6 research outputs found

    Integral Arnol'd Conjecture

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    We explain how to adapt the methods of Abouzaid-McLean-Smith to the setting of Hamiltonian Floer theory. We develop a language around equivariant ``⟨k⟩\langle k \rangle-manifolds'', which are a type of manifold-with-corners that suffices to capture the combinatorics of Floer-theoretic constructions. We describe some geometry which allows us to straightforwardly adapt Lashofs's stable equivariant smoothing theory and Bau-Xu's theory of FOP-perturbations to ⟨k⟩\langle k \rangle-manifolds. This allows us to compatibly smooth global Kuranishi charts on all Hamiltonian Floer trajectories at once, in order to extract a Floer complex and prove the Arnol'd conjecture over the integers. We also make first steps towards a further development of the theory, outlining the analog of bifurcation analysis in this setting, which can give short independence proofs of the independence of Floer-theoretic invariants of all choices involved in their construction.Comment: 56 page

    Holomorphic Floer Theory and the Fueter Equation

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    We outline a proposal for a 22-category FuetM\mathrm{Fuet}_M associated to a hyperk\"ahler manifold MM, which categorifies the subcategory of the Fukaya category of MM generated by complex Lagrangians. Morphisms in this 22-category are formally the Fukaya--Seidel categories of holomorphic symplectic action functionals. As such, FuetM\mathrm{Fuet}_M is based on counting maps to MM satisfying the Fueter equation with boundary values on holomorphic Lagrangians. We make the first step towards constructing this category by establishing some basic analytic results about Fueter maps, such as the energy bound and maximum principle. When M=T∗XM=T^*X is the cotangent bundle of a K\"ahler manifold XX and (L0,L1)(L_0, L_1) are the zero section and the graph of the differential of a holomorphic function F:X→CF: X \to \mathbb{C}, we prove that all Fueter maps correspond to the complex gradient trajectories of FF in XX, which relates our proposal to the Fukaya--Seidel category of FF. This is a complexification of Floer's theorem on pseudo-holomorphic strips in cotangent bundles. Throughout the paper, we suggest problems and research directions for analysts and geometers that may be interested in the subject.Comment: 81 pages, 14 figures. Submitted version. Parts of Section 2 moved to appendix and several small updates mad

    Renormalizing Diffusion Models

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    We explain how to use diffusion models to learn inverse renormalization group flows of statistical and quantum field theories. Diffusion models are a class of machine learning models which have been used to generate samples from complex distributions, such as the distribution of natural images. These models achieve sample generation by learning the inverse process to a diffusion process which adds noise to the data until the distribution of the data is pure noise. Nonperturbative renormalization group schemes in physics can naturally be written as diffusion processes in the space of fields. We combine these observations in a concrete framework for building ML-based models for studying field theories, in which the models learn the inverse process to an explicitly-specified renormalization group scheme. We detail how these models define a class of adaptive bridge (or parallel tempering) samplers for lattice field theory. Because renormalization group schemes have a physical meaning, we provide explicit prescriptions for how to compare results derived from models associated to several different renormalization group schemes of interest. We also explain how to use diffusion models in a variational method to find ground states of quantum systems. We apply some of our methods to numerically find RG flows of interacting statistical field theories. From the perspective of machine learning, our work provides an interpretation of multiscale diffusion models, and gives physically-inspired suggestions for diffusion models which should have novel properties.Comment: 69+15 pages, 8 figures; v2: figure and references added, typos correcte

    Diffusion with Forward Models: Solving Stochastic Inverse Problems Without Direct Supervision

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    Denoising diffusion models are a powerful type of generative models used to capture complex distributions of real-world signals. However, their applicability is limited to scenarios where training samples are readily available, which is not always the case in real-world applications. For example, in inverse graphics, the goal is to generate samples from a distribution of 3D scenes that align with a given image, but ground-truth 3D scenes are unavailable and only 2D images are accessible. To address this limitation, we propose a novel class of denoising diffusion probabilistic models that learn to sample from distributions of signals that are never directly observed. Instead, these signals are measured indirectly through a known differentiable forward model, which produces partial observations of the unknown signal. Our approach involves integrating the forward model directly into the denoising process. This integration effectively connects the generative modeling of observations with the generative modeling of the underlying signals, allowing for end-to-end training of a conditional generative model over signals. During inference, our approach enables sampling from the distribution of underlying signals that are consistent with a given partial observation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on three challenging computer vision tasks. For instance, in the context of inverse graphics, our model enables direct sampling from the distribution of 3D scenes that align with a single 2D input image.Comment: Project page: https://diffusion-with-forward-models.github.io

    Renormalization Group Flow as Optimal Transport

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    We establish that Polchinski's equation for exact renormalization group flow is equivalent to the optimal transport gradient flow of a field-theoretic relative entropy. This provides a compelling information-theoretic formulation of the exact renormalization group, expressed in the language of optimal transport. A striking consequence is that a regularization of the relative entropy is in fact an RG monotone. We compute this monotone in several examples. Our results apply more broadly to other exact renormalization group flow equations, including widely used specializations of Wegner-Morris flow. Moreover, our optimal transport framework for RG allows us to reformulate RG flow as a variational problem. This enables new numerical techniques and establishes a systematic connection between neural network methods and RG flows of conventional field theories.Comment: 34+11 pages, 4 figures; v2: typos fixed, references and comments adde