1 research outputs found
Bibliography of United States Government Bibliographies — 1979
- Author
- Abstracts Wildlife
- Addiction Neonatal Drug
- al Occupations Women
- Aquatic Nuisances Biological Control
- Argillaceous Sediments Geology
- Arthropoda Bibliography
- Assessment Centers
- Atomic Energy Levels Bibliography
- Audiovisual
- Available List
- Avian Botulism A Bibliography
- Aviation General
- Barbara S. Kavanaugh
- Bibliography
- Bibliography Annotated
- Bibliography Fuel
- Bibliography Phycovirus
- Bilingual-Bicultural Preschool A Bibliography
- Biochemistry Current Cancer
- Breast Effects
- Bumpers
- Cancer Patient Nutrition
- Cancer Platinum Complexes
- Cartographic List
- Census Bureau Methodological Research
- City Planning A Special Bibliography
- Classification Position
- Clinical Current Cancer
- Communist Chinese Law Japanese Writings
- Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center Program
- Computerized Axial Tomography Selected Bibliographyc
- Coping
- Credit Retail
- Crime Victimless
- Crime White Collar
- Criminology International
- Dept List
- Die Euthanasia
- Dimensional Coordination Metrication
- Directory Scientific
- Diversion Juvenile
- Driving Drugs
- Driving Drugs
- Driving Youth
- Drug Abuse Primary Prevention
- Education Oral Cancer
- Educational Source Book
- Elderly Crime
- Endogenous Opioid
- Energy
- Energy Digest GAO
- Energy Nuclear
- English
- Environment Livestock
- Evaluating Human Services Experiences
- Evaluations Federal Program
- Experimental Data A Bibliography
- Farmer Popular Publications
- Fiber Dietary
- Fibrosis Cystic
- Focus In
- Folmar Leroy C.
- Forecasting Accident Risk
- Forestry Research Fifty Years
- France Military Forces
- Fraud Consumer
- Fruits A Bibliography
- Futures Dealing
- Guide to Federal Aviation Administration Publications. Washington Dept.
- Health Coordination
- History Exploring American
- Holdings New Serial
- Hospital Emergency Services Categorization
- Hypertension Behavioral Approaches
- Hypertensive Patients Educational Materials
- Index
- Industrial Pollution Control Division Reports and Project Abstracts.
- Information Catalog
- Information Products Resulting from Satellite Studies at the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences. By E.M. Gray
- Injury Spinal Cord
- Journals List
- Law Enforcement Careers
- Leukemia Bone Marrow
- Listing ChronologicalDocument
- Listing Current
- Literature Children's
- LiteratureList Nematology
- Literatureon Barrier-Free Resource Guide
- Local Governments Special Software
- Major Publications of the Department of State
- Mammography
- Management Function The Personnel
- Management Home
- Management Solid Waste
- Materials Vietnamese Legal
- Medicine Bibliography
- Mental A Reader's Guide
- Mining Mechanized Longwall
- Motorcycles
- Multiservice Centers
- National Register of Microform Masters 1965-1975. Washington
- Nuclear Service Structural Integrity
- Occupational Wage Surveys Directory
- Office Publications General Accounting
- Oriented System The Problem
- Ostomates Patient Education
- Other Films
- Outer Continental Shelf Oil Socioeconomic Impacts
- Over
- Oxychlorides Nitrogen
- Parks Mobile Homes
- Patient Cancer Education Public
- Pedestrians
- Periodicals Currently List
- Phytochrome
- Planning Small Store
- Ponderosa Pine
- Popular
- Pothier Recombinant DNA.
- Potpourri American
- Preparedness Disaster
- Prevention Community Crime
- Productivity
- Project Evaluation Techniques
- Project Reviews Certificate
- Publications DASC
- Publications Farmer Cooperative
- Publications List
- Publications Military
- Publications of the Women's Bureau
- Publications Selected Federal
- Published
- Rail Technology A Bibliography
- Recovery Resource
- Research Reports Abstracts
- Research Special Papers Available Foreign Affairs
- Research Special Papers Available Foreign Affairs
- Roberta A. Scull
- Rotating Nonmetallic
- Science Computer
- Select List of Publications of the National Archives and Records Service. Washington
- Senate's National Fuels and Energy Policy Study
- Services Selected Reading List Foster Family
- Services Shared by Health Care Organizations
- Small Business Data Processing
- Sources Federal Information
- Spill Oil
- Sports
- State Environment Information
- State Environmental Information
- Syndrome Guillain-Barre
- Systems Recordkeeping
- Team Policing Issues
- Technical Publications Index
- Technical Reports of the Federal Energy Administration
- Terrorism
- The
- The Controversy over a New Canal Treaty between the United States and Panama
- Thrive Failure
- Thrombosis Hemostasis
- Tires
- Title
- Titling Motor Vehicle
- Toxicity Asbestos
- Toxicology Bismuth
- Toxicology Ozone
- Training Information Exchange Bulletin Education
- Uganda
- United States Environmental Protection Agency Library System Book Catalog
- Vehicles Recreational
- Volume
- Washington
- Women's Educational Equity Resources
- Working Life Productivity
- World Literatureon Electric Selective Bibliography
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study