38 research outputs found

    Quality of wholemeal wheat bread enriched with green coffee beans

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    Scientific studies have revealed that bioactive components of coffee play a preventive role against various degenerative diseases. Green coffee, in particular, is characterized by its unique composition and properties. The objective of this work was to investigate the influence of green coffee (Coffea arabica) beans (GCB) addition on the quality and antioxidant properties (AA) of the wholemeal bread. For bread preparation, flour form GCB, and wholemeal wheat flour, type 2000 were used. Wholemeal wheat flour was replaced with GCB flour at 1 to 5% levels. Loaf volume, texture, color and sensory properties of bread were determined. Furthermore, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity were evaluated. The results showed that bread supplementation with GCB had little influence on the bread volume. The highest volume of bread was obtained with 3 and 4% of GCB flour. The texture properties of bread crumb (hardness, elasticity, cohesiveness and chewiness) were slightly changed as a result of the GCB addition. The lightness of bread crumb decreased with the GCB addition (average from 46.3 to 42.6). Besides, the addition of GCB significantly enriched wheat bread with hydrophilic phenolic compounds. The phenolic compounds were highly bioaccessible in vitro. Moreover, the GCB addition enhanced antiradical activity of bread

    Wheat Bread with Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) Pulp as a Functional Food Product

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    U ovom je radu prikazan novi način uporabe pulpe bundeve u proizvodnji kruha. Svrha je rada bila odrediti utjecaj svježe pulpe bundeve na fizička, senzorska i biološka svojstva pšeničnog kruha, a ispitana je i biološka dostupnost aktivnih sastojaka. Povećanjem se udjela pulpe bundeve od 5 do 20 % (izraženo kao suha tvar) smanjio volumen kruha, a povećala se tvrdoća i kohezivnost mrvica. Senzorska su svojstva kruha bila bolja pri zamjeni do 10 % brašna s pulpom bundeve. Najbolje su ocjene okusa, arome i ukupne prihvatljivosti dobili kontrolni uzorak kruha (bez pulpe bundeve), te kruh s dodatkom 5 ili 10 % pulpe. Dodatkom veće količine pulpe dobiven je kruh lošije arome i okusa. Pulpa bundeve obogaćuje kruh biološki dostupnim fenolnim spojevima (ponajprije flavonoidima), a naročito peptidima. Najveća je antioksidativna aktivnost izmjerena u uzorcima s 10 i 15 % pulpe bundeve. Dodatak pulpe znatno je povećao udjel bioraspoloživih inhibitora angiotenzin konvertirajućeg enzima (engl. ACE). Najveća je aktivnost izmjerena u kruhu s 15 i 20 % pulpe bundeve. Biološka je dostupnost ACE inhibitora u ispitanom kruhu bila vrlo velika in vitro. Pulpa je bundeve bogat izvor aktivnih sastojaka, a njezinim dodavanjem izravno u brašno postignuti su dobri rezultati pečenja i smanjeni troškovi proizvodnje. Osim toga, pulpa bundeve često zaostaje kao otpad pri proizvodnji koštica, pa se njezinim iskorištenjem povećava i ekološka te ekonomska dobit.In this study, a new application of pumpkin pulp in bread production is shown. The aim of this work is to determine the influence of the addition of fresh pumpkin pulp directly into wheat flour on physical, sensorial and biological properties of bread. The bioaccessibility of active compounds was also studied. An increase in the addition of pumpkin pulp from 5 to 20 % (converted to dry matter) caused a decrease of bread volume and increase of crumb hardness and cohesiveness. The sensory characteristics of the bread showed that a partial replacement of wheat fl our with up to 10 % of pumpkin pulp gave satisfactory results. The taste, aroma and overall acceptability of control bread and bread containing 5 or 10 % of pulp had the highest degree of liking. The addition of higher levels of pumpkin pulp caused an unpleasant aroma and taste. Pumpkin pulp is a good material to complement the bread with potentially bioaccessible phenolics (including flavonoids) and, especially, with peptides. The highest antioxidant activity was observed, in most cases, of the samples with added 10 and 15 % of pumpkin pulp. The addition of the pulp significantly enriched the bread with potentially bioaccessible angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. The highest activity was determined in the bread with 15 and 20 % pumpkin pulp. ACE inhibitors from the tested bread were highly bioaccessible in vitro. Pumpkin pulp seems to be a valuable source of active compounds to complement the wheat bread. Adding the pulp directly to the wheat flour gives satisfactory baking results and reduces the cost of production. Additionally, pumpkin pulp is sometimes treated as waste material after the acquisition of seeds, thus using it as bread supplement also has environmental and economic benefi ts

    Impact of Whole and Ground-by-Knife and Ball Mill Flax Seeds on the Physical and Sensorial Properties of Gluten Free-Bread

