13 research outputs found

    Pulsed EPR characterization of membrane transport protein complexes

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    Pulsed electron–electron double resonance (PELDOR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for measuring nanometer distances in spin-labeled systems and recently is increasingly applied to membrane proteins. However, after reconstitution of labeled proteins into liposomes, spin labels often exhibit a much faster transversal relaxation (Tm) than in detergent micelles, thus limiting application of the method in lipid bilayers. In the first part of the thesis, optimization of transversal relaxation in phospholipid membranes was systematically investigated by use of spin-labeled derivatives of stearic acid and phosphatidylcholine as well as spin-labeled derivatives of the channel-forming peptide gramicidin A under the conditions typically employed for PELDOR distance measurements. Our results clearly show that dephasing due to instantaneous diffusion that depends on dipolar interaction among electron spins is an important contributor to the fast echo decay in cases of high local concentrations of spin labels in membranes. The main difference between spin labels in detergent micelles and membranes is their local concentration. Consequently, avoiding spin aggregation and suppressing instantaneous diffusion is the key step for maximizing PELDOR sensitivity in lipid membranes. Even though proton spin diffusion is an important relaxation mechanism, only in samples with low local concentrations does deuteration of acyl chains and buffer significantly prolong Tm. In these cases, values of up to 7 μs have been achieved. Furthermore, our study revealed that membrane composition and labeling position in the membrane can also affect Tm, either by promoting the segregation of spin-labeled species or by altering their exposure to matrix protons. Effects of other experimental parameters including temperature (<50 K), presence of oxygen, and cryoprotectant type are negligible under our experimental conditions. In the second part of the thesis, inhomogeneous distribution of spin-labels in detergent micelles has been studied. A common approach in PELDOR is measuring the distance between two covalently attached spin labels in a macromolecule or singly-labeled components of an oligomer. This situation has been described as a spin-cluster. The PELDOR signal, however, does not only contain the desired dipolar coupling between the spin-labels of the molecule or cluster under study. In samples of finite concentration the dipolar coupling between the spin-labels of the randomly distributed molecules or spin-clusters also contributes significantly. In homogeneous frozen solutions or lipid vesicle membranes this second contribution can be considered to be an exponential or stretched exponential decay, respectively. In this study, it is shown that this assumption is not valid in detergent micelles. Spin-labeled fatty acids that are randomly partitioned into different detergent micelles give rise to PELDOR time traces which clearly deviate from stretched exponential decays. As a main conclusion a PELDOR signal deviating from a stretched exponential decay does not necessarily prove the observation of specific distance information on the molecule or cluster. These results are important for the interpretation of PELDOR experiments on membrane proteins or lipophilic peptides solubilized in detergent micelles or small vesicles, which often do not show pronounced dipolar oscillations in their time traces. In the third part, PELDOR has been utilized to study the structural flexibility of the Toc34 GTPase homodimer, a preprotein receptor of the translocon of the outer envelope of chloroplasts (TOC). Toc34 belongs to GAD subfamily of G-proteins that are regulated and activated by nucleotide-dependent dimerization. However, the function of Toc34 dimerization is not yet fully understood. Previous