8 research outputs found
Habilidades para solução de problemas pelos estudantes de enfermagem e obstetrícia e fatores influenciadores
doi: 10.5216/ree.v12i4.8328
Estratégias eficazes na solução de problemas e tomadas de decisões baseados em alicerce consistente de conhecimento são aspectos esperados dos alunos de enfermagem e obstetrícia, que precisam ser desenvolvidos durante sua formação profissional. Estudo com objetivo de determinar e comparar as habilidades dos estudantes de enfermagem e obstetrícia na resolução de problemas durante sua formação e verificar os fatores que influenciam as habilidades na resolução de problemas. Amostragem compreendeu todos os 252 alunos dos Departamentos de Enfermagem e de Obstetrícia da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade de Sakarya, que participaram voluntariamente no estudo e estavam presentes na escola quando os dados foram coletados (obstetrícia: 98 estudantes; enfermagem: 154 estudantes). Os dados foram coletados por questionário e "Escala de Resolução de Problemas" desenvolvida por Heppner e Petersen e validado na Turquia em estudo de confiabilidade realizado por Sahin et al. Os escores médios de resolução de problema encontrados foram de 83,05 ± 15,68 para os estudantes de obstetrícia e 86,85 ± 18,55 para os estudantes de enfermagem. Constatou-se que os estudantes de obstetrícia tem mais sucesso que os de enfermagem. Verificou-se também que as habilidades na resolução de problemas dos alunos curiosos e extrovetidos foram melhores que daqueles mais reservados.
Descritores: Enfermagem Obstétrica; Estudantes; Resolução de Problemas; Fatores influenciadores.
Avaliação da habilidade de empatia dos estudantes em relação aos grupos por eles assistidos
Estudo descritivo, comparativo desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar as habilidades de empatia dos estudantes do Departamento de Enfermagem da Escola de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade de Sakarya/Turquia. Trabalhou-se com amostra composta de 104 estudantes que fizeram parte do estudo, respondendo a formulário com 22 questões entre os anos de 2006/2007. No instrumento de coleta de dados constava ainda o “Formulário B da Escala de Habilidade de Empatia” de Dökmen (1988) para testar a validade e confiabilidade do mesmo em nosso país. Na avaliação, percentual, teste ‘t’ e teste “Mann Whitney U” foram empregados. A média dos pontos da habilidade de empatia dos estudantes incluídos no estudo encontrada foi de 139.45 ± 20.47. De acordo com os resultados do estudo, os registros da habilidade de empatia dos estudantes do primeiro ano estão acima se comparados com as turmas do segundo e terceiro anos. Este caso pode depender do fato de que as aulas de comunicação são mais intensivas neste ano. Novamente, o aumento dos pontos da habilidade de empatia no quarto ano nos fez concluir que as oportunidades de aplicação nas aulas de Enfermagem Psiquiátrica, obtidas neste ano, tem sido eficazes no desenvolvimento da habilidade de empatia dos estudantes.
Palavras chave: Empatia; Habilidade; Estudantes de enfermagem; Educação em enfermagem
Smoking status in parents of children hospitalized with a diagnosis of respiratory system disorders
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the statuses of hospitalized children with diagnosis of respiratory tract disease with cigarette use in the parents. This descriptive study was conducted in a Gowerment Hospital in the Sakarya city center in Turkey between June 2007 and June 2008. The inclusion criterion was willingness of families with children hospitalized due to diagnosis of respiratory disease to particípate in the study. Data were collected from 345 parents using the questionnaire prepared by researchers. In our study parental smoking was observed in 42.3% of fathers, 7.8% mothers and for 20.9% both parents were smoking. It was found that the hospitalization rates were more than two times higher in children diagnosed with pneumonia and bronchitis and three times higher in children hospitalized for asthma whose parents smoke at home compared to those whose parents are non-smokers. Health care professionals who take care of children need to discuss the harmful effects of smoking and the importance of reducing childhood exposure to secondhand smoke; parents should be educated and encouraged not to smoke
Smoking status in parents of children hospitalized with a diagnosis of respiratory system disorders
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the statuses of hospitalized children with diagnosis of respiratory tract disease with cigarette use in the parents. This descriptive study was conducted in a Gowerment Hospital in the Sakarya city center in Turkey between June 2007 and June 2008. The inclusion criterion was willingness of families with children hospitalized due to diagnosis of respiratory disease to particípate in the study. Data were collected from 345 parents using the questionnaire prepared by researchers. In our study parental smoking was observed in 42.3% of fathers, 7.8% mothers and for 20.9% both parents were smoking. It was found that the hospitalization rates were more than two times higher in children diagnosed with pneumonia and bronchitis and three times higher in children hospitalized for asthma whose parents smoke at home compared to those whose parents are non-smokers. Health care professionals who take care of children need to discuss the harmful effects of smoking and the importance of reducing childhood exposure to secondhand smoke; parents should be educated and encouraged not to smoke
Smoking status in parents of children hospitalized with a diagnosis of respiratory system disorders