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    The aim of the study was to compare the physical and sensory properties of gluten-free bread with the addition of whole and ground flax seeds. The grinding process of flax seeds was carried out using a knife grinder and ball mill. After short-knife grinding (20 s) (GM-200, Retsch), the seeds were divided into whole (average particle size 0.634 mm), coarse (769 mm) and fine (0.328 mm) flour, and these flours were additionally ground with ball milling (60 s) (Pulverisette 6, Fritsh). The grinding energy of seeds was evaluated. Baking of gluten-free bread was performed with 10% addition of different forms of whole and ground flaxseeds. The colour, volume, texture and sensory parameters of bread were evaluated. In addition, the crumbling index of bread was developed and defined as the percentage share of crumbed pieces of the bread slice in relation to the mass of the entire crumb sample cut out together with crumbs. Specific grinding energy of flaxseeds during short (20 s) knife grinding was equal to 109.5 J·g−1, and additional ball milling (60 s) caused significantly (α = 0.05) more than 4 times higher energy consumption, but more reduced particles of whole (0.497 mm), coarse (0.621 mm) and fine flour (0.308 mm) were obtained. After adding ground seeds, it was necessary to add more water to the dough, which increased dough yield from 220% to 240% and even to 260% when ball milling of coarse flax flour was applied. The most significant increase in the volume of bread and the most reduced crumbling was observed for breads with addition of coarse fractions of flaxseeds ground with ball milling. In comparison with the control sample of gluten-free bread; significant improvement in bread volume, textureand sensory evaluation was observed after using both whole and ground flaxseeds. Furthermore, the crumbling index was related to an organoleptic evaluation and can be used in bread quality assessment as a complement to instrumental texture measurements

    Fiber Preparation from Micronized Oat By-Products: Antioxidant Properties and Interactions between Bioactive Compounds

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    This study aimed to investigate the possibility of utilizing oat by-products for fiber preparation. Oat husk (OH) and oat bran (OB) were micronized and used to prepare a novel product rich in fiber and with enhanced antioxidant properties. The basic chemical composition and phenolic acid profile were determined in OH and OB. The antioxidant properties of OH and OB were also analyzed. The type and strength of interactions between the biologically active compounds from their mixtures were characterized by an isobolographic analysis. The analyses showed that the sum of phenolic acids was higher in OH than in OB. Ferulic acid was dominant in both OH and OB; however, its content in OH was over sixfold higher than that in OB. The results also suggested that both OH and OB can be used for preparing fiber with enhanced antioxidant properties. The optimal composition of the preparation, with 60–70% of OH and 30–40% of OB, allows for obtaining a product with 60–70% fiber and enhanced antioxidant activity due to bioactive substances and their synergistic effect. The resulting product can be a valuable additive to various food and dietary supplements

    Influence of moisture content of material and piston pressure on compaction parameters and strength of agglomerate of Virginia mallow (Sida hermaphrodita)

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu wilgotności biomasy roślinnej (ślazowca pensylwańskiego) oraz nacisku jednostkowego tłoka na parametry brykietowania (zagęszczania), podatność surowca na zagęszczanie oraz jakość uzyskanych aglomeratów. Zagęszczanie surowca przeprowadzano przy wykorzystaniu maszyny wytrzymałościowej Zwick typ ZO2O/TN2S i zespołu prasującego z matrycą zamkniętą o średnicy komory 15 mm. Wilgotność materiału wynosiła od 10 do 18%. Zagęszczanie prowadzono dla trzech maksymalnych nacisków jednostkowych tłoka na materiał 57 MPa, 85 MPa i 113 MPa. Stwierdzono, że wraz ze wzrostem wilgotności rośnie gęstość materiału w komorze i rozprężenie aglomeratu, natomiast maleje gęstość aglomeratu oraz praca zagęszczania. Wzrost wilgotności polepsza podatność surowca na zagęszczanie oraz pogarsza jakość aglomeratów pod względem ich wytrzymałości. Wraz ze zwiększeniem nacisku tłoka rośnie gęstość aglomeratu, praca zagęszczania i odporność mechaniczna aglomeratu.The paper presents the results of a study on the influence of moisture content of plant biomass (Virginia mallow) and of unit piston pressure on the parameters of briquetting (compaction), on the compaction ability of raw material, and on the quality of obtained agglomerates. Compaction of the raw material was carried out using a Zwick testing machine type ZO2O/TN2S and a closed die compression assembly with a diameter of 15 mm. Material moisture varied from 8 to 18%. Compaction was performed for three maximum levels of unit pressure of the piston on the material – 57, 85 and 113 MPa. It was found that an increase in the moisture content caused an increase of the density of the material in the chamber and of the expansion of the agglomerate, while the agglomerate density and the work of compaction decreased. The increase in raw material moisture content improved the compaction ability and worsened the quality of the agglomerates in terms of their strength. With increasing piston pressure there was an increase of the density of the agglomerate, compaction work and mechanical strength of the agglomerate

