3,570 research outputs found

    Isotropic Heating of Galaxy Cluster Cores via Rapidly Reorienting AGN Jets

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    AGN jets carry more than sufficient energy to stave off catastrophic cooling of the intracluster medium (ICM) in the cores of cool-core clusters. However, in order to prevent catastrophic cooling, the ICM must be heated in a near-isotropic fashion and narrow bipolar jets with Pjet=1044βˆ’45P_{\rm jet}=10^{44-45} ergs/s, typical of radio AGNs at cluster centres, are inefficient at heating the gas in the transverse direction to the jets. We argue that due to existent conditions in cluster cores, the SMBHs will, in addition to accreting gas via radiatively inefficient flows, experience short stochastic episodes of enhanced accretion via thin discs. In general, the orientation of these accretion discs will be misaligned with the spin axis of the black holes and the ensuing torques will cause the black hole's spin axis (and therefore, the jet axis) to slew and rapidly change direction. This model not only explains recent observations showing successive generations of jet-lobes-bubbles in individual cool-core clusters that are offset from each other in the angular direction with respect to the cluster center, but also shows that AGN jets {\it can} heat the cluster core nearly isotropically on the gas cooling timescale. Our model {\it does} require that the SMBHs at the centers of cool-core clusters be spinning relatively slowly. Torques from individual misaligned discs are ineffective at tilting rapidly spinning black holes by more than a few degrees. Additionally, since SMBHs that host thin accretion discs will manifest as quasars, we predict that roughly 1--2 rich clusters within z<0.5z<0.5 should have quasars at their centers.Comment: 10 pages; accepted in ApJ; updated to conform with the accepted Journal versio

    An XMM-Newton View of the Radio Galaxy 3C 411

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    We present the first high signal-to-noise XMM-Newton observations of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 411. After fitting various spectral models, an absorbed double power-law continuum and a blurred relativistic disk reflection model (kdblur) are found to be equally plausible descriptions of the data. While the softer power-law component (Ξ“\Gamma=2.11) of the double power-law model is entirely consistent with that found in Seyfert galaxies (and hence likely originates from a disk corona), the additional power law component is very hard (Ξ“\Gamma=1.05); amongst the AGN zoo, only flat-spectrum radio quasars have such hard spectra. Together with the very flat radio-spectrum displayed by this source, we suggest that it should instead be classified as a FSRQ. This leads to potential discrepancies regarding the jet inclination angle, with the radio morphology suggesting a large jet inclination but the FSRQ classification suggesting small inclinations. The kdblur model predicts an inner disk radius of at most 20 rg_g and relativistic reflection
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