46 research outputs found

    Synaptic Functions of Hemichannels and Pannexons: A Double-Edged Sword

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    The classical view of synapses as the functional contact between presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons has been challenged in recent years by the emerging regulatory role of glial cells. Astrocytes, traditionally considered merely supportive elements are now recognized as active modulators of synaptic transmission and plasticity at the now so-called “tripartite synapse.” In addition, an increasing body of evidence indicates that beyond immune functions microglia also participate in various processes aimed to shape synaptic plasticity. Release of neuroactive compounds of glial origin, -process known as gliotransmission-, constitute a widespread mechanism through which glial cells can either potentiate or reduce the synaptic strength. The prevailing vision states that gliotransmission depends on an intracellular Ca2+/exocytotic-mediated release; notwithstanding, growing evidence is pointing at hemichannels (connexons) and pannexin channels (pannexons) as alternative non-vesicular routes for gliotransmitters efflux. In concurrence with this novel concept, both hemichannels and pannexons are known to mediate the transfer of ions and signaling molecules -such as ATP and glutamate- between the cytoplasm and the extracellular milieu. Importantly, recent reports show that glial hemichannels and pannexons are capable to perceive synaptic activity and to respond to it through changes in their functional state. In this article, we will review the current information supporting the “double edge sword” role of hemichannels and pannexons in the function of central and peripheral synapses. At one end, available data support the idea that these channels are chief components of a feedback control mechanism through which gliotransmitters adjust the synaptic gain in either resting or stimulated conditions. At the other end, we will discuss how the excitotoxic release of gliotransmitters and [Ca2+]i overload linked to the opening of hemichannels/pannexons might impact cell function and survival in the nervous system

    Regulation of gap junction channels and hemichannels by phosphorylation

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    Post-translational modifications of connexins play an important role in the regulation of gap junction and hemichannel permeability. The prerequisite for the formation of functional gap junction channels is the assembly of connexin proteins into hemichannels and their insertion into the membrane. Hemichannels can affect cellular processes by enabling the passage of signaling molecules between the intracellular and extracellular space. For the intercellular communication hemichannels from one cell have to dock to its counterparts on the opposing membrane of an adjacent cell to allow the transmission of signals via gap junctions from one cell to the other. The controlled opening of hemichannels and gating properties of complete gap junctions can be regulated via post-translational modifications of connexins. Not only channel gating, but also connexin trafficking and assembly into hemichannels can be affected by post-translational changes. Recent investigations have shown that connexins can be modified by phosphorylation/ dephosphorylation, redox-related changes including effects of nitric oxide (NO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or carbon monoxide (CO), acetylation, methylation or ubiquitination. Most of the connexin isoforms are known to be phosphorylated, e.g. Cx43, one of the most studied connexin at all, has 21 reported phosphorylation sites. In this review, we provide an overview about the current knowledge and relevant research of responsible kinases, connexin phosphorylation sites and reported effects on gap junction and hemichannel regulation. Regarding the effects of oxidants we discuss the role of NO in different cell types and tissues and recent studies about modifications of connexins by CO and H2S

    Regulation of gap junction channels and hemichannels by phosphorylation

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    Post-translational modifications of connexins play an important role in the regulation of gap junction and hemichannel permeability. The prerequisite for the formation of functional gap junction channels is the assembly of connexin proteins into hemichannels and their insertion into the membrane. Hemichannels can affect cellular processes by enabling the passage of signaling molecules between the intracellular and extracellular space. For the intercellular communication hemichannels from one cell have to dock to its counterparts on the opposing membrane of an adjacent cell to allow the transmission of signals via gap junctions from one cell to the other. The controlled opening of hemichannels and gating properties of complete gap junctions can be regulated via post-translational modifications of connexins. Not only channel gating, but also connexin trafficking and assembly into hemichannels can be affected by post-translational changes. Recent investigations have shown that connexins can be modified by phosphorylation/ dephosphorylation, redox-related changes including effects of nitric oxide (NO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or carbon monoxide (CO), acetylation, methylation or ubiquitination. Most of the connexin isoforms are known to be phosphorylated, e.g. Cx43, one of the most studied connexin at all, has 21 reported phosphorylation sites. In this review, we provide an overview about the current knowledge and relevant research of responsible kinases, connexin phosphorylation sites and reported effects on gap junction and hemichannel regulation. Regarding the effects of oxidants we discuss the role of NO in different cell types and tissues and recent studies about modifications of connexins by CO and H2S

