1,265 research outputs found

    Critical and noncritical long range entanglement in the Klein-Gordon field

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    We investigate the entanglement between two separated segments in the vacuum state of a free 1D Klein-Gordon field, where explicit computations are performed in the continuum limit of the linear harmonic chain. We show that the entanglement, which we measure by the logarithmic negativity, is finite with no further need for renormalization. We find that the quantum correlations decay much faster than the classical correlations as in the critical limit long range entanglement decays exponentially for separations larger than the size of the segments. As the segments become closer to each other the entanglement diverges as a power law. The noncritical regime manifests richer behavior, as the entanglement depends both on the size of the segments and on their separation. In correspondence with the von Neumann entropy long-range entanglement also distinguishes critical from noncritical systems

    Superfast Cooling

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    Currently laser cooling schemes are fundamentally based on the weak coupling regime. This requirement sets the trap frequency as an upper bound to the cooling rate. In this work we present a numerical study that shows the feasibility of cooling in the strong coupling regime which then allows cooling rates that are faster than the trap frequency with state of the art experimental parameters. The scheme we present can work for trapped atoms or ions as well as mechanical oscillators. It can also cool medium size ions chains close to the ground state.Comment: 5 pages 4 figure

    Topological Wilson-loop area law manifested using a superposition of loops

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    We introduce a new topological effect involving interference of two meson loops, manifesting a path-independent topological area dependence. The effect also draws a connection between quark confinement, Wilson-loops and topological interference effects. Although this is only a gedanken experiment in the context of particle physics, such an experiment may be realized and used as a tool to test confinement effects and phase transitions in quantum simulation of dynamic gauge theories.Comment: Superceding arXiv:1206.2021v1 [quant-ph

    Not So SuperDense Coding - Deterministic Dense Coding with Partially Entangled States

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    The utilization of a dd-level partially entangled state, shared by two parties wishing to communicate classical information without errors over a noiseless quantum channel, is discussed. We analytically construct deterministic dense coding schemes for certain classes of non-maximally entangled states, and numerically obtain schemes in the general case. We study the dependency of the information capacity of such schemes on the partially entangled state shared by the two parties. Surprisingly, for d>2d>2 it is possible to have deterministic dense coding with less than one ebit. In this case the number of alphabet letters that can be communicated by a single particle, is between dd and 2d. In general we show that the alphabet size grows in "steps" with the possible values d,d+1,...,d2−2 d, d+1, ..., d^2-2 . We also find that states with less entanglement can have greater communication capacity than other more entangled states.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Detection of acceleration radiation in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We propose and study methods for detecting the Unruh effect in a Bose-Einstein condensate. The Bogoliubov vacuum of a Bose-Einstein condensate is used here to simulate a scalar field-theory, and accelerated atom dots or optical lattices as means for detecting phonon radiation due to acceleration effects. We study Unruh's effect for linear acceleration and circular acceleration. In particular, we study the dispersive effects of the Bogoliubov spectrum on the ideal case of exact thermalization. Our results suggest that Unruh's acceleration radiation can be tested using current accessible experimental methods.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Intracrystalline deformation and nanotectonic processes in magnetite from a naturally deformed rock

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    Although experimental studies have shown dislocation creep to be an important deformation mechanism in magnetite at medium to high temperature, evidence of intracrystalline deformation in magnetite remains to be established in natural tectonically deformed rocks. In this study we investigate intracrystalline deformation features and nanostructures in elongated magnetite from a naturally deformed rock (mylonitized mica schist deformed in a large-scale shear zone of the Seve nappe, Swedish Caledonides). The magnetite grains have very high aspect ratios (up to 10.40) that result in very high degree of magnetic anisotropy in the rock. We show low and high angle grain boundaries (LAGB and HAGB) in magnetite using a combination of electron backscatter diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) analysis. HRTEM studies on lamellae excavated perpendicular to the LAGB and HAGB reveal translational and rotational Moiré fringes, respectively. Dislocations, slip bands, stacking faults, twins and recrystallized domains are observed in the vicinity of the grain boundaries, thus providing unequivocal evidence of intracrystalline deformation of magnetite. Our study also reveals the presence of biotite inclusions intergrown epitaxially with magnetite that show no evidence of lattice defects, thus suggesting that the intracrystalline deformation of magnetite took place under wet conditions. The movement at the grain boundaries is interpreted as a response to regional tectonics with a top-to-NW transport direction. It is established that at the nanoscale, the LAGB and HAGB were favourably oriented to accommodate strain dominantly by translation and rotation, respectively. Thus, the nanotectonic processes are consistent with the regional tectonic reference frame. The importance of evaluating ductile behaviour of magnetite from deformed polymineralic rocks in petrofabric analysis and modeling the relation between strain and rock magnetic anisotropy is discussed

    AB and Berry phases for a quantum cloud of charge

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    We investigate the phase accumulated by a charged particle in an extended quantum state as it encircles one or more magnetic fluxons, each carrying half a flux unit. A simple, essentially topological analysis reveals an interplay between the Aharonov-Bohm phase and Berry's phase.Comment: 10 pages, TAUP 2110-93. Te
