51 research outputs found

    Generating transgenic reporter lines for studying nervous system development in the cnidarian nematostella vectensis

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    Neurons often display complex morphologies with long and fine processes that can be difficult to visualize, in particular in living animals. Transgenic reporter lines in which fluorescent proteins are expressed in defined populations of neurons are important tools that can overcome these difficulties. By using membrane-attached fluorescent proteins, such reporter transgenes can identify the complete outline of subsets of neurons or they can highlight the subcellular localization of fusion proteins, for example at pre- or postsynaptic sites. The relative stability of fluorescent proteins furthermore allows the tracing of the progeny of cells over time and can therefore provide information about potential roles of the gene whose regulatory elements are controlling the expression of the fluorescent protein. Here we describe the generation of transgenic reporter lines in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis, a cnidarian model organism for studying the evolution of developmental processes. We also provide an overview of existing transgenic Nematostella lines that have been used to study conserved and derived aspects of nervous system development.acceptedVersio

    High Cleavage Efficiency of a 2A Peptide Derived from Porcine Teschovirus-1 in Human Cell Lines, Zebrafish and Mice

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    When expression of more than one gene is required in cells, bicistronic or multicistronic expression vectors have been used. Among various strategies employed to construct bicistronic or multicistronic vectors, an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) has been widely used. Due to the large size and difference in expression levels between genes before and after IRES, however, a new strategy was required to replace IRES. A self-cleaving 2A peptide could be a good candidate to replace IRES because of its small size and high cleavage efficiency between genes upstream and downstream of the 2A peptide. Despite the advantages of the 2A peptides, its use is not widespread because (i) there are no publicly available cloning vectors harboring a 2A peptide gene and (ii) comprehensive comparison of cleavage efficiency among various 2A peptides reported to date has not been performed in different contexts. Here, we generated four expression plasmids each harboring different 2A peptides derived from the foot-and-mouth disease virus, equine rhinitis A virus, Thosea asigna virus and porcine teschovirus-1, respectively, and evaluated their cleavage efficiency in three commonly used human cell lines, zebrafish embryos and adult mice. Western blotting and confocal microscopic analyses revealed that among the four 2As, the one derived from porcine teschovirus-1 (P2A) has the highest cleavage efficiency in all the contexts examined. We anticipate that the 2A-harboring cloning vectors we generated and the highest efficiency of the P2A peptide we demonstrated would help biomedical researchers easily adopt the 2A technology when bicistronic or multicistronic expression is required

    Identification and In Vivo Characterization of NvFP-7R, a Developmentally Regulated Red Fluorescent Protein of Nematostella vectensis

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    In recent years, the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis has emerged as a critical model organism for comparative genomics and developmental biology. Although Nematostella is a member of the anthozoan cnidarians (known for producing an abundance of diverse fluorescent proteins (FPs)), endogenous patterns of Nematostella fluorescence have not been described and putative FPs encoded by the genome have not been characterized.We described the spatiotemporal expression of endogenous red fluorescence during Nematostella development. Spatially, there are two patterns of red fluorescence, both restricted to the oral endoderm in developing polyps. One pattern is found in long fluorescent domains associated with the eight mesenteries and the other is found in short fluorescent domains situated between tentacles. Temporally, the long domains appear simultaneously at the 12-tentacle stage. In contrast, the short domains arise progressively between the 12- and 16-tentacle stage. To determine the source of the red fluorescence, we used bioinformatic approaches to identify all possible putative Nematostella FPs and a Drosophila S2 cell culture assay to validate NvFP-7R, a novel red fluorescent protein. We report that both the mRNA expression pattern and spectral signature of purified NvFP-7R closely match that of the endogenous red fluorescence. Strikingly, the red fluorescent pattern of NvFP-7R exhibits asymmetric expression along the directive axis, indicating that the nvfp-7r locus senses the positional information of the body plan. At the tissue level, NvFP-7R exhibits an unexpected subcellular localization and a complex complementary expression pattern in apposed epithelia sheets comprising each endodermal mesentery.These experiments not only identify NvFP-7R as a novel red fluorescent protein that could be employed as a research tool; they also uncover an unexpected spatio-temporal complexity of gene expression in an adult cnidarian. Perhaps most importantly, our results define Nematostella as a new model organism for understanding the biological function of fluorescent proteins in vivo

