31 research outputs found

    Disaster Risk Reduction Based on Community through a Contingency Plan for Mount Sinabung

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    The eruption of Mount Sinabung in Karo district of North Sumatera has continued on and off since 2010. A contingency plan is needed to reduce the risk of disaster. The purpose of this research is to find a disaster communication model in community-based disaster risk management through Sinabung Eruption Contingency Plan of Karo Regency, North Sumatera Province. This research applies the concept and models of community-based disaster management. The research objectives are to make a disaster risk management model based on the community as a contingency plan for Sinabung. A qualitative method is used by the researchers to finish this paper. This research is held in risk area of Mount Sinabung, Karo, Sumatera Selatan. The object of this research is the ability of government, non-government, and also society as actors of concept and models of community-based disaster management communication. The researchers analyze the program and the competency of the actor concept and the models of community-based disaster management communication. The result of this research is a disaster communication model in community- based disaster risk management through Sinabung Eruption Contingency Plan

    Model Manajemen Risiko Bencana Berbasis Komunitas Melalui Uji Publik Rencana Kontinjensi Erupsi Gunung Sinabung Kabupaten Karo

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    The research aims to create a community-based disaster risk management (PRBBK) model through the Mount Sinabung eruption contingency plan program. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods. Data collection methods using table top exercise and field test exercise. Data analysis techniques used are data collection, data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal of conclusions at pre-research, during research, and post-research. The results showed that with the implementation of the field, it can improve the safety and preparedness of Karo district communities in the face of the disaster eruption Mount Sinabung. The contribution of this research is a model of community-based disaster risk management through the program of Mount Sinabung eruption contingency plan which is being processed into the regulation of the Karo District, North Sumatera

    Model Manajemen Teknologi Komunikasi Dalam Pemerintahan dan Penanganan Bencana Alam

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    Pemerintah daerah yang diteliti yaitu Pemkab Sleman, Pemkab Bantul dan Pemkot Yogyakarta yang secara kelembagaan memiliki perbedaan dalam pengelolaan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi (TIK).Ketiga lembaga pengelola bertanggung jawab kepada bupati melalui sekretaris daerah, namun kewenangan dalam menentukan kebijakan sangat berbeda. Pada sisi lain, adanya perbedaan pengelolaan TIK terlihat kurangnya standardisasi dalam manajemen. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah ”Bagaimana model manajemen teknologi komunikasi informasi yang ideal yang digunakan jajaran Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dalam mendukung pemerintahan dan penanganan bencana alam?” Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yaitu membuat gambaran mengenai situasi atau kejadian. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan manajemen TIK yang dilakukan oleh lembaga teknis yang mendukung sistem pemerintahan diantara subjek yang diteliti memang memiliki perbedaan dalam implementasinya.Perbedaan tersebut bersumber dari penerjemahan undang-undang serta peraturan di bawahnya yang berbeda-beda di antara subjek yang diteliti.Rekomendasi lembaga yang mengelola TIK untuk kegiatan pencegahan dan penanggulangan bencana adalah dengan penambahan Bagian Urusan Teknologi di struktur organisasi BPBD, yang memiliki dua seksi yaitu Seksi Operasional Administrasi serta Seksi Operasional Lapangan

