49 research outputs found

    Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment of Canine Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Mast Cell Tumors

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    Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are hematopoietic neoplasms composed of mast cells. It is highly common in dogs and is extremely important in the veterinary oncology field. It represents the third most common tumor subtype, and is the most common malignant skin tumor in dogs, corresponding to 11% of skin cancer cases. The objective of this critical review was to present the report of the 2nd Consensus meeting on the Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment of Canine Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Mast Cell Tumors, which was organized by the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Oncology (ABROVET) in August 2021. The most recent information on cutaneous and subcutaneous mast cell tumors in dogs is presented and discussed

    MicroRNA and cancer: a focus on mammary tumors in female dogs

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    ABSTRACT: Mammary tumors are the most frequent tumors reported in female dogs and have great relevance in veterinary oncology; however, little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of metastasis. An increasing number of human studies have suggested that epigenetic alterations, such as DNA methylation, miRNA, and histone modifications, are the predominant events leading to the metastatic phenotype in tumor cells and participate in regulating oncogenic signals associated with tumor spread. Among these epigenetic alterations, miRNAs have stood out in recent years, presenting a fundamental role in tumorigenesis. There are still few studies evaluating the role of miRNAs in canine mammary tissues. Thus, this paper aims to review the role of miRNAs in cancer with a special focus on canine mammary tumors

    Evidence of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in canine prostate cancer metastasis

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    The epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a fundamental event responsible for the invasiveness and metastasis of epithelial tumours. The EMT has been described in many human cancers, but there are few reports of this phenomenon in veterinary oncology. Due to the importance of this process, the current study evaluated mesenchymal and epithelial marker protein expression in prostate lesions from dogs. Our results indicate both a loss of E-cadherin and translocation of P-catenin from the membrane to the cytoplasm and nucleus in the tumour group. Vimentin expression in the tumour group was higher than in normal tissue. All of the metastases were positive for prostate-specific antigen, pan-cytokeratin and E-cadherin, although fewer positive cells were present than in the primary tumours. The immunohistochemical results showed a loss of epithelial markers and a gain of a mesenchymal marker among metastatic cells, suggesting that the EMT occurs during the metastatic process of canine prostate carcinoma. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Imunoistoquímica de útero e cérvice de cadelas com diagnóstico de piometra

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    Analisou-se a piometra de 31 cadelas, de raças e idades variadas, sendo 25 cadelas com piometra de cérvice aberta e seis de cérvice fechada. Após ovariossalpingo-histerectomia, foram coletados fragmentos da cérvice e do útero para a avaliação imunoistoquímica. Foram analisados os receptores de estrógenos α e β, progesterona e colágenos I e III. Foram realizadas imunomarcações em diferentes regiões da cérvice, como o epitélio glandular, o epitélio luminal e o estroma glandular, assim como em diferentes regiões do útero, como o epitélio glandular e o estroma glandular. As imunomarcações de colágenos I e III foram realizadas nas regiões glandular e muscular da cérvice e do útero. Concentrações de receptores de progesterona foram maiores em cadelas com piometra fechada.The pyometra in 31 bitches of different breeds and ages, 25 with pyometra cervix open and 6 closed cervix was analyzed. After the ovariohysterectomy procedure, samples were collected from the cervix and uterus to evaluate immunohistochemistry. For immunohistochemical evaluation estrogen receptors α and β, progesterone and collagen I and III were analyzed. Immunostainings were performed in different regions of the cervix such as glandular epithelium, luminal epithelium and glandular stroma, as well as in different regions of the uterus, such as glandular epithelium and glandular stroma. The immunostainings for collagen I and III were performed in muscular and glandular regions of the cervix and uterus. The concentration the progesterone receptors were elevated in bitches from the closed pyometra

    Genomic gains in prostatic carcinoma and proliferative inflammatory atrophy in dogs

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    The dog can spontaneously develop prostate cancer and consequently can be used as an experimental model for prostatic diseases associated with aging, including benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate carcinoma (PCa). DNA copy number variations (CNVs) have been used to identify genes associated with cancer development and progression. DNA microarray based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) is a technique that allows to identify copy number of thousands of genes throughout the genome. aCGH was used to identify genomic regions with significantly different DNA copy number in three benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), four proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA), and 14 canine prostate carcinoma (PCa). Five histologically normal prostate tissue were used as reference. Genomic DNA was extracted from formalin fixed and paraffin embedded samples and CNVs data was evaluated in Canine Genome CGH Microarray 4x44K (G2519F, Design ID021193, Agilent). Data analysis was performed using Genomic Workbench Standard Edition 5.0.14 (Agilent). PCa showed higher number of altered genes related to canonical diseases process, cellular functions and molecular pathways as well as greater inter-relationship between genes, compared with PIA and BPH. In conclusion, PCa showed a more complex genotype, being losses the most frequent genomic changes. Some discrepancies between genomic alterations in human and canine carcinomas may indicate the different clinical behavior of these tumors in these two species. In addition, it was observed was an ascending pattern of genomic complexity in BPH, PIA and CA consistent with a model of multistep tumor progression

