7,941 research outputs found

    Phase transitions, entanglement and quantum noise interferometry in cold atoms

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    We show that entanglement monotones can characterize the pronounced enhancement of entanglement at a quantum phase transition if they are sensitive to long-range high order correlations. These monotones are found to develop a sharp peak at the critical point and to exhibit universal scaling. We demonstrate that similar features are shared by noise correlations and verify that these experimentally accessible quantities indeed encode entanglement information and probe separability.Comment: 4 pages 4 figure

    Formation of nanosized strontium substituted hydroxyapatites

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    Incorporation of specific elements into calcium phosphates offers the combination of a bioactive material and a therapeutic effect. This is important for improving the integration of implants as well as treating medical conditions. Strontium is a suitable candidate and displays the ability to stimulate bone growth and reducing bone resorption. This study investigated the formation of strontium carbonated hydroxyapatite nanoparticles from an amorphous phase. Crystallization of carbonated hydroxyapatite occurred at 585 oC, but samples with an intended 25% and 75% replacement of calcium with strontium crystallized at 624 oC. Heat treatment at the crystallization temperature revealed that strontium free apatite does not crystallize in 5 minutes, but an increasing strontium concentration leads to a higher rate of crystallization. X-ray diffraction patterns suggest that it may be difficult to include strontium, but higher strontium concentrations are possibly included with ease in the lattice. This work has produced a nanosized apatite accompanied by an amorphous phase after a short heat-treatment time. This offers a range of features that collectively show great promise for significantly enhancing the release of strontium for improved bone therapeutic effects

    Normal Heat Conductivity in a strongly pinned chain of anharmonic oscillators

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    We consider a chain of coupled and strongly pinned anharmonic oscillators subject to a non-equilibrium random forcing. Assuming that the stationary state is approximately Gaussian, we first derive a stationary Boltzmann equation. By localizing the involved resonances, we next invert the linearized collision operator and compute the heat conductivity. In particular, we show that the Gaussian approximation yields a finite conductivity κ∼1λ2T2\kappa\sim\frac{1}{\lambda^2T^2}, for λ\lambda the anharmonic coupling strength.Comment: Introduction and conclusion modifie

    Thermodynamics of quantum degenerate gases in optical lattices

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    The entropy-temperature curves are calculated for non-interacting Bose and Fermi gases in a 3D optical lattice. These curves facilitate understanding of how adiabatic changes in the lattice depth affect the temperature, and we demonstrate regimes where the atomic sample can be significantly heated or cooled by the loading process. We assess the effects of interactions on a Bose gas in a deep optical lattice, and show that interactions ultimately limit the extent of cooling that can occur during lattice loading.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to proceedings of Laser Physics 2006 Worksho

    Uso da Simulação no Treino de Internos em Técnicas de Pediatria – Técnica da Punção Lombar

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    Introdução: A punção lombar (PL) é a técnica invasiva mais frequente em Pediatria. O treino é habitualmente realizado sob supervisão, directamente no paciente. O uso de simuladores, possibilita aquisição de capacidades num ambiente seguro, minimizando custos e riscos para o doente. Objectivos: Avaliar a capacidade dos internos de pediatria (IP) na realização da PL e o uso de simulação aplicada à educação médica como ferramenta de melhoria na aquisição de competências. Material e Métodos: Foi elaborado e apresentado a todos os IP, um protocolo e checklist da PL. Realizaram-se 2 sessões clínicas, usando simuladores de PL, a primeira uma semana depois da apresentação do protocolo e a segunda, dois meses depois. Foi avaliado em cada sessão, o cumprimento do protocolo e performance na execução da técnica, mediante a aplicação da checklist. No final de cada sessão foi aplicado um questionário (escala 0-10) sobre experiência, grau de confiança prévio, alterações notadas e reprodutividade da técnica no simulador. Resultados: Participaram em cada sessão, 13 IP Oito haviam realizado menos de 10 PL durante a sua prática clínica, sendo que nenhum tinha realizado, PL em simuladores. Na 1ª sessão, as principais falhas foram a ausência de esclarecimentos sobre a técnica (n=7), cuidados pós PL (n=6) e complicações (n=5); a não aplicação de anestésico local (n=3); ausência de monitorização (n=5) e falhas na assepsia A maioria (n=8) desconhecia, ainda, o sistema de medição da pressão intracraniana (PIC). Na 2ª sessão, verificou-se melhoria em todos os itens avaliados, persistindo, ainda, falhas na monitorização (n=2), informação cuidados pós PL (n=2) e complicações (n=2). Em todos os casos a medição da PIC foi correcta. O score médio do conhecimento e grau de confiança na execução da técnica prévia à 1ª sessão foi 5, constatando-se uma clara melhoria após as 2 sessões (score médio 9). Todos consideraram que os simuladores contribuíram para o aperfeiçoamento da técnica e que os mesmos reproduziam com fiabilidade a prática real (score médio 8). Conclusões: O uso de simuladores no treino da PL melhora a competência dos internos na sua realização, permitindo aquisição de experiência e confiança sem riscos para doente. A introdução destes simuladores no ensino médico pós-graduado deve ser considerado

    E_{11} origin of Brane charges and U-duality multiplets

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    We derive general equations which determine the decomposition of the G^{+++} multiplet of brane charges into the sub-algebras that arise when the non-linearly realised G^{+++} theory is dimensionally reduced on a torus. We apply this to calculate the low level E_8 multiplets of brane charges that arise when the E_{8}^{+++}, or E_{11}, non-linearly realised theory is dimensionally reduced to three dimensions on an eight dimensional torus. We find precise agreement with the U-duality multiplet of brane charges previously calculated, thus providing a natural eleven dimensional origin for the "mysterious" brane charges found that do not occur as central charges in the supersymmetry algebra. We also discuss the brane charges in nine dimensions and how they arise from the IIA and IIB theories.Comment: 30 pages, plain te

    Cultivating diversity and food quality. Proceedings of Diversifood EU Forum, Brussels, 11 April 2018

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    To tackle this issue, Diversifood team organised a forum with policy makers and stakeholders on the 11th of April 2018, in Brussels. Diversifood’s aim is to share results and key lessons including new approaches for the management of cultivated biodiversity, for plant breeding for sustainable farming systems, and new relationships among actors of food systems. In the afternoon, there was time for discussion, knowledge sharing, collecting feedback and extending current policies to include cultivating diversity and food quality (for FP9, CAP 2020, The outputs of this workshop will feed Diversifood’s final recommendations. The forum was kindly hosted by the European Committee of the Regions (Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 101, 1040 Brussels)

    Design of an RSFQ Control Circuit to Observe MQC on an rf-SQUID

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    We believe that the best chance to observe macroscopic quantum coherence (MQC) in a rf-SQUID qubit is to use on-chip RSFQ digital circuits for preparing, evolving and reading out the qubit's quantum state. This approach allows experiments to be conducted on a very short time scale (sub-nanosecond) without the use of large bandwidth control lines that would couple environmental degrees of freedom to the qubit thus contributing to its decoherence. In this paper we present our design of a RSFQ digital control circuit for demonstrating MQC in a rf-SQUID. We assess some of the key practical issues in the circuit design including the achievement of the necessary flux bias stability. We present an "active" isolation structure to be used to increase coherence times. The structure decouples the SQUID from external degrees of freedom, and then couples it to the output measurement circuitry when required, all under the active control of RSFQ circuits. Research supported in part by ARO grant # DAAG55-98-1-0367.Comment: 4 pages. More information and publications at http://www.ece.rochester.edu:8080/users/sde/research/publications/index.htm
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