22 research outputs found
Basal cell carcinoma - etiopathogenesis, clinical picture and treatment
Bazocelularni karcinom je najÄeÅ”Äi maligni tumor, koji se uobiÄajeno razvija u starijoj životnoj dobi, javljajuÄi se na foto-eksponiranim podruÄjima, najÄeÅ”Äe na licu, iznad zamiÅ”ljene linije koja spaja kutove usana i lobulus uÅ”ke. Osim genetske predispozicije i svijetlog fototipa, izlaganje sunÄevoj svijetlosti je jedan od najznaÄajnijih etioloÅ”kih Äimbenika u patofiziologiji bazocelularnog karcinoma. Iako se bazocelularni karcinom sporo razvija i rijetko metastazira, može uzrokovati znaÄajnu destrukciju tkiva infiltrirajuÄi okolno tkivo. Poticanje provoÄenja fotoprotektivnih mjera je temelj prevencije, a rana detekcija sumnjivih kožnih promjena i pravovremeno lijeÄenje su kljuÄne za zadovoljavajuÄi terapijski ishod.Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common malignant tumor, commonly
developing in elderly age, appearing in the sun-exposed areas, most often in the face,
above the imaginary line that connects lip angles with ear laps. Apart from the genetic
predisposition and light-colored skin, sun exposure is one of the most significant
ethiological factors in pathophysiology of basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Altough basal
cell carcinoma (BCC) progresses slowly and metastasizes rarely, it can cause significant
destruction and disfigurement by invading surrounding tissues. Consequently,
encouraging the adoption of photoprotective measures is the cornerstone of prevention,
and early detection of suspectable skin lesions and in time treatment are critical for
satisfatory therapeutical outcome
Drug-Induced Rosacea-like Dermatitis
Rosacea is a common, chronic cutaneous disorder with a prevalence of 0.5-10%, predominantly affecting women. The disease presents with a heterogeneous clinical picture characterized by transient flushing, persistent facial redness, telangiectasias, and, in more severe clinical forms, the presence of inflammatory papules and pustules in the central third of the face. Although its pathophysiology is complex and still remains unknown, factors that exacerbate the disease are well defined. They include genetic predisposition as well as external factors such as exposure to UV light, high temperature, and diet. Besides these well-known factors, recent studies suggest that drugs and vitamins could also be possible factors inducing rosacea-like dermatitis or aggravating pre-existing rosacea. Although these are less common possible triggering factors, the aim of this article is to present the current knowledge on the association between use of certain drugs or vitamins and rosacea.Ā </p
Photodistributed Hyperpigmentation Induced by Diltiazem.
Fotoosjetljivost uzrokovana lijekovima ukljuÄuje pojavu promjena na koži kao posljedicu interakcije lijeka i UVA i UVB zraka. U toj skupini fotodermatoza primarno se radi o fototoksiÄnim reakcijama koje se oÄituju razliÄitim kliniÄkim slikama. Hiperpigmentacije na koži su jedna od najÄeÅ”Äih kliniÄkih prezentacija tih reakcija. Pojava tih kožnih promjena je dosad bila povezana s uzimanjem odreÄenih antibiotika, antiepileptika, antihipertenziva te antidepresiva. MeÄutim, u novije vrijeme neka istraživanja ukazuju na povezanost pojave fotodistribuirane hiperpigmentacije s koriÅ”tenjem diltiazema. Hiperpigmentacije uzrokovane lijekovima u veÄini sluÄajeva ne reagiraju na konvencionalnu terapiju steÄenih poremeÄaja pigmentacije. Najvažniji korak u terapiji jest ukidanje diltiazema, koji bi trebao biti zamijenjen drugim antihipertenzivnim lijekom, kao jedina mjera koja omoguÄuje postupnu regresiju kožnih promjena. Bolesnik bi takoÄer trebao biti upuÄen u to da Äe uz primjenu adekvatnih mjera regresija promjena biti potpuna, meÄutim, tek kroz razdoblje od nekoliko mjeseci.
Prevencija te kožne nuspojave uzrokovane diltiazemom je moguÄa, i to primjenom krema sa zaÅ”titnim faktorom, s obzirom na to da UVA i UVB zrake imaju znaÄajnu ulogu u nastanku tih promjena.Drug-induced photosensitivity refers to the development of cutaneous disease as a result of the interaction of the drug and UVA and UVB light. These are primarily phototoxic reactions presenting in different clinical patterns. Skin hyperpigmentation presents as one of the most frequent phototoxic reactions. It has been associated with the use of certain antibiotics, antiepileptics, antihypertensive drugs as well as antidepressant medications. Recently, there have been reports suggesting association between use of diltiazem and appearance of photodistributed hyperpigmentation. This drug-induced
hyperpigmentation is usually refractory to conventional treatment options. The most important step in treatment management is withdrawal of the incriminating agent. Once hyperpigmentation has
been established, diltiazem should be discontinued and replaced with another antihypertensive agent, as it is essential for improvement and gradual resolution of the hyperpigmentation. The patient should
be reassured that with proper management, the hyperpigmentation is a reversible process, but informed that for total resolution of skin lesions it may take many months. Prevention of this cutaneous adverse drug reaction may be possible with the use of appropriate photoprotection. Consequently, for all patients on diltiazem, it is imperative to recommend a broad-spectrum sunscreen, as UVA and UVB radiation may both play a significant role in diltiazem-induced photodistributed hyperpigmentation
Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions Induced by Amlodipine.
