26 research outputs found


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    La creciente prevalencia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DT2) representa un problema complejo de salud pública a nivel mundial y particularmente en países en desarrollo, incluyendo México. La DT2 es resultado de una interacción entre la predisposición genética y los cambios drásticos en el estilo de vida. El objetivo de este trabajo de revisión es explorar la interacción entre la genética y el estilo de vida sobre el desarrollo de la DT2, comparando dos grupos genéticamente relacionados, Pimas mexicanos y Pimas de Estados Unidos de América (EUA), así como dos grupos no relacionados genéticamente, pero viviendo en ambientes similares, Pimas mexicanos y no-Pimas (Blancos) de Maycoba, México. En comparación con los Pimas de EUA, los Indios Pima Mexicanos presentaron menor prevalencia de DT2 y obesidad. Asimismo, los Indios Pima Mexicanos presentaron menor consumo de grasa y fibra dietaria, y mayor nivel de actividad física. El estudio de los indios Pima nos indica que aún en poblaciones genéticamente predispuestas a estas condiciones, su desarrollo puede estar determinado principalmente por circunstancias relacionadas con el estilo de vida. ABSTRACT Globally, the increase in Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) prevalence represents a complex public health problem, particularly in developing countries, including Mexico. Type 2 diabetes results from an interaction between genetic predisposition and drastic changes in lifestyle. The aim of this review is to explore these interactions on T2D development, using the Mexican and US Pima Indians comparative study as a model; two genetic related groups, living in different environments, and Mexican Pimas and non-Pimas (Blancos) sharing a similar environment, but not the genetics. Study results showed a lower T2D and obesity prevalence in Mexican Pimas when compared with US Pimas. Likewise, Mexican Pimas had lower fat consumption, higher dietary fiber and higher physical activity than their counterparts in the US. The Pima Indians study showed that even in genetically predisposed populations, T2D development could be mainly determined by lifestyle related factors

    Food neophobia, mediterranean diet adherence and acceptance of healthy foods prepared in gastronomic workshops by spanish students

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    Articulo que describe que la presencia de neofobia alimentaria afecta la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea y la aceptación de alimentos saludables elaborados en talleres gastronómicos por escolares españoles

    Beneficios potenciales de alimentos funcionales diseñados para el adulto mayor con sarcopenia

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    Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its determinants in older Mexican non-diabetic adults

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    Introduction: the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) is high in older people, and several factors have been explored as main determinants.However, few data exist for older people from low- and middle-income countries. Therefore, our objective was to estimate the prevalence of MetS. Secondly, to explore which of the cardio-metabolic, body composition, inflammatory and demographic risk factors were associated with the prevalence of MetS in a population of older Mexican adults. Methods: data for this analysis were collected in subjects over 60 years of age from northwest Mexico. Fasting and two-hour glucose, fasting insulin, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, lipid profiles, markers of adiposity and inflammation, and blood pressure were assessed. In addition, anthropometry and body composition data, levels of physical activity and demographic variables were also considered. MetS was diagnosed by three different criteria. Results: total sample size was 369 subjects. The prevalence of MetS varied widely, from 36% to 52% depending on the criteria applied, but regardless of the criteria, all subjects with MetS were heavier and more overweight, and had higher triglyceride values and lower values of total HDL-cholesterol compared to those without MetS (p < 0.0001). Final models adjusted for age showed that, regardless of the diagnostic criteria applied, fat mass, the homeostasis model assessment and some demographic variables were main determinants of MetS in this sample of older people without diabetes. Conclusions: the prevalence of MetS is relatively high in non-diabetic older adults and it was associated with some biological and demographic factors as the main determinats

    Plethysmographic and anthropometric validation of a 3D body image digitizer to determine body dimensions