    Role of ATM and PTEN in prostatic carcinogenic dog prostate: validation of aCGH results

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    The canis lupus familiares is the only species besides human that spontaneously develop prostatic carcinoma (PCa). In addition, the metastatic sites are similar to those frequently reported in men. For these reasons, the dog is the best natural model to study the molecular mechanisms in PCa development providing a natural animal model for treatment by molecular targets. Previously, we investigated copy number alterations by arrayCGH (Canine Genome CGH Microarray 4x44K-G2519F, Agilent Technologies) in canine prostatic lesions: 3 benign prostatic hyperplasias (BPH), 4 proliferative inflammatory atrophies (PIA), and 14 PCa. Five histologically normal prostatic tissues were used as reference. Genomic alterations were evaluated using Genomic Workbench Standard Edition 5.0.14. This previous study revealed significant copy number losses of Atm and Pten exclusively in PCa. In the present study, ATM and PTEN immunoexpression were investigated using a tissue microarray (TMA) containing 149 canine prostatic paraffin-embedded lesions (BPH, PIA and PCa) collected from 67 animals. Immunohistochemical reactions were performed using the polyclonal rabbit antibody anti-PTEN (Santa Cruz Biotech, 1:50) and anti-ATM (Abcam, 1:50). The sections were developed with diaminobenzidine (DAB) and peroxidase. The immunohistochemical staining was assessed in each core by the distribution of positive cells for each antibody per lesion (score 1: 75%) and intensity (1: weak, 2: moderate, 3: intense). Chi-square or Fisher exact test was used to determine the association between the categorical variables using GraphPad Prism 5 (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA). Distribution of positive cells did not differ among lesions. PCa and PIA showed more samples with weak intensity for ATM when compared to normal prostatic tissue and BPH (PCa: p=0,032 and PIA: p=0,025). Benign prostatic hyperplasia and normal samples presented intense PTEN immunostaining than PCa (p=0,021) and PIA (p=0,0013). These results suggest that ATM and PTEN proteins expression in canine prostatic carcinoma are downregulated possibly by copy number losses. These findings are similar from those described in prostate carcinomas from human corroborating for the use of dogs as a natural model to study prostatic disease in men

    Increased cyclooxygenase-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor protein expression is associated with canine prostatic carcinogenesis process

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    Background: COX-2 is one of the most important prostaglandin involved in urologic cancer and seems to be associated with tumor progression, invasion, and metastasis. In addition, several effects have been reported for VEGF, including inducing angiogenesis, promoting cell migration, and inhibiting apoptosis. COX2 and VEGF up-regulation have been reported in human prostate cancer. Due to the importance of canine natural model for prostate cancer, the aim of this study was to evaluate COX-2 and VEGF protein expression in canine carcinogenic process. Material and Methods: Seventy-four prostatic tissues from dogs were selected to be evaluated for protein expression by immunohistochemistry (IHC), including: 10 normal prostatic tissues, 20 benign prostatic hyperplasias (BPH), 25 proliferative inflammatory atrophies (PIA) and 20 prostatic carcinomas (PCa). COX-2 and VEGF were detected using the monoclonal antibody CX-294 (1:50 dilution, Dako Cytomation and sc-53463 (1:100 dilution, Santa Cruz), respectively. The immunolabelling was performed by a polymer method (Histofine, Nichirei Biosciences). All reaction included negative controls by omitting the primary antibody. The percentage of C-MYC, E-cadherin, and p63- positive cells per lesion was evaluated according to Prowatke et al. (2007). The samples were scored separately according to staining intensity and graded semi-quantitatively as negative, weakly positive (1), moderately positive, and strongly positive. The score was done in one 400 magnification field, considering only the lesion, since this was done in a TMA core of 1 mm. For statistical analyses, the immunostaining classifications were reduced to two categories: negative and positive. The negative category included negative and weakly positive staining. Chi-square or Fisher exact test was used to determine the association between the categorical variables. Results: The COX-2 protein expression was elevated in the cytoplasm of the canine PCa and PIA compared to normal prostate (p=0.002). VEGF protein expression was increased in 94.75% of the PCa and 100% of the PIA compared with to normal prostate (p = 0.001). No difference was found when compared normal prostate with BPH. Conclusions: This study has demonstrated that the carcinogenesis of canine prostatic tissue may be related to gain of COX-2 and VEGF protein expression

