16 research outputs found

    State Policies and Islamic Law Regarding Juvenile Punishment for Theft

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    The development of an increasingly sophisticated era certainly has an impact on children, both positive and negative impacts. Due to the absence of maximum direction and assistance to children, children can at any time do disgraceful acts. When children are involved in the crime of theft, they will be faced with the law and processed. Therefore, there is a need for special guidance and assistance from parents and parties whose status and roles have been recognized as external companions for these children. In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research method with normative juridical research type. The analysis was conducted to determine the form of state and Islamic protection against children who are perpetrators of the crime of theft. The results of the study state that the judge can give a decision on the case of a child crime case of theft. However, legal protection is needed for children who do not commit the crime of theft, considering that they are still underage and still need to be given more maximum attention and guidance. The state protects children because their future is also the future of the state. Every level of society in Indonesia is obligated to provide moral support and guarantee that children in dispute with the law are not excluded from the social environment and society, and that they continue to obtain an appropriate education so that their futures are secure. So that youngsters affected by this law do not feel alienated, continued enjoyment of the nation's youth is possible

    Legal Politics on the Regulation of Obligations to Hold General Meeting of Shareholders in Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies

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    The implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) has been regulated in law number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. However, it should be noted that in the implementation there are two implementations that must be considered, namely the implementation of an open and closed GMS, each of which has differences and its own rules. In addition, the implementation of the GMS if it can be done in the form of a teleconference which has different points of view from several parties. It should also be noted that the implementation of General Shareholders (GMS) has weaknesses and strengths that must also be known as stated in law number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. In this paper, the author uses descriptive qualitative research methodology in order to make it easier for the author to explain about the implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) considering that this knowledge is indispensable for law students in particular and parties from government and private agencies as one of the ingredients. writing and research in general.Keywords: GMS, Limited Liability Company, Company Law, Media Teleconference AbstrakPelaksanaan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) sudah diatur dalam undang-undang nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Namun perlu diketahui dalam penyelenggaraannya terdapat dua pelaksanaan yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu pelaksanaan RUPS terbuka dan tertutup yang masing-masingnya terdapat perbedaan dan aturannya sendiri. Selain itu, pelaksanaan RUPS jika bisa dilakukan dalam bentuk teleconference yang memiliki sudut pandang berbeda dari beberapa pihak. Dan perlu diketahui juga bahwa pelaksaan Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) memiliki kelemahan dan kelebihan juga yang harus diketahui juga seperti yang disebutkan dalam undang-undang nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Dalam penulisan ini, penulis menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif deskriptif guna untuk lebih memudahkan penulis untuk menjelaskan tentang Pelaksanaan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) mengingat pegetahuan ini sangat diperlukan bagi kalangan mahasiswa hukum secara khususnya dan pihak-pihak dari instansi pemerintah maupun swasta sebagai salah satu bahan tulisan maupun penelitian pada umumnya.Kata Kunci: RUPS, Perseroan Terbatas, UUPT, Media Teleconferenc

    Criminal Acts of Hate Speech Through Social Media During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The rise of social media has facilitated communication between people, but it has also made it simpler to spread false information, which can lead to hate speech. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, all public gatherings were canceled, and people stayed home. Due to the ease with which information may be shared and disseminated and the difficulty in determining the authenticity of user claims, online hate speech is commonplace. The author incorporates legal research methods from qualitative and normative perspectives into this paper. As the results show, social media use has skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic due to government restrictions on activities that can be carried out outside the home. Thus, many people like spending time on social media, and some even deliberately post remarks that amount to hate speech.Keywords: Crime; Hate Speech; Social media Abstrak Maraknya media sosial telah memfasilitasi komunikasi antar manusia, tetapi juga mempermudah penyebaran informasi palsu, yang dapat mengarah pada ujaran kebencian. Pada puncak pandemi COVID-19, semua pertemuan publik dibatalkan, dan orang-orang tetap tinggal di rumah. Karena mudahnya informasi dibagikan dan disebarluaskan serta sulitnya menentukan keaslian klaim yang dibuat oleh pengguna, ujaran kebencian online menjadi hal yang lumrah. Penulis memasukkan metode penelitian hukum baik dari perspektif kualitatif maupun normatif ke dalam makalah ini. Hasilnya, penggunaan media sosial meroket di masa pandemi COVID-19 sebagai akibat dari pembatasan pemerintah terhadap aktivitas yang boleh dilakukan di luar rumah. Sehingga, banyak orang yang suka menghabiskan waktu di media sosial, bahkan ada yang sengaja memposting ucapan yang berbau ujaran kebencian.Kata Kunci: Tindak Pidana; Ujaran Kebencian; Media Sosia

    Kebijakan Pemberlakuan Lock Down Sebagai Antisipasi Penyebaran Corona Virus Covid-19

