26 research outputs found

    Localized magnetic field pitch angle measurements by collective Thomson scattering

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    Effects of relativistic electrons on the calculated collective thomson scattered spectra

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    Detection of plutonium with the microwave plasma continuous emissions monitor

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    The first successful detection of plutonium with a continuous microwave plasma emissions monitor has been demonstrated. Seven plutonium emission peaks in the 362 - 366 nm and 449 - 454 nm ranges were clearly observed. The strongest peak was at 453.62 nm. This peak and five of the other plutonium peaks were easily distinguishable from possible interference from iron emission peaks with a spectrometer resolution of 0.1 nm. 2 refs., 3 figs

    Beam and viewing dump positioning inside TFTR for CTS alpha-particle diagnostics

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    ITER millimeter-wave CTS diagnostic option

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    Calculated collective Thomson scattered spectra from energetic ions in tokamaks

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    New temperature and metals emissions monitoring technologies for furnaces

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    Diagnostics for a waste remediation plasma arc furnace

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    Microwave plasma continuous emissions monitor for trace metals

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    Active millimeter-wave pyrometer

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