41 research outputs found

    Fete Des Lumieres Lyon

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    Submitted 09/2006 – Accepted 05/2007 – Published 09/2007 Comparison of open abdomens in non-trauma and trauma patients:

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    Introduction: Open abdomen (OA) spans an entire spectrum of traumatic and non-traumatic indications. We hypothesize that uniformly managed OA patients have favorable outcomes regardless of the initial traumatic or non-traumatic etiology. Methods: This is a retrospective review of OA patients from 2001

    Redalyc. A Daughter\u92s Retrospective of B. F. Skinner

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    This paper describes characteristic behaviors of my father, B. F. Skinner, using family documents and my own recollections. Early contingencies in his upbringing strengthened his love of building things and his independence in discovering how the world works. Those skills, combined with a lack of supervision in graduate school, set the stage for his discovery of the operant. He did not stop with laboratory research. He extended his discovery of how consequences select behavior into education and the design of cultural practices. As well as solving society's problems, my father was always concerned with improving his own behavior. Some of the contingencies he set up to maximize his own productivity are described. Keywords: Skinner, Biography, Education, Behavior Este artículo describe algunas de las conductas características de mi padre, B.F. Skinner, usando documentos familiares y mis propios recuerdos. Algunas contingencias tempranas en su crianza fortalecieron su amor por la construcción de objetos y su independencia para descubrir cómo funciona el mundo. Estas habilidades, combinadas con la falta de supervisión en sus años de doctorando, pusieron la base de su descubrimiento del operante. No se limitó al trabajo de laboratorio. Extendió su descubrimiento de cómo las consecuencias seleccionan la conducta a la educación y al diseño de prácticas culturales. Mi padre siempre se preocupó tanto de solucionar los problemas de la sociedad como de mejorar su propia conducta y describo aquí alguna de las contingencias que organizó para maximizar su propia productividad

    Problems related to retrospective dosimetry of exposure delivered at low dose rates

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    Biological dosimetry has pl oven its utility in cases of single acute whole-body exposure, but encounters difficulties when only parts of the body have been exposed, and when the irradiation has been delivered over longer periods of time due to intervening repair and a possible emergence of more resistant clones. Some of these aspects are illustrated by our own observations on unstable aberrations (dicentrics and rings) in patients treated by intracavitary Cs-137 treatment for uterus carcinoma, or by radioactive iodine for thyroid cancer after two doses of I-131 were given two days apart. The results indicate that under these conditions, nearly all lymphocytes passed through the radiation field and that the dose-effect relationship is linear rather than square-linear as seen after acute exposure. The emergence of more resistant cells under continuous exposure has been suggested in rabbits maintained in an area of high natural radioactivity where aberrations increased during about eight months and then decreased again to lower levels while exposure continued