    Thermal Transport in Micro- and Nanoscale Systems

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    Small-scale (micro-/nanoscale) heat transfer has broad and exciting range of applications. Heat transfer at small scale quite naturally is influenced – sometimes dramatically – with high surface area-to-volume ratios. This in effect means that heat transfer in small-scale devices and systems is influenced by surface treatment and surface morphology. Importantly, interfacial dynamic effects are at least non-negligible, and there is a strong potential to engineer the performance of such devices using the progress in micro- and nanomanufacturing technologies. With this motivation, the emphasis here is on heat conduction and convection. The chapter starts with a broad introduction to Boltzmann transport equation which captures the physics of small-scale heat transport, while also outlining the differences between small-scale transport and classical macroscale heat transport. Among applications, examples are thermoelectric and thermal interface materials where micro- and nanofabrication have led to impressive figure of merits and thermal management performance. Basic of phonon transport and its manipulation through nanostructuring materials are discussed in detail. Small-scale single-phase convection and the crucial role it has played in developing the thermal management solutions for the next generation of electronics and energy-harvesting devices are discussed as the next topic. Features of microcooling platforms and physics of optimized thermal transport using microchannel manifold heat sinks are discussed in detail along with a discussion of how such systems also facilitate use of low-grade, waste heat from data centers and photovoltaic modules. Phase change process and their control using surface micro-/nanostructure are discussed next. Among the feature considered, the first are microscale heat pipes where capillary effects play an important role. Next the role of nanostructures in controlling nucleation and mobility of the discrete phase in two-phase processes, such as boiling, condensation, and icing is explained in great detail. Special emphasis is placed on the limitations of current surface and device manufacture technologies while also outlining the potential ways to overcome them. Lastly, the chapter is concluded with a summary and perspective on future trends and, more importantly, the opportunities for new research and applications in this exciting field

    Data from: Minimal ProtoHox cluster inferred from bilaterian and cnidarian Hox complements

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    Bilaterian animals have a Hox gene cluster essential for patterning the main body axis, and a ParaHox gene cluster. Comparison of Hox and ParaHox genes has led workers to postulate that both clusters originated from the duplication of an ancient cluster named ProtoHox, which contained up to four genes with at least the precursors of anterior and posterior Hox/ParaHox genes. However, the way in which genes diversified within the ProtoHox, Hox and ParaHox clusters remains unclear because no systematic study of non-bilaterian animals exists. Here we characterize the full Hox/ParaHox gene complements and genomic organization in two cnidarian species (Nematostella vectensis and Hydra magnipapillata), and suggest a ProtoHox cluster simpler than originally thought on the basis of three arguments. First, both species possess bilaterian-like anterior Hox genes, but their non-anterior genes do not appear as counterparts of either bilaterian central or posterior genes; second, two clustered ParaHox genes, Gsx and a gene related to Xlox and Cdx, are found in Nematostella vectensis; and third, we do not find clear phylogenetic support for a common origin of bilaterian Cdx and posterior genes, which might therefore have appeared after the ProtoHox cluster duplication. Consequently, the ProtoHox cluster might have consisted of only two anterior genes. Non-anterior genes could have appeared independently in the Hox and ParaHox clusters, possibly after the separation of bilaterians and cnidarians

    A muscle-specific transgenic reporter line of the sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis

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    The sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis, has become an attractive new model organism for comparative genomics and evolutionary developmental biology. Over the last few years, many genes have been isolated and their expression patterns studied to gain insight into their function. More recently, functional tools have been developed to manipulate gene function; however, most of these approaches rely on microinjection and are limited to early stages of development. Transgenic lines would significantly enhance the tractability of the system. In particular, the study of gene- or tissue-specific promoters would be most useful. Here we report the stable establishment of a transgenic line using the I-SceI meganuclease system to facilitate integration into the genome. We isolated a 1.6-kb fragment of the regulatory upstream region of the Myosin Heavy Chain1 (MyHC1) gene and found that the transgene is specifically expressed in the retractor and tentacle muscles of Nematostella polyps, faithfully reproducing the expression of the endogenous MyHC1 gene. This demonstrates that the 1.6-kb fragment contains all of the regulatory elements necessary to drive correct expression and suggests that retractor and tentacle muscles in Nematostella are distinct from other myoepithelial cells. The transgene is transmitted through the germline at high frequency, and G1 transgenic polyps have only one integration site. The relatively high frequency of transgenesis, in combination with gene- or tissue-specific promoters, will foster experimental possibilities for studying in vivo gene functions in gene regulatory networks and developmental processes in the nonbilaterian sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis

    Data from: Minimal ProtoHox cluster inferred from bilaterian and cnidarian Hox complements

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    Bilaterian animals have a Hox gene cluster essential for patterning the main body axis, and a ParaHox gene cluster. Comparison of Hox and ParaHox genes has led workers to postulate that both clusters originated from the duplication of an ancient cluster named ProtoHox, which contained up to four genes with at least the precursors of anterior and posterior Hox/ParaHox genes. However, the way in which genes diversified within the ProtoHox, Hox and ParaHox clusters remains unclear because no systematic study of non-bilaterian animals exists. Here we characterize the full Hox/ParaHox gene complements and genomic organization in two cnidarian species (Nematostella vectensis and Hydra magnipapillata), and suggest a ProtoHox cluster simpler than originally thought on the basis of three arguments. First, both species possess bilaterian-like anterior Hox genes, but their non-anterior genes do not appear as counterparts of either bilaterian central or posterior genes; second, two clustered ParaHox genes, Gsx and a gene related to Xlox and Cdx, are found in Nematostella vectensis; and third, we do not find clear phylogenetic support for a common origin of bilaterian Cdx and posterior genes, which might therefore have appeared after the ProtoHox cluster duplication. Consequently, the ProtoHox cluster might have consisted of only two anterior genes. Non-anterior genes could have appeared independently in the Hox and ParaHox clusters, possibly after the separation of bilaterians and cnidarians
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