29 research outputs found

    Oral Health Related Quality of Life in Patients With New Conventional Complete Dentures

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    Posljednjih godina u Hrvatskoj se shvatilo koliko je nužno da pacijent sam procijeni vlastito zdravlje, Å”to je istodobno dodatak dosadaÅ”njem praćenju kliničkih indikatora oralnih bolesti. Svrha rada: Željelo se procijeniti OHRQoL koristeći se upitnikom za OHIP kod pacijenata uključenih u izradu novih potpunih proteza i to prije zavrÅ”ene terapije i poslije nje, te ustanoviti postoji li razlika u spolu. Svrha rada također je bila procijeniti OHRQoL opće populacije te doznati ima li razlika prije terapije i poslije nje u odnosu prema pacijentima kojima su potrebne nove potpune proteze. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 130 ispitanika opće populacije i 70 pacijenata uključenih u protetsku terapiju izrade potpunih proteza. Svi su ispunili hrvatsku verziju upitnika za OHIP (OHIP-CRO49). Rezultati: U općoj populaciji nije bilo veće razlike u OHRQoL-u između muÅ”karaca i žena (p>0,05). Kod pacijenata prije početka protetske terapije s potpunim protezama, OHRQoL je bio znatno loÅ”iji kod žena negoli kod muÅ”karaca (p0,05).In addition to already existing monitoring of clinical indicators of oral diseases a need was recognized for a standardized measure of patientsā€™ assessment of their own health in Croatia. Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the OHRQoL before and after prosthodontic complete denture therapy and to examine possible differences between male and female gender. The aim was also to assess the OHRQoL of general population in Croatia and to compare the OHIP scores with the group of complete denture (CD) prosthodontic patients. Material and Methods: The study included 130 individuals from general population in Croatia and 70 patients involved in CD therapy. Participants filled in the Croatian version of the OHIP questionnaire (OHIP-CRO49). Results: In the general population there were no statistically significant differences considering the OHRQoL between male and female gender (p>0.05). In the group of prosthodontic patients the OHRQoL was significantly lower in females before the beginning of CD therapy than in men (p0.05)

    Factors Related to Oral Health Related Quality of Life in TMD Patients

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    The aims of the study were to determine the impact of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) on self-percieved oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) and to compare OHRQoL of patients with TMD with a control group. A total of 81 TMD patients participated in a study group and 400 adults served as the control group. The mean OHIP summary scores were computed for all patients with the same diagnosis and the same subgroup of axis I according to the RDC/TMD exam form. The mean OHIP subscores for all seven domains of the OHIP questionnaire were compared between the study and the control group. The hierarchical linear regression model was used to assess the most important variables according to the RDC/TMD protocol that contribute to OHRQoL in TMD patients with the OHIP summary score as dependent variable. According to this study,TMD had a high association with reduced OHRQoL (p<0.001). More diagnoses of axis I according to the RDC/TMD protocol (p<0.001), higher age of TMD patients (p<0.001) and diagnoses associated with limited jaw movements contributed to more impaired OHRQoL (p=0.008 and p=0.030, respectively). Female TMD patients had no significantly different OHRQoL compared to male patients (p=0.436). According to regression analysis, higher age (p<0.001), more physical diagnoses (p=0.018) and diagnosis Ib (p=0.169) explained 39.1% of the variability (p<0.001) of the OHIP summary score in TMD patients

    Thorough Clinical Evaluation of Skin, as well as Oral, Genital and Anal Mucosa is Beneficial in Lichen Planus Patients

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    Lichen planus (LP) is a common mucocutaneous disease of unknown aetiology with various geographical prevalence, may be related to some serious disorders such as squamous cell carcinoma and often remains underdiagnosed. The aim of this retrospective study was to thoroughly determine localization and clinical characteristics of LP lesions in a cohort of 173 Slovenian patients in association to the presence of accompanying symptoms and history of potential stressful events. Isolated cutaneous lesions of LP were found in 56.6% and isolated oral LP in 3.5% of patients. Thirty-four percent presented orocutaneous LP, whereas genitocutaneous LP was noted in 1.2%, orogenito-cutaneous LP in 4% and orogenital LP in 0.5% of patients. Underlying stressful events were noted in 36 out of 137 (26.3%) patients. Despite obviously visible localization of the lesions various medical specialists should be familiar with LP and thoroughly examine the complete skin, as well as oral, genital and anal mucosa in each LP patient to avoid a delay in diagnosing this disease and possibly disclose a much serious underlying condition. Psychological support should be offered, if needed