Kožne nuspojave povezane s koriÅ”tenjem amlodipina su rijetko opisane. NajÄeÅ”Äa kožna reakcija povezana s tim lijekom je pojava flushinga. Ostale kožne promjene, osim pojave urtikarije i eritematoznog makulopapuloznog osipa, koje su najÄeÅ”Äe posljedica alergijske reakcije na ovaj lijek, ukljuÄuju i pojavu rosacee i fotodistribuirane teleangiektazije, koje zbog sliÄne kliniÄke prezentacije ne bi smjelo
pogreÅ”no dijagnosticirati kao flushing. Iako su spomenute nuspojave veÄinom blaže do srednje kliniÄki izražene, one uzrokuju znaÄajnu nelagodu u bolesnika i mogu utjecati na terapijsku suradljivost. Osim
spomenutih, primjena amlodipina je povezana i s nekoliko ozbiljnih i nepredvidivih kožnih nuspojava koji ukljuÄuju vaskulitis uzrokovan lijekovima te pojavu Steven Johnsonova sindroma. Spomenute kožne nuspojave su karakterizirane visokim morbiditetom te Äak moguÄim smrtonosnim ishodom. Iako su te reakcije opÄenito rijetke i neuobiÄajene za primjenu amlodipina, važno ih je identificirati kao moguÄe reakcije preosjetljivosti uzrokovane tim lijekom.Cutaneous adverse reactions associated with amlodipine have been rarely reported. Its most prevalent cutaneous side effect is fl ushing. Other recognized amlodipine associated skin eruptions, apart from urticaria and erythematous maculopapular rash which are most common allergic reactions, are rosacea and photodistributed telangiectasia which it is important not to misdiagnose as flushing, due to similarities in clinical presentations. Although these are usually mild to moderate
skin side effects, they can cause serious discomfort and affect the patientĀ“s treatment compliance. Apart from these mild drug reactions, amlodipine use is associated with other more severe and nonpredictable
skin disorders including drug induced vasculitis and Steven Johnson syndrome. These cutaneous adverse drug reactions are characterized with high morbidity and even possible lethal outcome. Although these reactions are in general rare and uncommon in the use of amlodipine, it is important to acknowledge them as a possible hypersensitivity syndrome induced by this drug
Poster 3. - Nutritivna alergija - uzroci i kliniÄka slika
Cilj: Istaknuti uÄestalost, uzrok i kliniÄku sliku nutritivnih alergija. Uvod: Preosjetljivost na hranu bilježi sve veÄi porast u razvijenim zemljama svijeta, predstavljajuÄi važan javnozdravstveni problem. Pretpostavlja se da je prevalencija kod djece do tri godine izmeÄu 5% i 8%, te 1% i 2% u odraslih osoba. Reakcije na hranu mogu biti trenutne (posredovane IgE-om) te kasne, nakon nekoliko sati ili dana, po izlaganju alergenu (posredovane T limfocitima). Rane reakcije se oÄituju kožnim simptomima - pruritusom, urtikarijom, egzantemom, gastrointestinalnim simptomima - muÄnina, povraÄanje, kolike i dijareja i respiratornim simptomima - nosna kongestija, rinoreja i hripanje. Kasne reakcije se oÄituju kroniÄnim gastrointestinalnim simptomima kao Å”to su protrahirana dijareja, povraÄanje i nenapredovanje djeteta. NajÄeÅ”Äe namirnice odgovorne za nutritivnu alergiju su: mlijeko, jaje, riba, Å”koljke, soja, kikiriki, jezgriÄavo voÄe, gluten žitarica (pÅ”enica, raž, jeÄam). Alergija na hranu najuÄestalija je tijekom prve godine života s prevalencijom od 2-7% djece i to pretežito na alergene kravljega mlijeka, a oÄituje se simptomima kao Å”to su gastrzofagealni refluks, kolike, dijareja, opstipacija i krv u stolici. Preosjetljivost na jaje takoÄer je jedna od ÄeÅ”Äih preosjetljivosti u djeÄjoj dobi koja se može oÄitovati kao svrbež u ustima/grlu, rinitis te konjunktivitis. Kikiriki je namirnica poznata po snažnim reakcijama koje uzrokuje, Äak i kada je prisutna u tragovima, u vidu astme, urtikarije, dijareje, povraÄanja i anafilaktiÄne reakcije. NajveÄi dio nutritivnih alergija nestaje nakon 3. do 6. godine života, iako preosjetljivost na ribu i kikiriki najÄeÅ”Äe ostaje doživotno te se preporuÄa provoÄenje eliminacijske dijete. Alergija na hranu uzrok je egzacerbacija atopijskog dermatitisa u oko 20% do 40% djece, kao i poveÄanog rizika od oboljevanja od astme, stoga je izbjegavanje odreÄenih namirnica važan korak u prevenciji ovih alergijskih bolesti. ZakljuÄak: OsvijeÅ”tenost o uzrocima i uÄestalosti nutritivnih alergija je važna u cilju prepoznavanja simptoma kao i smanjenja rizika od njihove pojave kod osoba s atopijskom predispozicijom
Erlotinib-induced Rosacea-like Dermatitis
