408 research outputs found

    Intrinsic ultracontractivity of nonsymmetric diffusions with measure-valued drifts and potentials

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    Recently, in [Preprint (2006)], we extended the concept of intrinsic ultracontractivity to nonsymmetric semigroups. In this paper, we study the intrinsic ultracontractivity of nonsymmetric diffusions with measure-valued drifts and measure-valued potentials in bounded domains. Our process YY is a diffusion process whose generator can be formally written as L+μ⋅∇−νL+\mu\cdot\nabla-\nu with Dirichlet boundary conditions, where LL is a uniformly elliptic second-order differential operator and μ=(μ1,...,μd)\mu=(\mu^1,...,\mu^d) is such that each component μi\mu^i, i=1,...,di=1,...,d, is a signed measure belonging to the Kato class Kd,1\mathbf{K}_{d,1} and ν\nu is a (nonnegative) measure belonging to the Kato class Kd,2\mathbf{K}_{d,2}. We show that scale-invariant parabolic and elliptic Harnack inequalities are valid for YY. In this paper, we prove the parabolic boundary Harnack principle and the intrinsic ultracontractivity for the killed diffusion YDY^D with measure-valued drift and potential when DD is one of the following types of bounded domains: twisted H\"{o}lder domains of order α∈(1/3,1]\alpha\in(1/3,1], uniformly H\"{o}lder domains of order α∈(0,2)\alpha\in(0,2) and domains which can be locally represented as the region above the graph of a function. This extends the results in [J. Funct. Anal. 100 (1991) 181--206] and [Probab. Theory Related Fields 91 (1992) 405--443]. As a consequence of the intrinsic ultracontractivity, we get that the supremum of the expected conditional lifetimes of YDY^D is finite.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOP381 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Intrinsic Ultracontractivity, Conditional Lifetimes and Conditional Gauge for Symmetric Stable Processes on Rough Domains

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    For a symmetric α\alpha-stable process XX on \RR^n with 0<α<20<\alpha <2, n≥2n\geq 2 and a domain D \subset \RR^n, let LDL^D be the infinitesimal generator of the subprocess of XX killed upon leaving DD. For a Kato class function qq, it is shown that LD+qL^D+q is intrinsic ultracontractive on a H\"older domain DD of order 0. This is then used to establish the conditional gauge theorem for XX on bounded Lipschitz domains in \RR^n. It is also shown that the conditional lifetimes for symmetric stable process in a H\"older domain of order 0 are uniformly bounded

    Martin Boundary and Integral Representation for Harmonic Functions of Symmetric Stable Processes

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    Martin boundaries and integral representations of positive functions which are harmonic in a bounded domain DD with respect to Brownian motion are well understood. Unlike the Brownian case, there are two different kinds of harmonicity with respect to a discontinuous symmetric stable process. One kind are functions harmonic in DD with respect to the whole process XX, and the other are functions harmonic in DD with respect to the process XDX^D killed upon leaving DD. In this paper we show that for bounded Lipschitz domains, the Martin boundary with respect to the killed stable process XDX^D can be identified with the Euclidean boundary. We further give integral representations for both kinds of positive harmonic functions. Also given is the conditional gauge theorem conditioned according to Martin kernels and the limiting behaviors of the hh-conditional stable process, where hh is a positive harmonic function of XDX^D. In the case when DD is a bounded C1,1C^{1, 1} domain, sharp estimate on the Martin kernel of DD is obtained

    Two-sided Green function estimates for killed subordinate Brownian motions

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    A subordinate Brownian motion is a L\'evy process which can be obtained by replacing the time of the Brownian motion by an independent subordinator. The infinitesimal generator of a subordinate Brownian motion is −ϕ(−Δ)-\phi(-\Delta), where ϕ\phi is the Laplace exponent of the subordinator. In this paper, we consider a large class of subordinate Brownian motions without diffusion component and with ϕ\phi comparable to a regularly varying function at infinity. This class of processes includes symmetric stable processes, relativistic stable processes, sums of independent symmetric stable processes, sums of independent relativistic stable processes, and much more. We give sharp two-sided estimates on the Green functions of these subordinate Brownian motions in any bounded κ\kappa-fat open set DD. When DD is a bounded C1,1C^{1,1} open set, we establish an explicit form of the estimates in terms of the distance to the boundary. As a consequence of such sharp Green function estimates, we obtain a boundary Harnack principle in C1,1C^{1,1} open sets with explicit rate of decay.Comment: 33 page
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