    The Croatian Version of the Oral Health Impact Profile Questionnaire

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    Purpose of this study was to develop a Croatian version of the Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire (OHIP-CRO49), following the accepted cross-cultural adaptation technique guidelines. The original version was translated by using a forward-backward translation method. The psychometric properties of the OHIP-CRO49 were tested. To test the construct validity 163 randomly selected subjects and 26 prosthodontic patients participated. The construct validity was supported by the association between the OHIP-CRO49 sum-scores and the self-reported oral health and five oral disorders. The test-retest reliability was tested on 30 prosthodontic patients and 30 students, and it was supported by high intraclass correlation coefficients (r=0.63 to 0.95). To test the internal consistency 163 randomly selected subjects (general population), 26 prosthodontic patients and 29 dental students participated, and it was supported by high Cronbachā€™s alpha coefficients (0.60 to 0.97). The resposiveness was tested on 21 patients with a treatment demand (toothache), and was supported by a statistically significant mean OHIP-CRO49 score differece (from 108.48 to 27.57) and a high effect size (2.96 and 3.48). Adequate psychometric properties in a typical patientsā€™ population make the new instrument suitable for assessment of Oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in Croatia

    Selection of Appropriate Artificial Frontal Teeth Size Using Dimensions of Hard Palate

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    Eighty dentate students participated as a study group and another 74 as a control group. The aim was to determine a possibility to reconstruct maxillary frontal teeth dimensions by use of certain hard palate dimensions. The height (IH) and the incisal (IW), contact point (CtW) and cervical width (CW) of maxillary central incisors (MCI), hamular width (HW) and the distance between the incisive papilla and the palatine foveas (IP-FP) were measured on the maxillary casts. CtW of maxillary lateral incisors and canines were measured too. In the study group the ratios were computed: HW/IW (5.71), HW/CtW (5.69), HW/CW (5.51) and IP-FP/IH (4.76). These ratios were multiplied by incisorā€™s dimensions (obtained from the control group) to calculate the hard palate dimensions. No significant differences were obtained between the calculated and the measured (study group) hard palate dimensions. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between the HW and the Sum of contact-point widths of all maxillary frontal teeth (p>0.05) in the both groups. The results revealed: 1. MCI width and height might be calculated by dividing dimensions of a patientā€™s hard palate and appropriate ratio; 2. hamular width dimension can be used as a selection guide for the sum of contact-point widths of six maxillary frontal teeth

    Comparison of Three Prosthodontic Treatment Modalities for Patients with Periodontally Compromised Anterior Mandibular Teeth: A 2-year follow-up study