    Table Top Exercise Disaster Communication Model in Reducing Disaster Risk

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    Gunung Sinabung di Kabupaten Karo Sumatera Utara masih aktif, sehingga diperlukan pelatihan untuk kesiapan pemerintah dan warga di sekitar gunung guna mengurangi risiko bencana melalui pelatihan penerapan model rencana kontinjensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan model komunikasi kesiapsiagaan bencana melalui pelatihan gladi meja atau disebut table top exercise (TTX). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, dokumentasi, observasi, dan focus group discussion (FGD). Peserta FGD dibagi menjadi kelompok-kelompok kecil perencanaan sektoral, yang dibagi menurut bidang masing-masing yaitu: sub bidang manajemen dan penanganan bencana pascabencana, SAR dan evakuasi, kesehatan dan psikososial, evakuasi dan tempat tinggal sementara, air dan sanitasi, transportasi, distribusi dan logistik, keamanan dan ketertiban, pencarian, dan sub bidang ternak khusus. Hasil penelitian menemukan model komunikasi kesiapsiagaan bencana erupsi Gunung Sinabung melalui gladi meja dinilai optimal. Komunikasi inilah yang perlu ditingkatkan saat terjadi erupsi. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi berupa kebijakan untuk penyempurnaan Dokumen Rencana Kontinjensi sebagai Peraturan Bupati Karo.Mount Sinabung in Karo Regency of North Sumatera is still active.  Training required for government and residents readiness of surrounding mountain to reduce disaster risk through the training of contingency plan model implementation.  This study aims to find a model of communication disaster readiness through the Table Top Exercise or TTX.  This research uses the descriptive qualitative method and data collection with interview, documentation, observation, and focus group discussion (FGD).  FGD participants divided into eight sectoral planning small groups, that divided according to their respective fields: a subdivision of disaster and post-disaster management, SAR and evacuation, health and psychosocial, evacuation and temporary shelter, water and sanitation, transportation, distribution and logistics, security and order, searching, and subdivision of special cattle.  The results of the study found that the implementation of disaster readiness communication model of Mount Sinabung eruption is optimal.  This communication is what needs to be improved when the eruption occurs.  The results of the study contributed as a policy for improvement for Contingency Planning Document as the Regulation of Head of Karo Regency that will be implemented at the end of 2018.

    Analisis Model Manajemen Teknologi Komunikasi Terpadu yang Digunakan Jajaran Pemerintah Provinsi DIY dalam Mendukung Operasional Pemerintahan dan Penanganan Bencana Alam

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi secara mendalam fenomena penggunaan dan pemanfaatan jaringan teknologi komunikasi di lingkungan Pemerintah Provinsi DIY dengan rumusan masalah “Bagaimana model manajemen teknologi komunikasi terpadu yang digunakan jajaran Pemerintah Provinsi DIY dalam mendukung operasional pemerintahan dan penanganan bencana alam ?” Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu mendeskripsikan berbagai temuan di lapangan dan menganalisis struktur jaringan teknologi komunikasi yang digunakan dalam penanggulangan bencana alam di DIY. Dari hasil yang diperoleh dibuat model jaringan teknologi komunikasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan bencana alam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya lembaga atau organisasi yang menangani masalah bencana alam yang dalam pengelolaanya memiliki eselon yang sama dan berada pada organisasi teknis yang khusus menangani masalah yang spesifik. Dalam pengelolaan bencana alam masing-masing lembaga tersebut melalui kebijakan pimpinan daerah memiliki kewenangan yang luas dan mampu langsung mengakses ke wilayah publik yang menjadi korban bencana atau masyarakat yang berada di wilayah rawan bencana. Dengan demikian ke tiga pemda yang diteliti telah memenuhi amanat UU 24/2007 dan Permendagri Nomor 21/2011 dalam membentuk badan atau institusi penanggulangan bencana daerah

    Perubahan Sistem Kelestarian Air Tanah di Cekungan Air Tanah Wates Akibat Pembangunan Bandara Internasional Temon Kabupaten Kulonprogo DIY

