34 research outputs found

    Вплив проквіназиду та гідроксиду міді на гомеостаз аніонів у рослинах озимої пшениці в генеративну фазу розвитку

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    The study deals with the effect of proquinazid and copper oxide application on structural characteristics and resistance of wheat to powdery mildew, as well as remobilisation and redistribution of anions pools at generative stage of development. The trial series was conducted in the experimental agricultural production of the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Field experiments were carried out with Smuglyanka variety of winter wheat. The trial series included the application of fungicides such as Talius (proquinazid, 200 g/L) 0,25 L/ha and Kocide 2000 (copper hydroxide, 350 g/kg) 150 and 300 g/ha, and combination of both fungicides. Sprays were applied at tillering stage in autumn in the first trial series and at tillering-booting stage in spring in the second one. Assessment of affected plants by powdery mildew was carried out visually in points. Anion concentration was determined with the use of ion chromatography. Application of fungicides at tillering stage increases the amount of productive stems in wheat plants. The highest effect was recorded for application of copper hydroxide at dose of 300 g/ha in autumn. Analysis of plants affected by powdery mildew shows that application of proquinazid and its composition with copper hydroxide provides sustained protection against Blumeria graminis (DC) Speer. Application of fungicides at tillering stage contributes to increase of the pool of free nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur anions in leaf tissues compared to control. These changes in anion composition may be caused by fungicide effect on activity of N, P, S transporters, as well as internal regulatory mechanisms of elements’ uptake by plants. Comparing the results of the autumn and spring application of fungicides should note the increase in concentration of free phosphates in wheat leaves in the 2nd trial with proquinazid and its composition with copper hydroxide. Accumulation of nitrogen in the nitrate form occur in the period of maximum activity of plants during grain maturation, that is why the increase of free nitrates concentration in all trial series may indicate the remobilization of nitrogen from vegetative organs to caryopsis. Analysis of wheat ear of the 1st trial shows increase in concentrations of free nitrates and phosphates in all trial series which may be explained by intensification of metabolic processes that occur in the ear during grain maturation. Comparison of results of 1st and 2nd trials shows the decrease of Cl concentration in plants of the 2nd trial which can be associated with extension of photosynthetic activity of leaves and participation of element in oxidative phosphorylation, as well as its binding with polypeptides belonging to photolysis complex of water of photosystem II. Thus, application of proquinazid and copper hydroxide at tillering stage increases the productive tillering capacity and enhances the pools of N, P, S free anions in winter wheat plants. These changes can be explained by the effect of fungicides on plant metabolic processes associated with remobilization and transport of elements from flag leaves to the ears during grain maturation. Autumn application of fungicides provides an excellent protection level against powdery mildew of winter wheat plants and creates optimal conditions for plants’ development and wintering. Treatment of plants in spring is highly effective against powdery mildew at tillering-booting stage.Досліджено вплив проквіназиду та гідроксиду міді на структурні показники рослин озимої пшениці, їх стійкість до борошнистої роси (Blumeria graminis (DC) Speer), а також на гомеостаз пулів вільних аніонів у генеративну фазу розвитку. Обробка проквіназидом і гідроксидом міді збільшує продуктивну кущистість, забезпечує стійкий захист рослин озимої пшениці від борошнистої роси, створює оптимальні умови для розвитку рослин, їх зимівлі. Аналіз аніонного складу листків та колосу пшениці свідчить про інтенсифікацію метаболічних процесів рослини, пов’язані з ремобілізацією та транспортом елементів із флагових листків у колос під час дозрівання зернаДосліджено вплив проквіназиду та гідроксиду міді на структурні показники рослин озимої пшениці, їх стійкість до борошнистої роси (Blumeriagraminis (DC) Speer), а також на гомеостаз пулів вільних аніонів у генеративну фазу розвитку. Обробка проквіназидом і гідроксидом міді збільшує продуктивну кущистість, забезпечує стійкий захист рослин озимої пшениці від борошнистої роси, створює оптимальні умови для розвитку рослин, їх зимівлі. Аналіз аніонного складу листків та колосу пшениці свідчить про інтенсифікацію метаболічних процесів рослини, пов’язані з ремобілізацією та транспортом елементів із флагових листків у колос під час дозрівання зерна.