    Evaluation of physical parameters and spectral characterization of the quality of soaps containing by-products from the food industry

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    Abstract The present study investigated several properties such as friction, hardness, penetration work, and cutting forces in soaps formulated with apple and carrot pomace at varying concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15%. To gain insights into the molecular-level alterations within the formulated soap samples, they were spectroscopically analyzed using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The sliding friction analyses revealed that the investigated extrudate additives had no significant impact on the frictional forces of the soaps. However, notable differences were observed in the cutting force, hardness, and penetration work between the control and pomace-added samples. Excluding the control samples, no statistically significant distinctions were found between the cutting force, hardness, and work of penetration of soaps containing apple pomace and carrot pomace. Moreover, the quantity of pomace incorporated did not induce any significant variations in the results. The obtained samples were characterised at the molecular level using FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. On the other hand, alterations in band intensities suggested improved molecular packing of the compounds within the samples due to the presence of the additives

    Low-Carbohydrate, High-Protein, and Gluten-Free Bread Supplemented with Poppy Seed Flour: Physicochemical, Sensory, and Spectroscopic Properties

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    Background: This study aimed to determine the effect of poppy seed flour (PF) on the physicochemical and spectroscopic properties of low-carbohydrate, high-protein, and gluten-free bread. Methods: The changes at the molecular level were assessed in bread using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). Bread prepared with buckwheat, flaxseed, and pea protein was enriched with PF at a concentration of 5–15%. Results: The results showed that the pasting parameters of dough supplemented with PF were significantly decreased compared to the control sample. The obtained bread samples were characterized by good quality and had 14.6% of carbohydrate, 16.3% of protein, 10.2% of fiber, and 4.0% of fat, with a caloric value of 177 kcal/100 g. The addition of PF had little influence on crumb mechanical properties. The ATR-FTIR analyses revealed spectral changes in the region related to protein and carbohydrate structures, as well as changes in band intensity characteristic of α-1,4-glycoside and α-1,6-glycoside bonds. The analyses showed that the main starch skeleton remained clearly visible. Conclusions: PF up to 10% can be potentially applied as a functional ingredient in the production of bread based on buckwheat and linseed flour. Such low-carbohydrate bread can be particularly useful to diabetics

    Wpływ ciśnienia na parametry procesu zagęszczania słomy grochowej

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    This paper presents the results of pea straw compaction efficiency tests. The compliance of the tested material to pressure agglomeration was assessed depending on the compaction pressure used (45-113 MPa). The compaction was carried out using a Zwick testing machine, type Z020/TN2S, and a closed die pressing unit. It was found that, along with the pressure increase, the material density in the chamber increased (from 1.255 to 1.76 g·cm-3 ), as well as the agglomerate's density (from 0.739 to 1.05 g·cm-3 ) and the product's mechanical resistance (from 0.31 to 0.69 MPa). Increasing the compaction pressure in the analyzed range increased the unit value of compaction work, from 17.16 to 34.27 J·g-1.Przedstawiono wyniki badań efektywności zagęszczania słomy grochowej. Oceniono podatność badanego materiału na proces aglomerowania ciśnieniowego w zależności od stosowanego ci- śnienia zagęszczania (od 45 do 113 MPa). Zagęszczanie przeprowadzano przy wykorzystaniu maszyny wytrzymałościowej Zwick typ Z020/TN2S i zespołu prasującego z matrycą zamkniętą. Stwierdzono, że wraz ze wzrostem ciśnienia rosła gęstość materiału w komorze (w zakresie od 1,255 do 1,76 g·cm-3 ) i gęstość aglomeratu (w zakresie od 0,739 do 1,05 g·cm-3 ) oraz zwiększała się odporność mechaniczna produktu (w przedziale od 0,31 do 0,69 MPa). Zwiększanie ciśnienia zagęszczania w analizowanym przedziale powodowało wzrost wartości jednostkowej pracy zagęszczania w zakresie od 17,16 do 34,27 J·g-1

    Study on the physical and antioxidant properties of gluten-free bread with brown algae

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    The aim of the work was to determine the influence of brown algae on the physical, antioxidant, and sensorial properties when added directly into the gluten-free bread (GFB) recipe. Algae powder was added in the amounts of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% of the total flour content. Compared to the control bread, a larger volume was obtained using 4% of algae. With an increased content of brown algae, significant changes were noted in the color of the breadcrumb. Favorable changes in the texture were also observed. Brown algae addition significantly increased the antioxidant activity of GFB. Most importantly, antiradical compounds from the functional products were highly bioaccessible in vitro. The results confirm the possibility of the use of brown algae powder in the production of GFB. Because of the unpleasant taste on over-addition, the acceptable GFB can be obtained by adding 2% or 4% of the algae