41 research outputs found

    Education, Employment, and Health Outcomes for Black Boys and Young Men: Opportunities for Research and Advocacy Collaboration

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    In May 2013, CLASP's Partnership Circle and the Scholars Network on Black Masculinity convened 32 nationally recognized researchers and policy advocates, who identified areas of potential influence in crafting policy solutions for black male adolescents and opportunities to act individually and collectively to advance work in these areas

    Empty Seats: Addressing the Problem of Unfair School Discipline for Boys of Color

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    Boys of color are impacted more heavily by harsh discipline policies in schools -- also referred to as "zero tolerance" policies -- than their white peers. This disparate treatment has consequences for students' lifelong outcomes. As schools seek to lower dropout rates and improve graduation rates, they must evaluate the role of discipline reform in keeping boys of color connected to school and learning

    Issue Brief: Focus on Healthy Communities

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    This brief examines how family and community issues affect boys and young men of color and was prepared for the "Investing in Boys and Young Men of Color: The Promise and Opportunity" briefing held on June 11, 2014 in Washington, DC. The brief includes data providing the national context, promising program models, and strategies for moving forward

    Improving Supports for Youth of Color Traumatized by Violence

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    Many boys and young men of color live in communities where violence occurs too often and has a significant impact on their lives. This report examines the problem, offers strategies for various youth systems, and provides examples of approaches with strong outcomes for working with males of color who have witnessed or experienced violence

    Issue Brief: Focus on Employment

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    This brief focuses on education of boys and young men of color and was prepared for the, "Investing in Boys and Young Men of Color: The Promise and Opportunity," briefing held on June 11, 2014 in Washington, DC. The brief includes data providing the national context, promising program models, and strategies for moving forward

    Issue Brief: Focus on Education

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    This brief focuses on education of boys and young men of color and was prepared for the, "Investing in Boys and Young Men of Color: The Promise and Opportunity," briefing held on June 11, 2014 in Washington, DC. The brief includes data providing the national context, promising program models, and strategies for moving forward

    College Preparation for African American Students: Gaps in the High School Educational Experience

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    This report focuses on the deficiencies and disparities in school systems, particularly those with high-minority populations, that leave students unprepared for the rigors of college. It addresses three key areas that are critical for college readiness: the level of coursework available, the experience level of the teachers, and access to guidance counselors., and provides implications for public policy

    Investing in Boys and Young Men of Color: The Promise of Opportunity

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    This issue brief presents findings from a scan of issues facing boys and men of color in education, health, and pathways to employment. Drawing on discussions, surveys, and interviews with experts and practitioners, the paper identifies 8 pressing concerns and gives accompanying recommendations. Areas that emerge as having great potential for impact are: reforming harsh school discipline, early interventions for dropout prevention, trauma-based mental health interventions, and career training programs

    Uneven Ground: Examining Systemic Inequities that Block College Preparation for African American Boys

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    The nation's education system currently does an uneven job of preparing students for college and careers. High-poverty and high-minority high schools in particular lack the rigorous education and support elements necessary to prepare their students. This report examines the inequities faced by African-American male students and makes policy recommendations that address these inequities

    The Promise of Education: Reversing the High School Dropout Crisis for Boys and Young Men of Color

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    As America becomes increasingly diverse, we cannot continue to ignore the barriers that prevent young men of color from succeeding in school. This report describes the high school dropout problem for young men of color, offers key lessons, and provides examples of successful programs