    Вплив Cu2+ та кислотності середовища на вміст цитоплазматичного кальцію та перекисне окиснення ліпідів у коренях озимої пшениці

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    The study investigates the effect of copper ions and pH of external solution on intracellular calcium homeostasis and lipid peroxidation in winter wheat roots. Experiment was carried out with winter wheat. Sterile seeds were germinated in Petri dishes on the filter paper soaked with acetic buffer (pH 4.7 and 6.2) at 20 °Cin the dark for 48 hours. Copper was added as CuSO4. It’s concentrations varied from 0 to 50 µM. The Ca2+-fluorescent dye Fluo-3/AM ester was loaded on 60 hour. Root fluorescence with Fluo-3 loading was detected using X-Cite Series 120 Q unit attached to microscope Olympus BX53 with camera Olympus DP72. Imaging of root cells was achieved after exciting with 488 nm laser and collection of emission signals above 512 nm. Preliminary analysis of the images was performed using software LabSens; brightness (fluorescence intensity) analysis was carried out by means of ImageJ. Peroxidation of lipids was determined according to Kumar and Knowles method. It was found that pH of solution had effect on release of calcium from intracellular stores. Low pH provokes an increase of [Ca2+]cyt which may be reaction of roots to acidic medium. Copper induces increase in non-selective permeability of plasma membrane and leads to its faster depolarization. This probably initiates Ca-dependent depolarization channels which are responsible for the influx of calcium from apoplast into the cell. Changing of the membrane permeability may occur due to interaction between Cu2+ ions and Ca-binding sites on plasma membrane or may be due to binding of copper with sulfhydryl groups and increasing of POL. Copper may also damage lipid bilayer and change the activity of some non-selective channels and transporters. Reactive oxygen species which are formed under some types of stress factors, especially the effect of heavy metals, can be activators of Ca-channels. Cu2+ ions rise MDA content and promote the oxidative stress. Low medium pH also induces its development. Oxidative stress apparently enhances activity of hyperpolarization of Ca-channels and leads to increase of [Ca2+]cyt. These Ca-channels may also be stimulated by calcium, which influxes into the cell, so Ca-signal can be self-enhanced one. Prolonged retention of high calcium concentration may be the evidence of copper toxicity to root cells and the consequence of deactivation of Ca-ATPases which promote Ca efflux from cell. The increase of [Ca2+]cyt may elicit changes in some metabolic processes.Досліджено вплив іонів Cu2+ на внутрішньоклітинний гомеостаз Са2+ та перекисне окиснення ліпідів в умовах різної кислотності середовища. Показано, що зниження рН середовища зумовлює підвищення [Ca2+]cyt і може бути відгуком клітин кореня на кислотний стрес. Додавання міді до середовища для пророщування насіння ймовірно підвищує неселективну проникність мембрани та спричинює її деполяризацію. Це може активувати Са-канали, що активуються за умов деполяризації та відповідають за надходження кальцію до цитоплазми з апопласту. Підвищення рівня МДА свідчить про наявність окисного стресу, який може активувати гіперполяризаційні Са-канали, що також впливають на [Ca2+]cyt. Таким чином, зміни інтенсивності Са2+-залежних метаболічних процесів (регуляція поділу клітин та ріст кореня) можуть бути наслідком токсичного впливу іонів Cu2+ на рослини озимої пшениці. Досліджено вплив іонів Cu2+ на внутрішньоклітинний гомеостаз Са2+ та перекисне окиснення ліпідів в умовах різної кислотності середовища. Показано, що зниження рН середовища зумовлює підвищення [Ca2+]cyt і може бути відгуком клітин кореня на кислотний стрес. Додавання міді до середовища для пророщування насіння ймовірно підвищує неселективну проникність мембрани та спричинює її деполяризацію. Це може активувати Са-канали, що активуються за умов деполяризації та відповідають за надходження кальцію до цитоплазми з апопласту. Підвищення рівня МДА свідчить про наявність окисного стресу, який може активувати гіперполяризаційні Са-канали, що також впливають на [Ca2+]cyt. Таким чином, зміни інтенсивності Са2+-залежних метаболічних процесів (регуляція поділу клітин та ріст кореня) можуть бути наслідком токсичного впливу іонів Cu2+ на рослини озимої пшениці. 