    Connexin and Pannexin-Based Channels in Oligodendrocytes: Implications in Brain Health and Disease

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    Oligodendrocytes are the myelin forming cells in the central nervous system (CNS). In addition to this main physiological function, these cells play key roles by providing energy substrates to neurons as well as information required to sustain proper synaptic transmission and plasticity at the CNS. The latter requires a fine coordinated intercellular communication with neurons and other glial cell types, including astrocytes. In mammals, tissue synchronization is mainly mediated by connexins and pannexins, two protein families that underpin the communication among neighboring cells through the formation of different plasma membrane channels. At one end, gap junction channels (GJCs; which are exclusively formed by connexins in vertebrates) connect the cytoplasm of contacting cells allowing electrical and metabolic coupling. At the other end, hemichannels and pannexons (which are formed by connexins and pannexins, respectively) communicate the intra- and extracellular compartments, serving as diffusion pathways of ions and small molecules. Here, we briefly review the current knowledge about the expression and function of hemichannels, pannexons and GJCs in oligodendrocytes, as well as the evidence regarding the possible role of these channels in metabolic and synaptic functions at the CNS. In particular, we focus on oligodendrocyte-astrocyte coupling during axon metabolic support and its implications in brain health and disease

    Connexin Hemichannel Activation by S-Nitrosoglutathione Synergizes Strongly with Photodynamic Therapy Potentiating Anti-Tumor Bystander Killing

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    In this study, we used B16-F10 cells grown in the dorsal skinfold chamber (DSC) preparation that allowed us to gain optical access to the processes triggered by photodynamic therapy (PDT). Partial irradiation of a photosensitized melanoma triggered cell death in non-irradiated tumor cells. Multiphoton intravital microscopy with genetically encoded fluorescence indicators revealed that bystander cell death was mediated by paracrine signaling due to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release from connexin (Cx) hemichannels (HCs). Intercellular calcium (Ca2+) waves propagated from irradiated to bystander cells promoting intracellular Ca2+ transfer from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to mitochondria and rapid activation of apoptotic pathways. Combination treatment with S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), an endogenous nitric oxide (NO) donor that biases HCs towards the open state, greatly potentiated anti-tumor bystander killing via enhanced Ca2+ signaling, leading to a significant reduction of post-irradiation tumor mass. Our results demonstrate that HCs can be exploited to dramatically increase cytotoxic bystander effects and reveal a previously unappreciated role for HCs in tumor eradication promoted by PDT

    Are Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Implicated in Histaminergic Dysregulation in Bipolar Disorder?: AN HYPOTHESIS

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    Bipolar disorder (BD) is an extremely disabling psychiatric disease, characterized by alternate states of mania (or hypomania) and depression with euthymic states in between. Currently, patients receive pharmacological treatment with mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants. Unfortunately, not all patients respond well to this type of treatment. Bipolar patients are also more prone to heart and metabolic diseases as well as a higher risk of suicide compared to the healthy population. For a correct brain function is indispensable a right protein and lipids (e.g., fatty acids) balance. In particular, the amount of fatty acids in the brain corresponds to a 50–70% of the dry weight. It has been reported that in specific brain regions of BD patients there is a reduction in the content of unsaturated n-3 fatty acids. Accordingly, a diet rich in n-3 fatty acids has beneficial effects in BD patients, while their absence or high levels of saturated fatty acids in the diet are correlated to the risk of developing the disease. On the other hand, the histamine system is likely to be involved in the pathophysiology of several psychiatric diseases such as BD. Histamine is a neuromodulator involved in arousal, motivation, and energy balance; drugs acting on the histamine receptor H3 have shown potential as antidepressants and antipsychotics. The histaminergic system as other neurotransmission systems can be altered by fatty acid membrane composition. The purpose of this review is to explore how polyunsaturated fatty acids content alterations are related to the histaminergic system modulation and their impact in BD pathophysiology