Skin and skin adnexa toxicities are the most common side effects associated with epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs) and occur in most patients receiving this therapy. The majority of these cutaneous side effects are transient, reversible, and dose dependent. Although these symptoms are in general not severe, they significantly affect quality of life and can have a serious effect on treatment compliance as well as the treatment regimen. The most common early symptoms present as papulopustules on an erythematous base, usually localized in seborrheic areas. This clinical presentation is commonly described as āacneiformā, although these adverse reactions have clinical presentations, such as rosacea-like and seborrheic-like dermatitis. In this context, we report a case of a 77-year-old man with a medical history of planocellular lung cancer with ipsilateral pulmonary metastasis and mediastinum infiltration who receivedĀ erlotinib as a third-line therapy, presenting with centrofacial rosaceiform rash as a side effect associated with the use of EGFR-TKIs. The patient had a negative previous history of rosacea. Therefore, symptoms probably occurred as an adverse reaction due to the oncological therapy. Current terminology of early cutaneous adverse reactions caused by EGFR-TKIs refers to āacneiformā or āpapulopustularā lesions, excluding less common side effects such as rosacea-like dermatitisĀ so these symptoms might be overlooked and misdiagnosed. Thus, we would like to emphasize the importance of developing a more accurate classification of terms in order to provide early detection of all possible cutaneous side effects, including less common ones, providing specific and timely treatment, and allowing continuation of drug therapy.Ā </p
Psoriasis, Cardiovascular Risk, and Antihypertensive Drugs
Psorijaza je kroniÄna upalna bolest koja pogaÄa 1-2% odrasle opÄe populacije. Bolest nije ograniÄena samo na kožu, veÄ je povezana s nizom komorbiditeta, koji znaÄajno utjeÄu na kvalitetu života i predstavljaju poviÅ”eni rizik od razliÄitih medicinskih poremeÄaja. Posljednjih godina, brojne publikacije su pokazale poviÅ”enu uÄestalost srÄanožilnih bolesti i metaboliÄkog sindroma u bolesnika s psorijazom. Iako etiopatogenetska povezanost izmeÄu ovih stanja joÅ” uvijek nije razjaÅ”njena, Äini se da dijele zajedniÄke patofizioloÅ”ke puteve u vidu sliÄnih upalnih komponenti. S obzirom na poviÅ”enu prevalenciju kardiovaskularnih komorbiditeta u bolesnika, psorijazi bi trebalo pristupiti kao multisistemskoj bolesti. Stoga je potreban multidisciplinarni pristup u cilju najuÄinkovitijeg lijeÄenja bolesnika sa psorijazom.
KardioloÅ”ki lijekovi Äesto su povezani s nastankom ili pogorÅ”anjem psorijaze, meÄu kojima su beta-blokatori najÄeÅ”Äi uzroÄni lijekovi. Potrebno je prepoznati ovu povezanost, s obzirom na to da je to kožna nuspojava koja znaÄajno utjeÄe na kvalitetu života, predstavlja veliko psiholoÅ”ko optereÄenje i stigmatizaciju za bolesnika te ima znaÄajan utjecaj na daljnju terapijsku suradljivost.Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting 1-2% of the adult general population. Disease is not limited only to the skin but is associated with a number of comorbidities, which significantly affect quality of life and present a higher risk of various medical disorders. Over recent years, numerous publications have shown increased frequency of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome in patients with psoriasis. Although the etiopathogenetic relationship between these
conditions is still not entirely clear, it seems that they share common pathophysiological elements in terms of similar inflammatory components. Considering the increased prevalence of cardiovascular
comorbidities in patients, psoriasis should be approached as a multisystem disease. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is needed in order to most effectively manage patients with psoriasis. In addition, cardiac drugs have been frequently reported to induce or exacerbate psoriasis, among which beta-blockers are found to be the most common triggering drug. It is thus important to acknowledge this relationship, as this is cutaneous drug adverse reaction which significantly affects quality of life and is a great psychological burden and stigma for the patient, as well as having a great impact on further treatment compliance