3 research outputs found

    Pemberian neurostimulasi dengan menggunakan gadget virtual reality dalam memperpendek waktu sleep onset latency pada lansia

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    Latar Belakang: Pada penelitian ini ingin meneliti tentang pengaruh neurostimulasi VR terhadap sleep onset latency pada lansia, karena SOL memiliki peranan penting dalam siklus tidur yang berpengaruh pada kualitas tidur lansia. Tujuan: Menganalisis pemendekkan waktu SOL pada lansia dengan pemberian neurostimulasi menggunakan gadget Virtual Reality. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian quasi eksperimental post-test group only, desain ini dipilih untuk mengevaluasi sebelum dan sesudah intervensi VR terhadap pemendekkan waktu SOL pada lansia. Perhitungan SOL menggunakan alat actigraphy. Hasil: Didapatkan hasil bahwa pada subyek dengan SOL awal (sebelum) perlakuan yang abnormal (> 30 menit) sebesar 50 % mengalami pemendekkan yang bermakna ( p = 0,000). Sedangkan, pada subyek SOL sebelum perlakuan yang normal ( 30 menit)

    Phago pharmacology on the go. gamification approach in case learning process

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    Learning process among medical students have developed along with technological advances so that it can be useful for users. One of the breakthroughs in the world of medical education is the development of serious games using multimedia technology that are relatively small in size so that they can be accessed using computers or devices named Pharmacology on the Go (PHAGO). The implementation stage was done by testing prototype game on 88 users since October 20, 2021. Evaluation was done by using a feedback questionnaire for PHAGO users, shows 79 (89.8%) users who agree and strongly agree that the PHAGO application helps users understand the use of Pharmacology for clinical application. The results of the Wilcoxon test in evaluating the increase in students' knowledge with Pre Test and Post Test showed that there was a significant difference (p = 0.000). The existence of serious game stimulates an active learning process to create a learning environment that encourages the development of interpersonal, communication and problem solving skills. PHAGO is expected to be a forum that supports students to be able to independently study pharmacology in a fun and easy-to-understand way


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    Learning process among medical students have developed along with technological advances so that it can be useful for users. One of the breakthroughs in the world of medical education is the development of serious games using multimedia technology that are relatively small in size so that they can be accessed using computers or devices named Pharmacology on the Go (PHAGO). The implementation stage was done by testing prototype game on 88 users since October 20, 2021. Evaluation was done by using a feedback questionnaire for PHAGO users, shows 79 (89.8%) users who agree and strongly agree that the PHAGO application helps users understand the use of Pharmacology for clinical application. The results of the Wilcoxon test in evaluating the increase in students' knowledge with Pre Test and Post Test showed that there was a significant difference (p = 0.000). The existence of serious game stimulates an active learning process to create a learning environment that encourages the development of interpersonal, communication and problem solving skills. PHAGO is expected to be a forum that supports students to be able to independently study pharmacology in a fun and easy-to-understand way