1 research outputs found

    Desaf铆os de la transformaci贸n digital de las microfinanzas en el Per煤

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    The microfinance market in Peru, presents a marked supply of institutions. All of them, seek to increase their number of placements and deposits; and to achieve this, some institutions have made technological advances in terms of hardware or application development; however, others have adventured to explore how to design digital transformation programs. The objective of this research was to describe an exploration of information associated with digital transformation and tools that microfinance institutions must consider in order to go on this long path of transformation. The method used was based on a hermeneutic study, with a qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive approach, where several bibliographies from different electronic databases were consulted. It was concluded that carrying out a digital transformation in microfinance institutions is not just about digitizing manual procedures, or adding hardware or developing applications, but rather that the implementation strategy contains a transversal front and presents diverse elements such as: The incorporation of a digital culture throughout the institution, map credit processes and redesign them, focus the strategy applied to clients, and incorporate adequate digital tools and platforms to meet the objectives and business strategy. We believe that our results will serve as a basis for future research on this process of change in microfinance institutions.En el Per煤, el mercado microfinanciero presenta una marcada sobreoferta de instituciones. Todas ellas buscan c贸mo incrementar su n煤mero de colocaciones y captaciones, para ello, algunas instituciones han realizado avances tecnol贸gicos en temas de hardware o desarrollo de aplicaciones; sin embargo, otras comienzan a explorar sobre c贸mo dise帽ar programas de transformaci贸n digital. El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue describir una exploraci贸n de informaci贸n asociada a la transformaci贸n digital y herramientas que deben tener en cuenta las instituciones microfinancieras para atravesar este largo camino de transformaci贸n. El m茅todo utilizado estuvo basado en un estudio hermen茅utico, con un enfoque de car谩cter cualitativo y de tipo exploratorio-descriptivo; donde se consultaron diversas bibliograf铆as recientes y de diferentes bases de datos electr贸nicas. Se concluy贸 que, realizar una transformaci贸n digital en las instituciones microfinancieras no se trata solo de digitalizar procedimientos manuales, o agregar hardware o desarrollar aplicaciones, sino que la estrategia de implementaci贸n contenga un frente transversal y presente diversos elementos tales como: incorporar una cultura digital en toda la instituci贸n, realizar un mapeo de los procesos crediticios y redise帽arlos, enfocar la estrategia aplicado a los clientes, e incorporar herramientas y plataformas digitales adecuadas para el cumplimiento de los objetivos y de la estrategia empresarial