4 research outputs found

    Responsibilities of Food Products Businessmen for Using of Food Additives to The Customer Who Experience Losses on His Health

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    Basically, the human need of food is something which is very basic, this is caused by consuming food is one of the main life support. The fulfillment of the food is a part of human rights. Every human being is positioned as consumers who need food that is safe and healthy for the body. The diversity of food products that are circulated in the community led to a position in which the consumers can not be equated with the businessmen, this is due to ignorance about the existence of those food products, especially the addition of Food Additives (BTP), for example: sweeteners, preservative, dyes, and so forth. Businessmen accidentally put Food Additives (BTP) for specific purposes, for example: to give flavor, to be more durable or to provide a color display to make it more attractive, but if it is excessive, it can cause health problems of the consumers who consume them. The right to be healthy is a right of every person. Position of consumers who do not have the bargaining position against food products that are circulated in the community, thus it is necessary to have a legal protection of the rights of consumers in the form of the right of security and comfort when consuming food products using the BTP. Losses on health experienced by consumers as a result of consuming food products using the BTP continuously, it needs the responsibility of businessmen as producer for food products made that ​​are unsafe for the body and the health of consumers. Keywords: Food Additives, health and legal protection

    Pelaksanaan Penyelesaian Pelanggaran Kode Etik Notaris Tentang Pemasangan Papan Nama Notaris di Kota Denpasar

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    The title of this research is "Implementat ion of the Settlement of Notary Ethical Code Violation concerning Notary Name Board Installation in Denpasar". The problems formulated are: 1 How is the implementation of the provisions of Article 83 of Law No. 2 of 2014 concerning amendment s to the Law No. 30 of 2004 concerning the Notary Position and Ethics Code of Extraordinary Congress in connection with the installation of Notary Name Board in Denpasar? 2. What i s the responsibility of the Notary with the ethical code violations of Notary name board? The above problems were studied and analyzed with legal theories such as the effectiveness of legal theory, the theory of legal responsibility with empirical legal research method.From research conducted some problems were found concerning the violation of the size of the installed Notary name board, it is contrary to what is stated in the rules of the Ethical Code

    Pengaturan Investasi Semi Kelola di Bidang Perdagangan Jasa Akomodasi Wisata

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    There are many business activities in the tourism industries in Indonesia. One of them is the provision of services, specifically in Bali. The tourists, who are traveled to Bali, have a desire to invest. Practically, in the provision of services, there are many variants of the business which are not easy to be categorized as a services trading in tourism. It has been mixed with other business variants beyond the tourism services. One of its variants is the development services and the management of property. It was developed with the business scheme and managed with the management of property scheme. The problem is, the seller or the developer offer a tourism accommodation services. The other problem is that property, which has been developed, financed by the foreign buyer. The property is managed by the developer for the provision of tourism accommodation service purposes. Further, the owner of the property got an income from the property management. The parties of this investment model expect that income as a return of their investment. This business model is usually called the return on investment in the tourist accommodation trading services. The type of this research, which used for this thesis, is normative research. It\u27s researched from The Investment Constitution, the Tourism Constitution, The Construction Services Constitution and some of regulations related with the arrangement of the return on investment. This research was used material sources of law, which are primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertier legal material. The result of this research show that the rules about return on investment in the tourist accommodation trading services are not regulated explicitly. The regulation hasn\u27t been reached that return on investment activities. It causes lot of losses for the foreign investor. The government and the society also get same troubles