2 research outputs found

    Frank number and nowhere-zero flows on graphs

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    An edge ee of a graph GG is called deletable for some orientation oo if the restriction of oo to GeG-e is a strong orientation. Inspired by a problem of Frank, in 2021 H\"orsch and Szigeti proposed a new parameter for 33-edge-connected graphs, called the Frank number, which refines kk-edge-connectivity. The Frank number is defined as the minimum number of orientations of GG for which every edge of GG is deletable in at least one of them. They showed that every 33-edge-connected graph has Frank number at most 77 and that in case these graphs are also 33-edge-colourable the parameter is at most 33. Here we strengthen both results by showing that every 33-edge-connected graph has Frank number at most 44 and that every graph which is 33-edge-connected and 33-edge-colourable has Frank number 22. The latter also confirms a conjecture by Bar\'at and Bl\'azsik. Furthermore, we prove two sufficient conditions for cubic graphs to have Frank number 22 and use them in an algorithm to computationally show that the Petersen graph is the only cyclically 44-edge-connected cubic graph up to 3636 vertices having Frank number greater than 22.Comment: 22 page

    Generation and New Infinite Families of K2K_2-hypohamiltonian Graphs

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    We present an algorithm which can generate all pairwise non-isomorphic K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs, i.e. non-hamiltonian graphs in which the removal of any pair of adjacent vertices yields a hamiltonian graph, of a given order. We introduce new bounding criteria specifically designed for K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs, allowing us to improve upon earlier computational results. Specifically, we characterise the orders for which K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs exist and improve existing lower bounds on the orders of the smallest planar and the smallest bipartite K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs. Furthermore, we describe a new operation for creating K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs that preserves planarity under certain conditions and use it to prove the existence of a planar K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graph of order nn for every integer n134n\geq 134. Additionally, motivated by a theorem of Thomassen on hypohamiltonian graphs, we show the existence K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs with large maximum degree and size.Comment: 21 page