    Gestational protein malnutrition impairs c-myc and p63 protein expression, increases prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia incidence and prostatitis aggressiveness in adult male offspring subjected to hormonal handling

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    Background: Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in men; however its etiology remains unknown. Previous studies have shown that environmental adverse factors, such as maternal nutritional status during pregnancy, can influence fetal development and predispose people to diseases in adult life. The feeding of low-protein diets to pregnant rats result in fetal growth disturbance, androgen/estrogen unbalance and changes in the expression and sensibility of hormone receptors in male offspring. These alterations can promote permanent changes in androgen dependent organs, such as in the prostate. In this sense, we hypothesized that the hormonal unbalance that occurs during aging can lead to an increase in the susceptibility to prostatic disorders. Aim: To evaluate our hypothesis, malnourished male rat offspring were submitted to simultaneous estrogen and testosterone exposure in adulthood, to drive lesions in the rat ventral prostate gland (VP). Methods: 17 week-old Wistar rats (n=48) that received in utero normal protein diet (NP group, AIN93G=17% protein) or low protein diet (RP group, AIN93G modified=6% protein) were given implants with 17β-estradiol plus testosterone administration (NPH and RPH groups) for 17 weeks. The animals were killed at the age of 34 weeks and the VP were excised, weighted and processed for histopathological, immunohistochemical (Ki67, AR, p63, e-caderin, laminin, c-myc and GSTP), biochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Results: Both absolute and relative VP weight from NPH animals were about 30% higher than RPH. Serological data showed that estradiol levels were similar in both groups, but testosterone levels were lower in the RPH male offspring. The steroid hormone exposure in adult life promoted prostate lesions in both RPH and NPH offspring associated with reactive stroma. VP from RPH group exhibited heightened susceptibility to prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (mainly cribriform and signet ring-cell patterns) and increased the incidence and aggressiveness of prostatitis. In this group, a higher proportion of basal cells, increased proliferation index, lower expression ofthe androgen receptor and increased focus of collagenous micronodules closely associated to epithelial neoplasias were also observed. Conclusion:These observations suggest that maternal protein restriction alters adult prostate response to androgen/estrogen handling and increases susceptibility to prostate diseases. Ethical protocol:CEEA,476/2013 IBB-UNESP; Funding Support: 2009/50204-6 and 2013/09649-0

    Lapatinib antitumor effect is associated with PI3K and MAPK pathway: An analysis in human and canine prostate cancer cells.

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    The aberrant activation of HER2 has a pivotal role in bone metastasis implantation and progression in several tumor types, including prostate cancer (PC). Trastuzumab and other anti-HER2 therapies, such as lapatinib, have been used in human breast cancer HER2 positive. Although HER2 overexpression has been reported in PC, anti-HER2 therapy response has revealed conflicting results. We investigated the potential of lapatinib in inhibiting cell migration and inducing apoptosis in two human (LNCaP and PC3) and two canine PC cell lines (PC1 and PC2). Cell migration and apoptosis were evaluated by Annexin V/PI analysis after lapatinib treatment. The transcriptome analysis of all cell lines before and after treatment with lapatinib was also performed. We found increased apoptosis and migration inhibition in LNCaP cells (androgen-sensitive cell line), while PC1, PC2, and PC3 cells showed no alterations after the treatment. The transcriptome analysis of LNCaP and PC3 cell lines showed 158 dysregulated transcripts in common, while PC1 and PC2 cell lines presented 82. At the doses of lapatinib used, we observed transcriptional modifications in all cell lines. PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway were enriched in human PC cells, while canine PC cells showed enrichment of tyrosine kinase antitumor response and HER2-related pathways. In canine PC cells, the apoptosis failed after lapatinib treatment, possibly due to the downregulation of MAPK genes. Prostate cancer cells insensitive to androgens may be resistant to lapatinib through PI3K gene dysregulation. The association of lapatinib with PI3K inhibitors may provide a more effective antitumor response and clinical benefits to PC patients