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    Abstract2020 is a worrying year for all countries, including Indonesia. This is due to the emergence of the Corona virus outbreak, which originated in Wuhan City of China, and spread throughout the world. Initially the government did not follow the method used by several other countries related to information provided about the corona covid-19 virus, namely by conducting a quick reaction of prevention socialization. The reason is so that the Indonesian people are not worried about issues that are worrying, other than to minimize the existence of Hoax news from a handful of irresponsible people. Finally the covid-19 outbreak also became a concern for the community, because many Indonesians were affected by the transmission of this virus. Therefore, the government took the initiative to take a lockdown policy for 14 days to anticipate the transmission of this corona outbreak. The study uses qualitative research methods with a literary and empirical approach. The data obtained comes from several regulations, such as the Governor of DKI Jakarta and several other regulations and policies, as well as phenomena that occur in the field. The results of the study stated that Indonesia had experienced a condition where the community's concern about Covid-19 was quite large, so that a government policy to lockdown was needed, as an effort to break the chain of the spread of the Corona Covid-19 virus.Keywords: Corona Virus, Lock Down, Government Policy AbstrakTahun 2020 merupakan tahun yang mengkhawatirkan seluruh negara, tanpa terkecuali negara Indonesia. Hal itu disebabkan munculkan wabah virus Corona, yang bermula dari Kota Wuhan China, dan menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Awalnya pemerintah tidak mengikuti cara yang digunakan oleh beberapa negara lainnya terkait informasi yang diberikan mengenai virus corona covid-19, yaitu dengan melakukan reaksi cepat sosialisasi pencegahan. Penyebabnya, agar masyarakat Indonesia  tidak khawatir dengan isu yang mengkhawatirkan, selain untuk meminimalisir adanya berita Hoax dari segelintir orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Akhirnya wabah covid-19 ini juga menjadi hal yang mengkhawatirkan bagi masyarakat, karena banyak warga Indonesia yang terkena dampak penularan virus ini. Oleh karenanya, pemerintah berinisiatif untuk mengambil kebijakan lockdown selama 14 hari guna mengantisipasi penularan wabah corona ini. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan literatur dan empiris. Data yang didapat berasal dari beberapa Peraturan, seperti Peraturan Gubernur DKI Jakarta dan beberapa peraturan dan kebijakan lainnya, serta fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa Indonesia sudah mengalami kondisi dimana kekhawatiran masyarakat terhadap covid-19 cukup besar, sehingga diperlukan kebijakan pemerintah untuk melakukan Lockdown, sebagai upaya memutus mata rantai penyebaran virus corona Covid-19Kata kunci : Virus Corona, Lock Down, Kebijakan Pemerinta

    Good Governance and Leadership; Sustainable National Development with Good Governance and Leadership in Indonesia

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    A solid and responsible execution of construction management is referred to as good governance. Understanding the ideals behind good government is the secret to understanding it. A calculation of a government's success can be obtained by starting with the ideals in the philosophy of governance. As we enter the age of globalization and the introduction of regional sovereignty, the government's roles and obligations grow in tandem with the community's growing demand for fast, convenient, cheap, and decent services. The public wants the government to pay serious resources to fighting graft, collusion, and nepotism (KKN) in order to build a prosperous future. In this paper, a descriptive qualitative methodology is used with the aim of making it easier for writers to describe, analyze, and understand about Good Governance and Leadership.Keywords: Good Governance, Leadership, Governance  AbstrakDalam konsep governance, pemerintah hanya menjadi salah satu actor dan tidak selalu menjadi aktor yang menentukan. Good Governance adalah suatu peyelegaraan manajemen pembangunan yang solid dan bertanggung jawab. Kunci utama memahami good governance adalah pemahaman atas prinsip-prinsip di dalamnya. Bertolak dari prinsip-prinsip dalam konsep governance akan didapatkan tolak ukur kinerja suatu pemerintahan. Memasuki era globalisasi dan pelaksanaan otonomi daerah, tugas dan tanggung jawab pemerintah kian meningkat sesuai dengan menguatnya tuntutan masyarakat untuk memberikan pelayanan yang cepat, mudah, murah,dan baik. Masyarakat menuntut agar pemerintahmemberikan perhatian yang sungguh-sungguhdalam menanggulangi korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme (KKN), sehingga tercipta pemerintahanyang bersih dan mampu menyediakan good pub-lic services sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskripsif dengan tujuan agar memperudah penulis dalam menjabarkan, menganalisa dan memahami mengenai Good Governance and Leadership.Kata Kunci:  Good Governance, Leadership, Pemerintaha

    Implementation of Legal Protection for Economic Exploitation of Children

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    Numerous parents utilize or even manipulate their children for their own profit. Typically, their treatment is motivated by money or economic issues. Numerous individuals immerse themselves in the demands of their existence without thinking about what they require and require. In this study, a qualitative descriptive methodology was employed. Based on the findings of this study, it was determined that there was a legal void in the implementation of criminal acts against offenders of economic exploitation of children. Even though the child's status in the eyes of the law has been accorded special protection, as stipulated in Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection, this protection is not absolute. Children entitled to parental protection, affection, and supervision are educated and cared for in accordance with their rights as children so that there are no growth phase deviations. As an institution that concentrates on incidents of violence against children, the National Human Rights Commission can also demonstrate that numerous acts of violence have been committed against Indonesian children.Keywords: Legal Protection; Economic Exploitation; Child Exploitatio