    Motor coordination deficits in Alpk1 mutant mice with the inserted piggyBac transposon

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>ALPK1 (α-kinase 1) is a member of an unconventional alpha-kinase family, and its biological function remains largely unknown. Here we report the phenotypic characterization of one mutant line, in which the <it>piggyBac </it>(<it>PB</it>) transposon is inserted into the <it>Alpk1 </it>gene.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The <it>piggyBac</it>(<it>PB</it>) insertion site in mutants was mapped to the first intron of the <it>Alpk1 </it>gene, resulting in the effective disruption of the intact <it>Alpk1 </it>transcript expression. The transposon-inserted <it>Alpk1 </it>homozygous mutants (<it>Alpk1<sup>PB/PB</sup></it>) displayed severe defects in motor coordination in a series of behavioral analysis, including dowel test, hanging wire test, rotarod analysis and footprint analysis. However, the cerebellar architecture, Purkinje cell morphology and electrophysiology of the Purkinje cells appeared normal in mutants. The motor coordination deficits in the <it>Alpk1<sup>PB/PB </sup></it>mice were rescued by transgenic mice expressing the full-length <it>Alpk1</it>-coding sequence under the control of the ubiquitous expression promoter.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results indicate that ALPK1 plays an important role in the regulation of motor coordination. <it>Alpk1<sup>PB/PB </sup></it>mice would be a useful model to provide a clue to the better understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of ALPK1 in the control of fine motor activities.</p

    Gender and age-related features of sleep disturbances in patients with primary headaches

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze complaints of decreased sleep quality in men and women with primary headaches.Цель исследования - проанализировать жалобы на снижение качества сна у мужчин и женщин c первичными головными болями

    Development of National, Ethnolinguistic and Religious Identities in Children and Adolescents.

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    Вплив Cu2+ та кислотності середовища на вміст цитоплазматичного кальцію та перекисне окиснення ліпідів у коренях озимої пшениці

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    The study investigates the effect of copper ions and pH of external solution on intracellular calcium homeostasis and lipid peroxidation in winter wheat roots. Experiment was carried out with winter wheat. Sterile seeds were germinated in Petri dishes on the filter paper soaked with acetic buffer (pH 4.7 and 6.2) at 20 °Cin the dark for 48 hours. Copper was added as CuSO4. It’s concentrations varied from 0 to 50 µM. The Ca2+-fluorescent dye Fluo-3/AM ester was loaded on 60 hour. Root fluorescence with Fluo-3 loading was detected using X-Cite Series 120 Q unit attached to microscope Olympus BX53 with camera Olympus DP72. Imaging of root cells was achieved after exciting with 488 nm laser and collection of emission signals above 512 nm. Preliminary analysis of the images was performed using software LabSens; brightness (fluorescence intensity) analysis was carried out by means of ImageJ. Peroxidation of lipids was determined according to Kumar and Knowles method. It was found that pH of solution had effect on release of calcium from intracellular stores. Low pH provokes an increase of [Ca2+]cyt which may be reaction of roots to acidic medium. Copper induces increase in non-selective permeability of plasma membrane and leads to its faster depolarization. This probably initiates Ca-dependent depolarization channels which are responsible for the influx of calcium from apoplast into the cell. Changing of the membrane permeability may occur due to interaction between Cu2+ ions and Ca-binding sites on plasma membrane or may be due to binding of copper with sulfhydryl groups and increasing of POL. Copper may also damage lipid bilayer and change the activity of some non-selective channels and transporters. Reactive oxygen species which are formed under some types of stress factors, especially the effect of heavy metals, can be activators of Ca-channels. Cu2+ ions rise MDA content and promote the oxidative stress. Low medium pH also induces its development. Oxidative stress apparently enhances activity of hyperpolarization of Ca-channels and leads to increase of [Ca2+]cyt. These Ca-channels may also be stimulated by calcium, which influxes into the cell, so Ca-signal can be self-enhanced one. Prolonged retention of high calcium concentration may be the evidence of copper toxicity to root cells and the consequence of deactivation of Ca-ATPases which promote Ca efflux from cell. The increase of [Ca2+]cyt may elicit changes in some metabolic processes

    Young children's evaluations of the ingroup and of outgroups: A multi-national study

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    In investigating intergroup attitudes, previous research in developmental psychology has frequently confounded ingroup favouritism and outgroup derogation. The present study, using unconfounded measures, examines the possibility that ingroup favouritism and outgroup derogation are distinct phenomena. Six-year-old children (n=594) from five, culturally diverse nations were asked to make various evaluations of the national ingroup and of four national outgroups. The data indicate that although there is overwhelming evidence that young children favour the ingroup over other groups, outgroup derogation is limited in extent and appears to reproduce attitudes held by adult members of the particular nations investigated