526 research outputs found

    Noodle consumption patterns of American consumers: NHANES 2001-2002

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    Although noodles occupy an important place in the dietary lives of Americans, up until the present time research and in-depth data on the noodle consumption patterns of the US population have been very limited. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the food consumption and diet patterns of noodle consumers and non-consumers according to age, gender, income, and ethnicity. The 2001-2002 NHANES databases were used. The NHANES 2001-2002 data showed that noodle consumers reporting noodle consumption in their 24-h recall were 2,035 individuals (23.3% of total subjects). According to the results, the mean noodle consumption was 304.1 g/day/person, with 334.3 g for males and 268.0 g for females. By age, the intake of those in the age range of 9-18 years old ranked highest at 353.0 g, followed by the order of 19-50 year-olds with 333.5 g, 51-70 year-olds with by 280.4 g, older than 71years old with 252.3 g, and 1-8 year-olds with 221.5 g. By gender, males consumed more noodles than females. Also, according to income, the intake amount for the middle-income level (PIR 1~1.85) of consumers was highest at 312.5 g. Noodle intake also showed different patterns by ethnicity in which the "other" ethnic group consumed the most noodles with 366.1 g, followed by, in order, Hispanics with 318.7 g, Whites with 298.6 g, and Blacks with 289.5 g. After comparing food consumption by dividing the subjects into noodle consumers and non-consumers, the former was more likely to consume milk, fish, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and alcoholic beverages while the latter preferred meat, poultry, bread, and non-alcohol beverages

    The effects of alcohol consumption, psychological distress and smoking status on emergency department presentations in New South Wales, Australia

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    BACKGROUND: Despite clear links between risky alcohol consumption, mental health problems and smoking with increased morbidity and mortality, there is inconclusive evidence about how these risk factors combine and if they are associated with increased attendance at emergency departments. This paper examines the population-level associations and interactions between alcohol consumption, psychological distress and smoking status with having presented to an emergency department in the last 12 months. METHODS: This study uses data from a representative sample of 34,974 participants aged 16 years and over from the New South Wales Population Health Survey, administered between 2002 and 2004. Statistical analysis included univariate statistics, cross-tabulations, and the estimation of prevalence rate ratios using Cox's proportional hazard regression model. RESULTS: Results show that high-risk alcohol consumption, high psychological distress and current smoking were all significantly and independently associated with a greater likelihood of presenting to an emergency department in the last year. Presenting to an emergency department was found to be three times more likely for women aged 30 to 59 years with all three risk factors and ten times more likely for women aged 60 years or more who reported high risk alcohol consumption and high psychological distress than women of these age groups without these risk factors. For persons aged 16 to 29 years, having high-risk alcohol consumption and being a current smoker doubles the risk of presenting to an emergency department. CONCLUSION: The combination of being a high-risk consumer of alcohol, having high psychological distress, and being a current smoker are associated with increased presentations to emergency departments, independent of age and sex. Further research is needed to enhance recognition of and intervention for these symptoms in an emergency department setting in order to improve patient health and reduce future re-presentations to emergency departments

    Fitting multilevel models in complex survey data with design weights: Recommendations

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    Abstract Background Multilevel models (MLM) offer complex survey data analysts a unique approach to understanding individual and contextual determinants of public health. However, little summarized guidance exists with regard to fitting MLM in complex survey data with design weights. Simulation work suggests that analysts should scale design weights using two methods and fit the MLM using unweighted and scaled-weighted data. This article examines the performance of scaled-weighted and unweighted analyses across a variety of MLM and software programs. Methods Using data from the 2005–2006 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN: n = 40,723) that collected data from children clustered within states, I examine the performance of scaling methods across outcome type (categorical vs. continuous), model type (level-1, level-2, or combined), and software (Mplus, MLwiN, and GLLAMM). Results Scaled weighted estimates and standard errors differed slightly from unweighted analyses, agreeing more with each other than with unweighted analyses. However, observed differences were minimal and did not lead to different inferential conclusions. Likewise, results demonstrated minimal differences across software programs, increasing confidence in results and inferential conclusions independent of software choice. Conclusion If including design weights in MLM, analysts should scale the weights and use software that properly includes the scaled weights in the estimation.</p

    Source reduction for prevention of methylene chloride hazards: cases from four industrial sectors

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    BACKGROUND: Source reduction, defined as chemical, equipment and process changes that intervene in an industrial process to eliminate or reduce hazards, has not figured as a front-line strategy for the protection of workers' health. Such initiatives are popular for environmental protection, but their feasibility and effectiveness as an industrial hygiene approach have not been well described. METHODS: We investigated four cases of source reduction as a hazard prevention strategy in Massachusetts companies that had used methylene chloride, an occupational carcinogen, for cleaning and adhesive thinning. Three cases were retrospective and one was prospective, where the researchers assisted with the source reduction process change. Data were collected using qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews and site visits. RESULTS: Motivated by environmental restrictions, a new worker health standard, and opportunity for productivity improvements, three companies eliminated their use of methylene chloride by utilizing available technologies and drop-in substitutes. Aided by technical assistance from the investigators, a fourth case dramatically reduced its use of methylene chloride via process and chemistry changes. While the companies' evaluations of potential work environment impacts of substitutes were not extensive, and in two cases new potential hazards were introduced, the overall impact of the source reduction strategy was deemed beneficial, both from a worker health and a production standpoint. CONCLUSION: The findings from these four cases suggest that source reduction should be considered potentially feasible and effective for reducing or eliminating the potential hazards of methylene chloride exposure. Especially when faced with a hazard that is both an environmental and worker health concern, companies may chose to change their processes rather than rely on local exhaust ventilation equipment or personal protective equipment that might not be as effective, might transfer risk and/or not be integrated with financial goals. However, technical assistance sensitive to environmental and health and safety impacts as well as production issues should be provided to guide companies' source reduction efforts
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