319 research outputs found

    Museums and the making of textile histories: Past, present, and future

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    Many different types of museums collect, document, and preserve textiles, interpreting them through temporary and semi-permanent exhibitions, publications, and web- site interventions – sometimes independently, sometimes as part of a broader histo- ry of art and design, science and technology, social history and anthropology, local history or world cultures (for example, see the range and approaches in major fash- ion capitals such as London, Paris, Milan, New York with a long tradition of textile production as well as consumption, and in manufacturing cities such as Krefeld, Lyon, Manchester). Nonetheless, textile-focused events seldom receive great public attention or crit- ical acclaim, with the possible exceptions of innovative temporary exhibitions such as Jean-Paul Leclercq, “Jouer la Lumière” (Paris, Les Arts Décoratifs, 2001); Thomas P. Campbell, “Tapestry in the Renaissance: Art and Magnificence” (New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2002); Amelia Peck et al., “Interwoven Globe. The Worldwide Textile Trade, 1500-1800” (New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2013-2014); John Styles, “Threads of Feeling” (London, The Foundling Hospital, 2010-2011; Colonial Williamsburg, 2014).1 The aims of this debate are to draw on the different cultural experiences and disciplinary backgrounds of participants: – To generate discussion over the role of museums in making and representing tex- tile histories. Museums are not only depositories of textile objects, but also write or make both public and academic history through displays and publications. But how does their work relate to university research and dissemination, feed such research, or react to it? How might interactions between museums and universities in different regions and cultures be developed in the future? – To consider where innovative museum work is being undertaken (locally, region- ally, nationally, internationally), wherein lies its innovation, and how it might suggest directions for the future (in collecting, interpretation, etc.). By interpreta- tion, I mean any analogue or digital explanation that contextualizes the objects on display. – To suggest that the most dynamic study of objects from 1500 to the present is no longer limited to art historians – indeed, that the focus in art history on textiles that belong within a well-established tradition of connoisseurship (in which tap- estries and high-end commissions for wall-hangings dominate) is being challenged by the adoption of a more inclusive approach among historians, design historians, and historians of material culture. [Lesley Miller] EAN: 978-2-917902-31-

    Composição bromatológica de silagens de híbridos de sorgo cultivados em diferentes densidades de plantas.

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    Avaliou-se a composição bromatológica das silagens de dois híbridos de sorgo, AG-2005 (duplo propósito) e VOLUMAX (forrageiro), cultivados nos espaçamentos de 0,50; 0,75 e 1,00 m, resultando nas densidades de 140.000; 186.666 e 280.000 plantas por ha, respectivamente. A silagem do híbrido AG-2005 apresentou matéria seca (MS) superior no espaçamento de 1,00 m e foi mais elevada ao da silagem de VOLUMAX em todos os espaçamentos. A proteína bruta (PB) elevou-se com a redução dos espaçamentos (6,6; 6,8 e 8%, respectivamente), com maior valor médio no AG-2005 (7,7 vs 6,5%). A fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) foi menor no AG-2005 (59,25 vs 62,3%) e no espaçamento 0,75 m. Para fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) ocorreu diferença entre os dois híbridos no espaçamento 0,5 m, sendo de 33,5 e 39,3 %, respectivamente, para o AG-2005 e VOLUMAX. O EE apresentou diferença significativa (P < 0,05) entre os dois híbridos no espaçamento 0,75 m, sendo maior no AG-2005 (2,05 vs 1,61%). Conclui-se que o híbrido AG-2005 é mais recomendado para ensilagem, pois a sua silagem apresenta características qualitativas melhores que do VOLUMAX. O espaçamento de 0,5 m é o mais indicado no plantio dos híbridos, pois melhora a composição química das silagens. Chemical composition of silage sorghum hybrids grown at different densities. AbstractT - The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the nutritive value of silages from two sorghum hybrids, AG-2005 (double purpose) and VOLUMAX (forage) cultivated with different row spacings (0.50 m; 0.75 m and 1.00 m), resulting in 140,000; 186,666 e 280,000 plants per ha, respectively. Dry matter content of AG-2005 silage was higher for 1 m row spacing, and was higher than for VOLUMAX silage in all row spacings. Crude protein increased as the row spacing was reduced (6.6; 6.8 and 8%, respectively), with higher average value for AG-2005 (7.7 vs 6.5%). Neutral detergent fiber was lower for AG-2005 (59.25 vs 62.3%) and for .75 m spacing. Acid detergent fiber differed between hybrids in .5 m row spacing, being 33.5 and 39.3%, respectively, for AG-2005 and VOLUMAX. Ether extract was significantly different between hybrids in .5 m row spacing, being higher for AG-2005 (2.05 vs 1.61%). The use of AG-2005 is recommended for silage production due to its better qualitative characteristics than the VOLUMAX. The .5 m row spacing is recommended for both hybrids, since it improves the chemical composition of the silages