6,121 research outputs found

    Saturation properties of nuclear matter in the presence of strong magnetic field

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    Different saturation properties of cold symmetric nuclear matter in the strong magnetic field have been considered. We have seen that for magnetic fields about B>3×1017 GB> 3 \times 10 ^ {17}\ G, {for both cases with and without nucleon anomalous magnetic moments}, the saturation density and saturation energy grow by increasing the magnetic field. It is indicated that the magnetic susceptibility of symmetric nuclear matter becomes negative showing the diamagnetic response especially at B<3×1017 GB< 3 \times 10 ^ {17}\ G. We have found that for the nuclear matter, the magnitude of orbital magnetization reaches the higher values comparing to the spin magnetization. Our results for the incompressibility show that at high enough magnetic fields, i.e. B>3×1017 GB> 3 \times 10 ^ {17}\ G, {the softening of equation of state caused by Landau quantization is overwhelmed by stiffening due to the magnetization of nuclear matter.} We have shown that the effects of strong magnetic field on nuclear matter may affect the constraints on the equation of state of symmetric nuclear matter obtained applying the experimental observable.Comment: 16 pages, 1 table, 7 figures, European Physical Journal A 52 (2016) accepte

    Changes in Cascading Failure Risk with Generator Dispatch Method and System Load Level

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    Industry reliability rules increasingly require utilities to study and mitigate cascading failure risk in their system. Motivated by this, this paper describes how cascading failure risk, in terms of expected blackout size, varies with power system load level and pre-contingency dispatch. We used Monte Carlo sampling of random branch outages to generate contingencies, and a model of cascading failure to estimate blackout sizes. The risk associated with different blackout sizes was separately estimated in order to separate small, medium, and large blackout risk. Results from N−1N-1 secure models of the IEEE RTS case and a 2383 bus case indicate that blackout risk does not always increase with load level monotonically, particularly for large blackout risk. The results also show that risk is highly dependent on the method used for generator dispatch. Minimum cost methods of dispatch can result in larger long distance power transfers, which can increase cascading failure risk.Comment: Submitted to Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 2014 IEEE PE

    Probe Branes Thermalization in External Electric and Magnetic Fields

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    We study thermalization on rotating probe branes in AdS_5 x S^5 background in the presence of constant external electric and magnetic fields. In the AdS/CFT framework this corresponds to thermalization in the flavour sector in field theory. The horizon appears on the worldvolume of the probe brane due to its rotation in one of the sphere directions. For both electric and magnetic fields the behaviour of the temperature is independent of the probe brane dimension. We also study the open string metric and the fluctuations of the probe brane in such a set-up. We show that the temperatures obtained from open string metric and observed by the fluctuations are larger than the one calculated from the induced metric.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Cascading Power Outages Propagate Locally in an Influence Graph that is not the Actual Grid Topology

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    In a cascading power transmission outage, component outages propagate non-locally, after one component outages, the next failure may be very distant, both topologically and geographically. As a result, simple models of topological contagion do not accurately represent the propagation of cascades in power systems. However, cascading power outages do follow patterns, some of which are useful in understanding and reducing blackout risk. This paper describes a method by which the data from many cascading failure simulations can be transformed into a graph-based model of influences that provides actionable information about the many ways that cascades propagate in a particular system. The resulting "influence graph" model is Markovian, in that component outage probabilities depend only on the outages that occurred in the prior generation. To validate the model we compare the distribution of cascade sizes resulting from n−2n-2 contingencies in a 28962896 branch test case to cascade sizes in the influence graph. The two distributions are remarkably similar. In addition, we derive an equation with which one can quickly identify modifications to the proposed system that will substantially reduce cascade propagation. With this equation one can quickly identify critical components that can be improved to substantially reduce the risk of large cascading blackouts.Comment: Accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Power System
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