structural investigations of the Toc34 dimer yielded only marginal structural changes in response to different nucleotide loads. PELDOR revealed a nucleotide-dependent transition of the dimer flexibility from a tight GDP to a flexible GTP-loaded state. Substrate-binding stabilizes the dimer in the transition state mimicked by GDP-AlFx, but induces an opening in the GDP or GTP-loaded state. Thus, the structural dynamics of bona fide GTPases induced by GTP hydrolysis is replaced by substrate-dependent dimer flexibility, which represents the regulatory mode for dimerizing GTPases. In the fourth part of the thesis, conformational flexibility and relative orientation of the N-terminal POTRA domains of a cyanobacterial Omp85 from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, a key component of the outer membrane protein assembly machinery, were investigated by PELDOR spectroscopy. Membrane proteins of the Omp85-TpsB superfamily are composed of a C-terminal β-barrel and a different number of N-terminal POTRA domains, three in the case of cyanobacterial Omp85. It has been suggested that the N-terminal POTRA domains (P1 and P2) might have functions in substrate recognition. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations predicted a fixed orientation for P2 and P3 and a flexible hinge between P1 and P2. The PELDOR distances measured between the P2 and P3 POTRA domains are in good agreement with the structure determined by X-ray, and compatible with the MD simulations suggesting a fixed orientation between these domains. PELDOR constraints between the P1 and P2 POTRA domains imply a rather rigid structure with a slightly different relative orientation of these domains compared with the X-ray structure. Moreover, the large mobility predicted from MD is not observed in the frozen solution. The PELDOR results further highlight the restricted relative orientation of the POTRA domains of the Omp85-TpsB proteins as a conserved characteristic feature that might be important for the processive sliding of the unfolded substrate towards the membrane.Puls Elektron-Elektron Doppelresonanz (PELDOR)-Spektroskopie ist eine leistungsfähige Methode für die Messung Nanometer Distanzen an Spin-markierten Systemen, wie zum Beispiel Spin-markierten Membranproteinen. Jedoch weisen diese Spinsonden in Liposomaler Umgebung oft viel schnellere transversale Relaxationszeiten (Tm) auf als in Detergenz-Mizellen und begrenzt somit die Anwendung des Verfahrens in Lipiddoppelschichten. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit werden die wichtigsten Möglichkeiten zur Verlängerung der transversalen Relaxationszeit in Phospholipid Membranen durch die Verwendung von Spin-markierten Derivaten von Stearinsäure, Phosphatidylcholin und des kanalbildenden Peptids Gramicidin A, unter Bedingungen die typischerweise für PELDOR Abstandsmessungen eingesetzt werden, untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich, dass eine Dephasierung aufgrund instantaner Diffusion, die von der dipolaren Wechselwirkung zwischen den Elektronen-Spins abhängt, ein wichtiger Faktor für den schnellen Echo Zerfall bei hohen lokalen Konzentrationen von Spinsonden in Membranen ist. Der wesentliche Unterschied zwischen Spinsonden in Detergenz-Mizellen und Membranen ist deren lokale Konzentration. Folglich ist die Vermeidung von Spin-Clustern und die Unterdrückung instantaner Diffusion der entscheidende Schritt zur Maximierung der PELDOR Empfindlichkeit in Lipidmembranen. Obwohl die Proton-Kernspin Diffusion ein wesentlicher Relaxationsmechanismus ist, verlängert sich Tm durch die Deuterierung der Akylketten und des Puffers nur in Proben mit niedriger lokaler Konzentrationen signifikant. In diesen Fällen wurden Werte von bis zu 7 μs erreicht. Außerdem ergab unsere Studie, dass sich die Zusammensetzung der Membran und Spin-Markierungs Position in der Membran sich auf Tm auswirkt, entweder durch eine stärkeren Trennung der Spin-markierten Spezies oder durch die Veränderung ihrer Exposition gegenüber Matrix Protonen. Wirkungen von anderen experimentellen Parameter wie Temperatur (<50 K), das Vorhandenseins von Sauerstoff und der Typ des Frostschutzes sind unter unseren experimentellen Bedingungen vernachlässigbar. