107 research outputs found

    Online Influence Maximization (Extended Version)

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    Social networks are commonly used for marketing purposes. For example, free samples of a product can be given to a few influential social network users (or "seed nodes"), with the hope that they will convince their friends to buy it. One way to formalize marketers' objective is through influence maximization (or IM), whose goal is to find the best seed nodes to activate under a fixed budget, so that the number of people who get influenced in the end is maximized. Recent solutions to IM rely on the influence probability that a user influences another one. However, this probability information may be unavailable or incomplete. In this paper, we study IM in the absence of complete information on influence probability. We call this problem Online Influence Maximization (OIM) since we learn influence probabilities at the same time we run influence campaigns. To solve OIM, we propose a multiple-trial approach, where (1) some seed nodes are selected based on existing influence information; (2) an influence campaign is started with these seed nodes; and (3) users' feedback is used to update influence information. We adopt the Explore-Exploit strategy, which can select seed nodes using either the current influence probability estimation (exploit), or the confidence bound on the estimation (explore). Any existing IM algorithm can be used in this framework. We also develop an incremental algorithm that can significantly reduce the overhead of handling users' feedback information. Our experiments show that our solution is more effective than traditional IM methods on the partial information.Comment: 13 pages. To appear in KDD 2015. Extended versio

    T-Crowd: Effective Crowdsourcing for Tabular Data

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    Crowdsourcing employs human workers to solve computer-hard problems, such as data cleaning, entity resolution, and sentiment analysis. When crowdsourcing tabular data, e.g., the attribute values of an entity set, a worker's answers on the different attributes (e.g., the nationality and age of a celebrity star) are often treated independently. This assumption is not always true and can lead to suboptimal crowdsourcing performance. In this paper, we present the T-Crowd system, which takes into consideration the intricate relationships among tasks, in order to converge faster to their true values. Particularly, T-Crowd integrates each worker's answers on different attributes to effectively learn his/her trustworthiness and the true data values. The attribute relationship information is also used to guide task allocation to workers. Finally, T-Crowd seamlessly supports categorical and continuous attributes, which are the two main datatypes found in typical databases. Our extensive experiments on real and synthetic datasets show that T-Crowd outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of truth inference and reducing the cost of crowdsourcing

    Exploring Communities in Large Profiled Graphs

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    Given a graph GG and a vertex q∈Gq\in G, the community search (CS) problem aims to efficiently find a subgraph of GG whose vertices are closely related to qq. Communities are prevalent in social and biological networks, and can be used in product advertisement and social event recommendation. In this paper, we study profiled community search (PCS), where CS is performed on a profiled graph. This is a graph in which each vertex has labels arranged in a hierarchical manner. Extensive experiments show that PCS can identify communities with themes that are common to their vertices, and is more effective than existing CS approaches. As a naive solution for PCS is highly expensive, we have also developed a tree index, which facilitate efficient and online solutions for PCS

    Spatio-temporal flow patterns

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    Transportation companies and organizations routinely collect huge volumes of passenger transportation data. By aggregating these data (e.g., counting the number of passengers going from a place to another in every 30 minute interval), it becomes possible to analyze the movement behavior of passengers in a metropolitan area. In this paper, we study the problem of finding important trends in passenger movements at varying granularities, which is useful in a wide range of applications such as target marketing, scheduling, and travel intent prediction. Specifically, we study the extraction of movement patterns between regions that have significant flow. The huge number of possible patterns render their detection computationally hard. We propose algorithms that greatly reduce the search space and the computational cost of pattern detection. We study variants of patterns that could be useful to different problem instances, such as constrained patterns and top-k ranked patterns

    Multi-domain Recommendation with Embedding Disentangling and Domain Alignment

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    Multi-domain recommendation (MDR) aims to provide recommendations for different domains (e.g., types of products) with overlapping users/items and is common for platforms such as Amazon, Facebook, and LinkedIn that host multiple services. Existing MDR models face two challenges: First, it is difficult to disentangle knowledge that generalizes across domains (e.g., a user likes cheap items) and knowledge specific to a single domain (e.g., a user likes blue clothing but not blue cars). Second, they have limited ability to transfer knowledge across domains with small overlaps. We propose a new MDR method named EDDA with two key components, i.e., embedding disentangling recommender and domain alignment, to tackle the two challenges respectively. In particular, the embedding disentangling recommender separates both the model and embedding for the inter-domain part and the intra-domain part, while most existing MDR methods only focus on model-level disentangling. The domain alignment leverages random walks from graph processing to identify similar user/item pairs from different domains and encourages similar user/item pairs to have similar embeddings, enhancing knowledge transfer. We compare EDDA with 12 state-of-the-art baselines on 3 real datasets. The results show that EDDA consistently outperforms the baselines on all datasets and domains. All datasets and codes are available at https://github.com/Stevenn9981/EDDA.Comment: Accepted by CIKM'23 as a Long pape

    Special issue on spatial and temporal database management

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    Truth Inference in Crowdsourcing: Is the Problem Solved?

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    Crowdsourcing has emerged as a novel problem-solving paradigm, which facilitates addressing problems that are hard for computers, e.g., entity resolution and sentiment analysis. However, due to the openness of crowdsourcing, workers may yield low-quality answers, and a redundancy-based method is widely employed, which first assigns each task to multiple workers and then infers the correct answer (called truth) for the task based on the answers of the assigned workers. A fundamental problem in this method is Truth Inference, which decides how to effectively infer the truth. Recently, the database community and data mining community independently study this problem and propose various algorithms. However, these algorithms are not compared extensively under the same framework and it is hard for practitioners to select appropriate algorithms. To alleviate this problem, we provide a detailed survey on 17 existing algorithms and perform a comprehensive evaluation using 5 real datasets. We make all codes and datasets public for future research. Through experiments we find that existing algorithms are not stable across different datasets and there is no algorithm that outperforms others consistently. We believe that the truth inference problem is not fully solved, and identify the limitations of existing algorithms and point out promising research directions
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