31 research outputs found

    Urea metabolism in the digestive tract of the pig ; preliminary quantitative and qualitative data

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    La méthode directe d’étude des échanges de nutriments entre le sang et les contenus digestifs, déjà exposée ici (Rerat, 1977) a été appliquée à l'étude du passage de l’urée sanguine vers la lumière intestinale et de sa métabolisation en ammoniac chez le porc au cours de cinq répétitions à niveaux alimentaires différents permettant de comparer chez un même animal des régimes à 12 p. 100 de protéines contenant ou non de l’urée (3 p. 100). Il se produit une sécrétion brute permanente d urée en provenance du sang vers le tube digestif qui s’élève à près d’un gramme par heure au cours de la digestion de repas équilibrés chez des sujets en bonne santé. L’urée sécrétée n’est que partiellement dégradée (moins de 50 p. 100) en ammoniac. L’urée fournie par voie alimentaire est rapi dement absorbée (en cinq heures environ), et son addition au régime ne se traduit pas par une élévation significative des quantités d’ammoniac produites au cours de la période d’étude postprandiale (8 h) chez des animaux non adaptés à cette addition d urée.The previously reported direct method of determination of the exchanges of nutriments between blood and digestive contents (Rerat, 1977) was applied to the study of the passage of blood urea towards the intestinal lumen and its meta- bolization into ammonia in the pig. Using five replications at different feeding levels it was possible to compare in one and the same animal diets containing 12 p. 100 protein and either no urea or 3 p. 100. The amount of blood urea permanently secreted in the gut during digestion of a balanced meal in healthy animals ranged around 1 gramme per hour. The urea secreted was only partially degraded ( less than 50 p. 100) into ammonia. Dietary urea was rapidly absorbed (within about 5 hours) and its addition to the diet did not lead to a significant elevation in the amounts of ammonia produced during the postprandial period (8 h) in animals non adapted to this addition of urea

    Moving beyond Marcuse: gentrification, displacement and the violence of un-homing

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    Displacement has become one of the most prominent themes in contemporary geographical debates, used to describe processes of dispossession and forced eviction at a diverse range of scales. Given its frequent deployment in studies describing the consequences of gentrification, this paper seeks to better define and conceptualise displacement as a process of un-homing, noting that while gentrification can prompt processes of eviction, expulsion and exclusion operating at different scales and speeds, it always ruptures the connection between people and place. On this basis – and recognising displacement as a form of violence – this paper concludes that the diverse scales and temporalities of displacement need to be better elucidated so that their negative emotional, psychosocial and material impacts can be more fully documented, and resisted

    The number and profile of reactive NADH-d and NADPH-d neurons of myenteric plexus of six-month-old rats are different in the cecum portions

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    Whole-mount preparations were prepared and submitted to NADH-diaphorase and NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry techniques. The myenteric plexus arrangement and the number of neurons were comparatively evaluated among the different portions of the cecum. The neurons from the apical and basal regions were distributed in classes at intervals of 100µm², the means of the corresponding intervals being compared. The ganglia, in both techniques, were often connected by fine bundles, which became thicker in the mesenteric region and in the region next to the cecal ampulla. The number of positive NADH-d neurons was higher than that of NADPH-d neurons in all portions, from both regions. The numbers of reactive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons were significantly different among the different portions of the cecum, except for the antimesenteric basal and intermediate basal regions, considering the NADH-d neurons. The profile area for the reactive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons was higher in the apical region than in the basal area. Differences in arrangement, distribution and size of positive NADH-d e NADPH-d neurons in the different cecum portions evidenced the importance of the subdivision of the analyzed organ.Estudaram-se o arranjo do plexo mioentérico, o número de neurônios e a área do perfil do corpo celular (µm²) dos neurônios mioentéricos, nas regiões apical e basal do ceco de ratos Wistar com 6 meses de idade. Estas regiões foram subdivididas nas seguintes porções: apical mesentérica (AM); apical intermediária (AI); apical antimesentérica (AA); próximo à ampola cecal (PA); basal intermediária (BI), e basal antimesentérica (BA). Foram montados preparados de membrana que receberam as técnicas histoquímica de NADH-diaforase (NADH-d) e NADPH-diaforase (NADPH-d). O arranjo do plexo mioentérico e o número de neurônios foram avaliados comparativamente entre as diferentes porções das regiões do ceco. Os neurônios das regiões apical e basal foram distribuídos em classes com intervalos de 100µm², sendo comparadas às médias da mensuração dos pares. Os gânglios, em ambas as técnicas, apresentavam-se, em geral, conectados por feixes delicados, tornando-se mais espessos na porção mesentérica e naquela próxima à ampola cecal. O número de neurônios NADH-d positivos foi maior do que o de NADPH-d em todas as porções, de ambas as regiões. O número de neurônios reativos a NADH-d e NADPH-d foi significativamente diferente entre as diferentes porções do ceco, com exceção das comparações entre as porções basal antimesentérica e basal intermediária, para os primeiros; e entre a basal intermediária e porção próxima à ampola cecal, e comparando-se a apical mesentérica e porção próxima à ampola cecal, para os neurônios NADPH-d positivos. A área do perfil dos neurônios NADH-d e NADPH-d reativos foi maior na região apical do que na basal. Pela primeira vez, o número de neurônios do plexo mioentérico é reportado em porções pré-estabelecidas do ceco de ratos. Nossos resultados reiteram a importância da indicação precisa da porção estudada em pesquisas envolvendo este segmento intestinal