15 research outputs found

    Impact Washington:An Economic Impact Analysis

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    This report estimated the economic impact of Impact Washington on manufacturing in Washington State

    Contribution of the Film & Television Industry to the Economies of Oregon and the Portland Metropolitan Area: An Economic Impact Analysis for the Oregon Governor’s Office of Film and Television

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    Research report on the economic footprint of the TV and Film Industry in Oregon and the Portland Metro Area

    Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership: An Economic Impact Analysis

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    Estimated the economic impact of the Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership on manufacturing in Oregon

    Retirement Security in Oregon

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    By expanding access to retirement savings plans, a state-sponsored program for workers should increase the overall level of participation, and, ultimately, increase retirement fund income. The over 400,000 new enrollees estimated by this study suggests that these programs can have large impacts

    Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership: An Economic Impact Analysis

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    Large, technology manufacturers tend to dominate the Oregon manufacturing discussion, but as the preceding results show, smaller manufacturers like metalworkers and bakeries can produce large numbers of new jobs, particularly when given technical assistance. The aggregate effect of employment increases from small- and medium-sized firms is large, and contributes to sectors identified as priorities by Oregon’s economic development agencies

    Carbon Tax and Shift: How to make it work for Oregon\u27s Economy.

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    This study analyzes a carbon tax and tax shift in Oregon as a means of reducing market inefficiencies by placing a meaningful price on carbon emissions. This study shows that a carbon tax can reduce distortionary income taxes, and provide new revenue opportunities for Oregon. By taxing carbon emissions and reducing Corporate and Personal Income tax rates, Oregon can reduce the negative incentives created by income taxes while generating revenue and reducing carbon emissions. The report shows that putting a price on carbon in Oregon can result in reductions in harmful emissions and have positive impacts on the economy

    Economic and Emissions Impacts of a Clean Air Tax or Fee in Oregon (SB306)

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    Analysis on how a carbon pricing policy would affect different Oregon industry sectors and regions

    Wave Energy in Clatsop County, OR: An Economic Impact Analysis

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    This study analyzes the economic impacts of building a wave energy commercial generation project in Clatsop County, Oregon. The modeled project is relatively small, and was produced by reviewing relevant wave energy literature and working with two local wave energy developers to estimate the expenditures and related costs of the project. We find that the construction and ongoing operation of a commercial wave energy project would create gains in employment, income, and output in the area as well as preparing Astoria for further wave energy development

    Oregon Property Tax Capitalization: Evidence from Portland

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    The passage of Measures 5 and 50 drastically changed the way property taxes were assessed in Oregon. The measures were intended to limit the ability of government to raise property taxes, while achieving other goals such as equalizing school funding across the state. The property tax system that resulted is complex and has introduced inequities into the system based on differing rates of changes between assessed value (AV) and real market value (RMV). The League of Oregon Cities (LOC) asked the Northwest Economic Research Center (NERC) to investigate the effect of the tax structure on residential sale prices as part of ongoing efforts to understand the impacts of Oregon’s property tax system on local governments. Specifically, we wanted to investigate the magnitude of property tax capitalization - if two houses are similar in all ways except for their property tax payments, do their sale prices differ as a result

    Oregon’s Electric Vehicle Industry

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    In 2012, Drive Oregon and the Portland Development Commission (PDC) commissioned the Northwest Economic Research Center (NERC) to undertake a study of Oregon’s existing EV cluster. This report has two goals: define what we mean when we talk about an EV cluster in Oregon, and characterize and measure the existing EV cluster in order to identify Oregon’s strengths and opportunities