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    Svrha: Željelo se procijeniti žvačnu funkciju i kvalitetu života ovisnu o oralnom zdravlju (OHRQoL) pacijentima starije dobi nakon triju različitih vrsta protetičke terapije u donjoj čeljusti ā€“ koriÅ”tenja djelomičnih proteza dugačkih sedala (skupina PP-DP), potpunih proteza (skupina PP) ili potpunih pokrovnih proteza retiniranih na minidentalnim implantatima (skupina PP-MDI). Na početku terapije svi su pacijenti imali pomične samo donje prednje zube (1 mm ili >), a stražnja regija donje čeljusti bila je bezuba. Pacijenti su bili potpuno bezubi u gornjoj čeljusti. Nakon terapije svi su pozvani na kontrolni pregled i to tri mjeseca nakon protetičke rehabilitacije (razdoblje prilagodbe) i zatim poslije dvije godine. Materijali i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 176 pacijenata (skupina PP ā€“ n = 68; skupina PP-DP ā€“ n = 58; skupina PP-MDI ā€“ n = 50). Žvačna funkcija procijenjena je s pomoću upitnika žvačne funkcije (CFQ), a OHRQoL upitnikom OHIP 14. Upitnike su pacijenti ispunjavali prije terapije, tri mjeseca nakon terapije (zavrÅ”ena prilagodba) i dvije godine nakon terapije. Rezultati: OHRQoL i žvačna funkcija značajno su se poboljÅ”ali nakon terapije u svim trima skupinama pacijenata (p < 0,01). Najveće poboljÅ”anje žvačne funkcije ustanovljeno je u skupini PP-MDI. Nakon terapije OHRQoL je bio značajno bolji u skupini PP-MDI u odnosu prema skupini PP (p < 0,01). Nakon dvije godine žvačna funkcija u skupini PP-MDI joÅ” se dodatno značajno poboljÅ”ala, a pogorÅ”anje je utvrđeno u skupinama PP i PP-DP (p < 0,01). Isti rezultati zabilježeni su i za OHRQoL. Najveći broj reparatura proteza i dodatnih prilagodbi obavljen je u skupini PP-DP. Zaključak: Uz ograničenja ovog istraživanja, protetička rehabilitacija pokrovnim protezama koje su retinirane minidentalnim implantatima može se smatrati boljom terapijskom opcijom, uz trajno poboljÅ”anje OHRQoL-a i žvačne funkcije, u odnosu prema terapiji s donjim potpunim protezama ili donjim djelomičnim protezama na preostalim pomičnim prednjim zubima.Objectives: To prospectively assess self-perceived chewing function (CF) and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in geriatric patients after receiving three different treatment modalities in the mandible: removable partial denture (CD-RPD), complete denture (CDs), or complete overdenture supported by mini dental implants (CD-MDI). At baseline, all patients had mobile anterior teeth (1 mm or >) and missing posterior teeth in the mandible. Patients were completely edentulous in the maxilla. After treatment, patients were recalled at the 3-month and the 2-year post-treatment period. Materials and Methods: A total of 176 patients participated (CD group, n=68; CD-RPD group, n=58; CDMDI group, n=50). Self-reported CF was assessed using the Chewing Function questionnaire (CFQ), The OHRQoL was evaluated using the OHIP14 questionnaire, which the patients completed 1. before treatment, 2. three months after treatment, and 3. at the 2-year post-treatment stage. Results: The OHRQoL and the self-perceived CF significantly improved in all groups after treatment (p<0.01). The highest improvement of a CF was recorded in the CD-MDI group. The OHRQoL was significantly higher in the CD-MDI group in comparison to the CDs group after treatment (p<0.01). At the 2-year post-treatment stage, self-perceived CF significantly further improved in the CD-MDI group, while it worsened in the CD and the CD-RPD groups (p<0.01). The same pattern was recorded for the OHIP14 summary scores. The highest amount of denture repairs and adjustments was recorded in the CDRPD group, although maintenance was also demanding in the CD-MDI group. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, rehabilitation with mandibular MDI retained overdenture can be considered as preferred treatment with the constant improvement of OHRQoL and a chewing function in comparison to mandibular CD or mandibular RPD option in patients with mobile anterior mandibular teeth

    Oral Health Related Quality of Life in Slovenian Patients with Craniomandibular Disorders

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    Sixty eight consecutive Slovenian patients with craniomandibular disorders (CMD) participated as the study group and another 400 adults from the regional population sample participated as the control group. The aim was to determine the impact of craniomandibular disorders to the self-perceived oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) and to compare the OHRQoL with a control group. The mean Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) summary scores were computed for all patients with the same diagnosis and for the same subgroups of the axis I according to the RDC/TMD exam protocol. The mean OHIP subscores for the seven domains of the OHIP questionnaire were compared between the study and the control group. Significantly higher OHIP summary scores and all the OHIP subscores were obtained in the CMD patients in comparison with the control group (p<0.05). Furthermore, in the CMD group, patients with two related diagnoses had significantly higher impaired OHRQoL than patients with a single one. The results revealed: 1. The CMD subjects are highly associated with the reduced OHRQoL, 2. Higher number of diagnoses of the axis I according to the RDC/TMD results in the more impaired OHRQoL, 3. The higher age of the patients revealed the more impaired OHRQoL