment potentially causing hazardous effects to aquatic ecosystems and consequently to human health. In the absence of well-established monitoring programs, one can only imagine the full extent of this problem and so there is an urgent need for the development of extremely sensitive, portable, and low-cost devices to perform analysis. Carbon-based nanomaterials are the most used nanostructures in (bio)sensors construction attributed to their facile and well-characterized production methods, commercial availability, reduced cost, high chemical stability, and low toxicity. However, most importantly, their relatively good conductivity enabling appropriate electron transfer rates—as well as their high surface area yielding attachment and extraordinary loading capacity for biomolecules—have been relevant and desirable features, justifying the key role that they have been playing, and will continue to play, in electrochemical (bio)sensor development. The present review outlines the contribution of carbon nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes, graphene, fullerene, carbon nanofibers, carbon black, carbon nanopowder, biochar nanoparticles, and graphite oxide), used alone or combined with other (nano)materials, to the field of environmental (bio)sensing, and more specifically, to pharmaceutical pollutants analysis in waters and aquatic species. The main trends of this field of research are also addressed.This work was financially supported by: projects UID/QUI/50006/2019 and PTDC/ASP-PES/29547/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029547) funded by FEDER funds through the POCI and by National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology. This proposal was also subsidized by the Brazilian agencies CNPq (Proc. 420261/2018-4) and CAPES (Proc. 88881.140821/2017-01; Finance code 001). F.W.P. Ribeiro acknowledges funding provided by FUNCAP-BPI (Proc. BP3-0139-00301.01.00/18). Acknowledgments T.M.B.F. Oliveira thanks the UFCA’s Pro-Rectory of Research and Innovation for initiating his investigations. F.W.P. Ribeiro thanks the CNPq (proc. 406135/2018-5) and all support provided by the UFCA‘s Pro-Rectory of Research and Innovation. A.N. Correia thanks the CNPq (proc. 305136/2018-6).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Removal and sensing of emerging pollutants released from (micro)plastic degradation: Strategies based on boron-doped diamond electrodes

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    The negative impacts of microplastics on the environment and human health cannot be unnoticed. Several classes of emerging pollutants with endocrine-disrupting properties such as bisphenol A and its analogs, phthalates, among others, have been reported to migrate out of plastics entering the aquatic environment. Thus, this review aims to draw attention to the significant potential of the boron-doped diamond electrode to contribute to the implementation of mitigation actions for microplastic pollutants. The latest studies in the two main fields of the use of the boron-doped diamond electrode, that is, treatment of wastewater by electrochemical oxidation and a as sensor for pollutants monitoring, are herein reviewed and their main findings highlighted.T.M.B.F. Oliveira and F.W.P. Ribeiro thank FUNCAP (Proc. BP4-0172-00111.01.00/20 and BP4-0172-00150.01.00/20), CNPq (Proc. 308108/2020-5, 420261/2018-4, and 406135/2018-5), and UFCA for their financial support. S. Morais acknowledges UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020 fundings and PTDC/ASP-PES/29547/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029547) funded by FEDER funds through the POCI and by National Funds through FCT. P. de Lima-Neto and A.N. Correia gratefully thank CNPq (proc. 408626/2018-6, 304152/2018-8, 305136/2018-6, and 405596/2018-9) and FCT/Funcap (proc. FCT-00141-00011.01.00/18).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trends and frontiers in graphene-based (bio)sensors for pesticides electroanalysis

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    Undoubtedly, carbonaceous (nano)materials are the most widely used feedstock to obtain improvements in electrochemical devices, but graphene has attracted strong scientific and technological interest due to its exceptional physicochemical properties. Graphene-sheets functionalization, integration with metallic nanoparticles, organic and inorganic molecules and/or groups, synthesis method, and chemical or thermal reduction of graphite oxide can greatly influence the performance of the devices. In general, graphene-based (bio)sensors overcome the conventional ones in terms of sensitivity, electrocatalytic activity, potential window, and charge-transfer processes. They can be a key tool for the miniaturization and development of fast, sensitive, versatile, environment-friendly, and in situ electroanalytical methods for pesticides, in particular for carbamates, organophosphates, organochlorines, benzimidazole, and neonicotinoids, among others. The constant advances in the application of these devices are unquestionable, but there are still questions about the interfacial redox phenomena that are not fully understood and deserve to be investigated. This chapter describes the exciting progress and challenges in this field, emphasizing the main scientific findings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization, agricultural potential, and perspectives for the management of light soils in Brazil

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    Os solos leves ocupam cerca de 8% do território brasileiro e são epecialmente expressivos na nova e na última fronteira agrícola do país: a região de Matopiba, nos estados do Maranhão, do Tocantins, do Piauí e da Bahia, onde representam 20% da área. Esses solos enquadram-se nas classes texturais areia e areia franca ou francoarenosa, até a profundidade de 0,75 m ou mais, e são representados principalmente pelos Neossolos Quartzarênicos e, em parte, por Latossolos e Argissolos. O entendimento do funcionamento desses solos depende do estabelecimento de critérios distintivos sobre: dinâmica da matéria orgânica; teor e mineralogia da fração argila; teores de areia grossa e de areia total, em relação aos de areia fina; diâmetro médio da fração areia; e capacidade de retenção de água. Esses critérios podem contribuir para o zoneamento e para o manejo conservacionista e da fertilidade dos solos leves, bem como para estimação de seu potencial agrícola. Sistemas integrados de produção, como os de integração lavoura-pecuária e lavoura-pecuária-floresta, além do plantio direto com rotação de culturas, dos plantios florestais mistos com espécies leguminosas, e do uso de adubos verdes e cultivos de cobertura, são relevantes para o manejo adequado desses solos. O objetivo deste artigo de revisão foi caracterizar os solos leves e apontar os principais desafios em relação a seu potencial agrícola, a seu manejo e conservação e sua fertilidade, frente à expansão e à consolidação da nova fronteira agrícola.Light soils occupy 8% of the Brazilian territory and are especially expressive in the new and last agricultural frontier in Brazil: the Matopiba region – in the states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí, and Bahia –, where they represent 20% of the area. These soils fit into the textural classes of sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam, down to 0.75-m soil depth or deeper, and they are mainly represented by Entisols (Quartzipsamments), and partly by Oxisols and Ultisols. The understanding of soil functioning depends on the establishment of distinguishing criteria for: organic matter dynamics; content and mineralogy of the clay fraction; coarse sand and total sand contents, in relation to those of fine sand; mean diameter of the sand fraction; and water retention capacity. These criteria can contribute for the zoning and for the conservationist and fertility management of light soils, as well as for the estimation of their agricultural potential. Integrated production systems, such as, crop-livestock and crop-livestock-forestry integration, besides no-tillage with crop rotation, mixed forestry planting with legumes, and the use of green manure and cover crops, are relevant for the proper management of these soils. The objective of this review was to characterize light soils and to highlight the main challenges regarding their agricultural potential and their conservation and fertility managements, in face of the expansion and consolidation of the new Brazilian agricultural frontier

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