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    Image digitizing has facilitated body shape evaluation gained entry in ergonomics industry, in fashion and in health. Objective: to validate the 3D image digitizer (TC2-18) to determine body dimensions in a fast and reliable manner. Methods: 285 adults of both sexes were studied to measure anthropometrics, plethysmography, and digitized body shape. Results: Digitizer obtained measurements highly correlated with those obtained through anthropometrics and plethysmography (R2 ≥ 0.75). However, the TC2-18 gave lower values in total body volume when compared with plethysmography (CI 95%, −3.9 to −3.5 L). In contrast, the TC2-18 yielded higher values in mesosternal (CI 95%, 8.8–9.6 cm), neck (CI 95%, 2.6–3.0 cm), gluteus maximus (CI 95%, 3.1–3.7 cm), relaxed arm (CI 95%, 2.9–3.3 cm), and minimal waist (CI 95%, 3.1–3.7 cm) circumferences; as well as similar data for the upper thigh, calf and forearm circumference. Conclusion: TC2-18 3D digitizer yielded valid and reliable measures when adult persons are evaluated. Found differences occur due to movement during digitizing and by difference inherent to the used devices

    Chronic effect of FatMax training on body weight, fat mass, and cardiorespiratory fitness in obese subjects: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

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    Exercise training performed at the maximal fat oxidation intensity (FMT) stands out as a potential treatment of overweight and obesity. This work is a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials of studies about the effect of FMT on fat mass and maximal oxygen consumption using PubMed, SCOPUS, EBSCOhost, and ScienceDirect as databases. Two independent reviewers selected 11 trials from 356 publications identified by the following keywords: fatmax, lipoxmax, maximal fat oxidation, peak of fat oxidation, physical training, physical exercise, body fat (BF), fat mass, overweight, and obesity. The risk of bias was assessed following the Cochrane Guidelines. The pooled mean difference was computed for each outcome with the random-effects model and the inverse-variance method. The meta-analysis was performed with the RevMan software v 5.3, and the heterogeneity across studies by the I2. The statistical significance was accepted at p < 0.05. Results showed that the FMT reduced body weight (MD = −4.30 kg, p < 0.01, I2 = 0%), fat mass (MD = −4.03 kg, p < 0.01, I2 = 0%), and waist circumference (MD = −3.34 cm, p < 0.01). Fat-free mass remains unchanged (MD = 0.08 kg, p = 0.85), but maximal oxygen consumption increased (MD = 2.96 mL∙kg−1∙min−1, p < 0.01, I2 = 0%). We conclude that FMT at short and medium-term (eight to twenty weeks) reduces body weight and BF, increasing cardiovascular fitness in low physical fitness people with obesit

    Prevalencia de diagnóstico previo de DT2 y factores asociados en la etnia yaqui

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    Uno de cada tres mexicanos con diabetes no tiene diagnóstico.1 Considerando lo anterior, la prevalencia total en yaquis sería cercana a 15%. Es clave conocer los factores asociados con DPDT2 para generar estrategias de identificación de individuos no diagnosticado

    Food neophobia, Mediterranean diet adherence and acceptance of healthy foods prepared in gastronomic workshops by Spanish students

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    Abstract Introduction: food neophobia can affect dietary variety and hedonic acceptance due to rejection of healthy foods. Objective: to evaluate the impact of dietary neophobia on adherence to the Mediterranean diet and on the hedonic acceptance of healthy foods made in gastronomic workshops by schoolchildren. Methodology: descriptive cross-sectional study of Primary (8-11) and Secondary (12-18) schoolchildren from Murcia, Spain, participating in gastronomic workshops, where two recipes were prepared and tasted (vegetables + blue fish and fruits). Food neophobia (FN) and adherence to the Mediterranean diet (KIDMED) were identified and each participant assessed the acceptance of each recipe using a hedonic scale (seven points). Results: a total of 1,491 students (49.5% girls) participated in the study; 13.5% were neophobic and 61.1% presented optimal diet quality. A linear inverse relationship between the degree of neophobia and the quality of the diet (ρ [rho] = -0.31, p = 0.001) was found. High adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with lower neophobia and better hedonic scores, compared to intermediate or low adhesions (p < 0.0001). Neophobic schoolchildren presented significantly worse results in vegetable consumption, especially at the Secondary level, and in the acceptance of healthy preparations (p < 0.05). A good acceptance of the prepared preparations was associated with the usual adequate consumption of fruits, vegetables, fish and legumes. Conclusion: food neophobia affects the adherence to the Mediterranean diet and the acceptance of healthy foods elaborated in gastronomic workshops by Spanish schoolchildren