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the statuses of hospitalized children with diagnosis of respiratory tract disease with cigarette use in the parents. This descriptive study was conducted in a Gowerment Hospital in the Sakarya city center in Turkey between June 2007 and June 2008. The inclusion criterion was willingness of families with children hospitalized due to diagnosis of respiratory disease to participate in the study. Data were collected from 345 parents using the questionnaire prepared by researchers. In our study parental smoking was observed in 42.3% of fathers, 7.8% mothers and for 20.9% both parents were smoking. It was found that the hospitalization rates were more than two times higher in children diagnosed with pneumonia and bronchitis and three times higher in children hospitalized for asthma whose parents smoke at home compared to those whose parents are non-smokers. Health care professionals who take care of children need to discuss the harmful effects of smoking and the importance of reducing childhood exposure to secondhand smoke; parents should be educated and encouraged not to smoke. (C) 2010 Association of Basic Medical Sciences of FBIH. All rights reserve
Evaluation of the empathic skills of nursing students with respect to the classes they are attending
The study was carried out, as a descriptive and comparative one, with the aim of evaluating the empathic skills of the students of the Nursing Department of Sakarya University School of Health Sciences. The universe of the study comprised 139 students . The sampling comprised 104 students who had been able to take part in the study. As the means of data collecting, a 22-question survey form and the ‘Empathic Skill Scale B-Form’ which Dökmen (1988) had put into application by testing the validity and reliability for our country. In the evaluation, percentage, Students ‘t’ Test, Mann-Whitney U Test were employed.The average of the empathic skill points of the students included in the study was found to be 139.45 ± 20.47. According to the results of our study, scores of empathic skill of Grade I students are higher comparing to Grade II and III students. This case may depend on the fact that the communication lessons are more intensive in this grade. Again, increasing of empathic skill points in Grade IV made us think that the application opportunities of psychiatric nursing lessons taken in this grade had been effective on the development of empathic skills of students
Problem solving skills of the nursing and midwifery students and influential factors
Effective problem solving strategies and decision making skill based on a powerful basis of knowledge are behaviors expected from midwife and nurses students that need to be developed during their vocational education. This study aimed to determine and to compare the problem solving skills of nursing and midwifery students during their education and to verify the factors that influence the problem solving skills. The sampling comprised all the 252 students of the Midwifery and Nursing departments at School of Health Sciences of the University of Sakarya who volunteered for participating in the study and were present at school when data were collected (98 midwifery students and 154 nursing students). Data were collected using a questionnaire and “Problem Solving Scale” developed by Heppner and Petersen and the Turkish validity and reliability study was carried out by Sahin et al. The average problem solving scores were found to be 83.05±15.68 for the midwifery students and 86.85±18.55 for the nursing students. The midwifery students were found to be more successful than nursing students. It was also found that problem solving skills of inquisitive-extroverted students were better than that of the reserved ones
Some characteristics of the smoking profiles of pregnant women who applied to a health center in Sakarya
Gebelikte sigara kullanımı dünyanın çoğu bölgesinde olduğu gibi ülkemizde de ciddi bir sağlık sorunudur..Nikotin, kullanım sıklığının yüksekliği ve bilinen teratojen ajanlardan olması nedeniyle, ayrıca halk sağlığına etkileri önlenebilir nitelikte olduğu için mücadele edilmesi gereken önemli etkenlerdendir. Sağlıklı kuşakların yetişmesi ancak gebelik sürecinin sağlıklı geçirilmesi ve bilinen risklerden kaçınmakla olanaklıdır. Bu çalışmada gebelerin ve eşlerinin sigara içme sıkılığını, gebelerin sigaranın doğacak bebeklerine vereceği zararlar hakkındaki bilgi düzeylerini ayrıca; bu konuda verilecek sağlık hizmeti gereksinimlerini belirlemeyi amaçlanmıştır. Tanımlayıcı nitelikteki bu çalışmaya, Sakarya Kadın Doğum ve Çocuk Hastanesi 'ne başvuran ve çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 205 gebe alınmıştır. Gebelerin %20'sinin gebelik öncesinde sigara içtiği, bunların %37,5'inin gebelikte sigarayı bıraktığı bulunmuştur. Sağlık personeline verilen hizmet içi eğitim programlarında, gebelikte sigara kullanmanın riskleri üzerinde önemle durulmalı ve gebelerin de konuyla ilgili doğum öncesi eğitimi sağlanmalıdır.Smoking in pregnancy is a serious health problem in our country, as it is in many parts of the world. Since it is widely used, known to be a teratogenic agent and its effects on public health are preventable, nicotine is a substance that must be struggled with. Growing healthy generations is only possible with a healthy pregnancy period and by avoiding known risk factors. This study aims to determine the smoking prevalence in pregnant women and their husbands, the awareness of pregnant women about the damage smoking can do to their babies yet to be born and the needs for health education about this issue. 205 pregnant women who applied to Sakarya Kadin Dogum ve Cocuk Hastanesi (Sakarya Hospital of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics) were included in this descriptive study. It was found that 20% of the pregnant women used to smoke prior to pregnancy and 37.5% of these had quit during pregnancy. In the in-service training programs given to health staff, risks of smoking during pregnancy should be strongly emphasized and pregnant women should also also be educated on this issue during pregnancy