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden inhomogene Verteilung der Spin-Labels in Detergenz-Mizellen untersucht. Eine übliche Methode in PELDOR ist, die Nutzung von Makromolekülen mit zwei kovalent gebundenen Spin-Markern und die Messung des inter-Spin-Abstandes, oder die Verwendung von einzeln markierten Komponenten eines Systems, welche Aggregate oder Oligomere ausbilden. Dies wird als Spin-Cluster bezeichnet. Das PELDOR Signal besteht nicht nur aus der gewünschten dipolaren Kopplung zwischen den Spin-Markern des Moleküls oder Clusters, sondern auch aus der dipolare Kopplung zwischen der gleichmäßig Spin-Markern über die Probe verteilten. In homogenen gefrorenen Lösungen oder Lipidvesikel Membranen ist dieser zweite Beitrag ein exponentieller oder gestreckt exponentieller Zerfall. In unserer Studie wird gezeigt, dass diese Annahme in Detergenz-Mizellen nicht gültig ist. Spin-markierte Fettsäuren, die gleichmäßig in verschiedenen Detergenz-Mizellen partitioniert sind ergeben PELDOR Zeit Spuren, die eindeutig von gestreckt exponentiellen Zerfällen abweichen. Eine wichtige Schlussfolgerung ist, ein PELDOR Signal das von einem gestreckt exponentiellen Zerfall abweicht beweist nicht notwendigerweise die Beobachtung von bestimmten Abständen an dem Molekül oder Cluster. Diese Ergebnisse sind für die Interpretation der PELDOR Experimente an Membranproteinen oder lipophiler-Peptide in Detergenz-Mizellen oder kleinen Bläschen, die oft keine ausgeprägten dipolare Periodizitäten in ihren Zeit Spuren zeigen wichtig. In dem dritten Teil ist PELDOR verwendet worden, um die strukturelle Flexibilität des Toc34 GTPase Homodimer, ein Präprotein Rezeptor der Translocon an der äußeren Envelope-Membran der Chloroplasten (TOC) zu untersuchen. Toc34 gehört zur GAD Unterfamilie der G-Proteine, die durch Nukleotid-abhängige Dimerisierung geregelt und aktiviert wird. Jedoch ist die Funktion der Dimerisierung Toc34 noch nicht bekannt. Strukturelle Untersuchungen der Toc34 Dimere ergeben nur marginale Strukturänderungen in Reaktion auf verschiedene Nukleotid Beladung. Mit PELDOR konnte gezeigt werden eine Nukleotid-abhängige Übergang der Dimer Flexibilität aus festen GDP zu einem flexiblen GTP-beladenen Zustand. Substratbindung stabilisiert den Homodimer im durch induzierten Übergangszustand GDP-AlFx, führt aber im GDP oder GTP Zustand zur Öffnung des Dimers. Somit wird die strukturelle Dynamik der gewöhnlichen GTPasen durch die substratabhängige Dimer Flexibilität, die den regulatorischen Modus zur Dimerisierung GTPasen darstellt ersetzt. Im vierten Teil der Arbeit, wird die konformative Flexibilität und die relative Orientierung der POTRA Domänen von Cyanobakterien Omp85, ein wichtiger Bestandteil der äußeren Membran-Protein Assembly Maschinerie mit PELDOR Spektroskopie untersucht. Membranproteine der Omp85-TpsB Superfamilie bestehen aus einem C-terminalen β-barrel und einer unterschiedlichen Anzahl von N-terminalen POTRA Domänen, drei im Fall von Cyanobakterien Omp85 (P1 bis P3), zusammengesetzt. Molekulardynamik (MD) Simulationen sagten eine feste Orientierung von P2 zu P3 und eine flexibles Scharnier zwischen P1 und P2 vorhaus. Die mit PELDOR gemessenen Abstände zwischen den POTRA Domänen P2 und P3 sind in guter Übereinstimmung mit der Röntgenstruktur sowie den MD-Simulationen, was auf eine feste Ausrichtung zwischen diesen Domänen schließen lässt. PELDOR Messungen zwischen den Domänen P1 und P2 zeigen dagegen eine eher starre Struktur mit leicht unterschiedlichen relativen Orientierung dieser Domänen verglichen mit der Röntgenstruktur. Außerdem wird die breite Orientierungsverteilung die von MD Simulationen vorhergesagten werden nicht an den Probe in gefrorener Lösung beobachtet

    Pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR) distance measurements in detergent micelles

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    Pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for measuring nanometer distances in spin-labeled systems. A common approach is doubly covalent spin-labeling of a macromolecule and measurement of the inter-spin distance, or to use singly-labeled components of a system that forms aggregates or oligomers. This situation has been described as a spin-cluster. The PELDOR signal, however, does not only contain the desired dipolar coupling between the spin-labels of the molecule or cluster under study. In samples of finite concentration the dipolar coupling between the spin-labels of the randomly distributed molecules or spin-clusters also contributes significantly. In homogeneous frozen solutions or lipid vesicle membranes this second contribution can be considered to be an exponential or stretched exponential decay, respectively. In this study, we show that this assumption is not valid in detergent micelles. Spin-labeled fatty acids that are randomly partitioned into different detergent micelles give rise to PELDOR time traces which clearly deviate from stretched exponential decays. The obtained signals can be modeled quantitatively based on the size of the micelles, their aggregation number, the spin-label concentration and the degree of spin-labeling. As a main conclusion a PELDOR signal deviating from a stretched exponential decay does not necessarily prove the observation of specific distance information on the molecule or cluster. These results are important for the interpretation of PELDOR experiments on membrane proteins or lipophilic peptides solubilized in detergent micelles or small vesicles, which often do not show pronounced dipolar oscillations in their time traces. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.</p

    Relative orientation of POTRA domains from cyanobacterial Omp85 studied by pulsed EPR spectroscopy

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    Many proteins of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and of the outer envelope of the endosymbiotically derived organelles mitochondria and plastids have a β-barrel fold. Their insertion is assisted by membrane proteins of the Omp85-TpsB superfamily. These proteins are composed of a C-terminal β-barrel and a different number of N-terminal POTRA domains, three in the case of cyanobacterial Omp85. Based on structural studies of Omp85 proteins, including the five POTRA-domain-containing BamA protein of Escherichia coli, it is predicted that anaP2 and anaP3 bear a fixed orientation, whereas anaP1 and anaP2 are connected via a flexible hinge. We challenged this proposal by investigating the conformational space of the N-terminal POTRA domains of Omp85 from the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 using pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR, or DEER) spectroscopy. The pronounced dipolar oscillations observed for most of the double spin-labeled positions indicate a rather rigid orientation of the POTRA domains in frozen liquid solution. Based on the PELDOR distance data, structure refinement of the POTRA domains was performed taking two different approaches: 1) treating the individual POTRA domains as rigid bodies; and 2) using an all-atom refinement of the structure. Both refinement approaches yielded ensembles of model structures that are more restricted compared to the conformational ensemble obtained by molecular dynamics simulations, with only a slightly different orientation of N-terminal POTRA domains anaP1 and anaP2 compared with the x-ray structure. The results are discussed in the context of the native environment of the POTRA domains in the periplasm

    Optimization of Transversal Relaxation of Nitroxides for Pulsed Electron-Electron Double Resonance Spectroscopy in Phospholipid Membranes

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    Pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR) spectroscopy is increasingly applied to spin-labeled membrane proteins. However, after reconstitution into liposomes, spin labels often exhibit a much faster transversal relaxation (T-m) than in detergent micelles, thus limiting application of the method in lipid bilayers. In this study, the main reasons for enhanced transversal relaxation in phospholipid membranes were investigated systematically by use of spin-labeled derivatives of stearic acid and phosphatidylcholine as well as spin-labeled derivatives of the channel-forming peptide gramicidin A under the conditions typically employed for PELDOR distance measurements. Our results clearly show that dephasing due to instantaneous diffusion that depends on dipolar interaction among electron spins is an important contributor to the fast echo decay in cases of high local concentrations of spin labels in membranes. The main difference between spin labels in detergent micelles and membranes is their local concentration. Consequently, avoiding spin clustering and suppressing instantaneous diffusion is the key step for maximizing PELDOR sensitivity in lipid membranes. Even though proton spin diffusion is an important relaxation mechanism, only in samples of low local concentrations does deuteration of acyl chains and buffer significantly prolong T-m. In these cases, values of up to 7 mu s have been achieved. Furthermore, our study revealed that membrane composition and labeling position in the membrane can also affect T-m, either by promoting the segregation of spin-labeled species or by altering their exposure to matrix protons. Effects of other experimental parameters including temperature (&lt; 50 K), presence of oxygen, and cryoprotectant type are negligible under our experimental conditions.</p