131 research outputs found

    The Effective Field Theory of Codimension-two Branes

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    Distributional sources of matter on codimension-two and higher branes are only well-defined as regularized objects. Nevertheless, intuition from effective field theory suggests that the low-energy physics on such branes should be independent of any high-energy regularization scheme. In this paper, we address this issue in the context of a scalar field model where matter fields (the standard model) living on such a brane interact with bulk fields (gravity). The low-energy effective theory is shown to be consistent and independent of the regularization scheme, provided the brane couplings are renormalized appropriately at the classical level. We perform explicit computations of the classical renormalization group flows at tree and one-loop level, demonstrate that the theory is renormalizable against codimension-two divergences, and extend the analysis to several physical applications such as electrodynamics and brane localized kinetic terms.Comment: 30 pages + appendices, matches journal versio

    Unitary null energy condition violation in P(X)P(X) cosmologies

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    A non-singular cosmological bounce in the Einstein frame can only take place if the Null Energy Condition (NEC) is violated. We explore situations where a single scalar field drives the NEC violation and derive the constraints imposed by demanding tree level unitarity on a cosmological background. We then focus on the explicit constraints that arise in P(X) theories and show that constraints from perturbative unitarity make it impossible for the NEC violation to occur within the region of validity of the effective field theory without also involving irrelevant operators that arise at a higher scale that would enter from integrating out more massive degrees of freedom. Within the context of P(X) theories we show that including such operators allows for a bounce that does not manifestly violate tree level unitarity, but at the price of either imposing a shift symmetry or involving technically unnatural small operator coefficients within the low-energy effective field theory.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figur
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