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    Underground water is a component in the hydrological cycle, formed by rainwater that seeped into thesoil and flows through the media layer of rock (aquifer) in groundwater basin. Wates basin’sgrounwater includes the Wates District, Temon, Panjatan, Lendah, Brosot, a little part of the DistrictSentolo and Pengasih located in Unit Plateau of volcanics fluvio, beach units and sand dunes with thealluvial material consisting of sand, gravel, silt, and clay, flat morphology, relatively lithology andgroundwater characteristics. This lithology is potential with the occurrence of groundwaterconservation system changes, if there is excessive ground water extraction in the region which can becharacterized by the increase in salinity in ground water. The main objective of this study is to assessthe full qualitative and quantitative groundwater in the Basin Groundwater Wates International Airportdue to Temon airport construction in relation to maintaining the sustainability of groundwater systems.The methods in this study consists of several steps, starting from observation and rock’s/soildiscribtion include: measurement of rock bedding, measurement of geological structural elements,observation of morphological conditions, and sampling soil / rock to be tested in laboratory about thecontent of the mineralogy, texture and structure. Observation of surface water and groundwater isdone by testing the physical properties of the surface water include: smell, taste, turbidity, temperature(T), acidity (pH), electrolit conductivity (EC), and taking water samples to be tested in the laboratory todetermine the elements it contains a chemical that results will be used to created Diagrams Stiff andTrilinier. Estimation of resistivity (geoelectric) was conducted to determine the condition of the soil/rockbelow the surface to a depth of more than 75 m, with the aim to determine the configuration of theaquifer both laterally and vertically, the results of which will provide an overview/three-dimensionalcross-section of the local groundwater system deposits carefully situations and recharge area. Thecross-sectionwill shown information quantity/amount of groundwater and the identification of the coasttowards the potential intrusion of sea water. The results of mineralogical analysis of rocks andhydrochemical groundwater will provide information on the distribution of groundwater quality. Thisquality conditions will certainly change with the start of construction of the airport and afterconstruction of the airport. Information about the mineralogical content of rocks, hydrochemicalcontent of water and aquifer configuration will be able to contribute to efforts in the area ofgroundwater International Airport Temon, DIY

    Model Manajemen Teknologi Komunikasi Dalam Pemerintahan Dan Penanganan Bencana Alam

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    Pemerintah daerah yang diteliti yaitu Pemkab Sleman, Pemkab Bantul dan PemkotYogyakarta yang secara kelembagaan memiliki perbedaan dalam pengelolaan teknologi komunikasidan informasi (TIK).Ketiga lembaga pengelola bertanggung jawab kepada bupati melalui sekretarisdaerah, namun kewenangan dalam menentukan kebijakan sangat berbeda. Pada sisi lain, adanyaperbedaan pengelolaan TIK terlihat kurangnya standardisasi dalam manajemen. Rumusan masalahdalam penelitian ini adalah ”Bagaimana model manajemen teknologi komunikasi informasi yangideal yang digunakan jajaran Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dalam mendukungpemerintahan dan penanganan bencana alam?” Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yaitumembuat gambaran mengenai situasi atau kejadian. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan manajemen TIKyang dilakukan oleh lembaga teknis yang mendukung sistem pemerintahan diantara subjek yangditeliti memang memiliki perbedaan dalam implementasinya.Perbedaan tersebut bersumber daripenerjemahan undang-undang serta peraturan di bawahnya yang berbeda-beda di antara subjek yangditeliti.Rekomendasi lembaga yang mengelola TIK untuk kegiatan pencegahan dan penanggulanganbencana adalah dengan penambahan Bagian Urusan Teknologi di struktur organisasi BPBD, yangmemiliki dua seksi yaitu Seksi Operasional Administrasi serta Seksi Operasional Lapangan


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    This study aims to find communication model of contingency plan for disaster risk management of Sinabung volcano eruption, in North Sumatera. The object of the research is communication and coordination across the government, non-government organization, and community. This study used planning theory, the concept of communication planning, and types of disaster management plan. Descriptive qualitative is used as the method. Data collection was obtained from Focus Group Discussion (FGD), in-depth interviews, observation, and study documentation. An analysis was conducted qualitatively on the program and competence actors. The results found the communication model of disaster risk management through documents of contingency planning to overcome the threat of Mount Sinabung eruption. The core of this model is the communication planning to decrease the impact of the eruption of Mount Sinabung, especially during the emergency response. The contingency plan becomes a document of Karo District Government which is authorized by the authorized official, and ready to be implemented into Emergency Response Operation Plan (through the information of damage and the need of the result of the quick review) when disaster strikes. The contingency plan is also submitted to the legislature for political commitment and support and budget allocation. At this stage of the research, the Contingency Plan product obtains formal approval in the form of a regent regulation