10 research outputs found

    Grain-size and microstructure of the loess from closed depressions in the Nałęczów Plateau (East Poland)

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    The investigation was conducted in the eastern part of the Nałęczów Plateau, a region of the Lublin Upland, in eastern Poland. The loess cover of this region was formed mainly during the last glaciation, and loess accumulation lasted until 15,000–12,000 BP. The undulating loess plateau with numerous oval-shaped closed depressions (CDs) is the main landform in the study area. Particle size distribution and SEM analyses were conducted for loess profiles under the bottoms and on the slopes of 4 CDs. Grain-size distribution characteristics as well as qualitative and quantitative micromorphological characteristics of the the loess forming the bottoms and slopes of the depressions were compared and discussed. It was documented that the differences between the loess forming the bottoms and slopes of the depressions are insignificant in the case of clay fraction content, but are considerable in the case of microstructure characteristics. The differences documented result from the impact of syn- and post-depositional diagenetic processes related mainly to suffosion and hydroconsolidation occurring under the influence of water. A quantitative assessment of the morphological effects of these processes was carried out in the context of the origin of closed depressions. The morphological effect of Holocene diagenetic processes was manifested in the deepening of the initial closed depressions formed previously under the influence of primary morphogenetic processes

    The impact of palaeorelief on the origin of some closed depressions in loess areas in the Lublin Upland

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    Closed depressions (CDs) are common small forms occurring in the European loess belt. The age, origin and evolution of these forms is highly debated. Some CDs are reproduced in the loess cover. Their formation was directly influenced by the relief of sediments underlying the loess cover and varying in terms of age and origin. Two depressions of this type were documented within the thin (8 m) loess covers in the Nałęczów Plateau and the Dubienka Depression, using the electrical resistivity method. The age of the reproduced forms varies. The CD in Sadurki formed during the Vistulian. The CD in the Horodło site was forming from the Odranian to the Vistulian glaciation

    Geomorphosite assessment in the proposed Geopark Vistula River Gap (E Poland)

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    Geomorphosites are among major assets for the development of geotourism. An accurate assessment of spatial distribution of their scientific, educational and economic characteristics provides the basis for appropriate design and management of proposed geoparks. Although the problem of assessing their value for geotourism has been discussed by numerous authors, consistent methodology for the assessment of geomorphosites has not been devised so far. In the present study, we conducted a geotourist evaluation of geomorphosites located within the proposed geopark Vistula River Gap. We assessed a total of 76 sites using 18 assessment criteria. The results indicate not uniform spatial distribution of sites having the highest value. The application of cluster analysis to evaluation results enabled us to distinguish groups of sites with similar characteristics and thus to identify groups of geomorphosites in relation to which various measures should be taken in order to increase the possibilities of their tourist use

    Closed depressions in the loess areas of Poland. Current state of research and prospects for further research

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    Zagłębienia bezodpływowe stanowią typowe formy rzeźby obszarów lessowych Europy, a ich geneza jest szeroko dyskutowana w literaturze. Artykuł prezentuje stan dotychczasowych badań, dotyczących zagłębień bezodpływowych obszarów lessowych Polski, istniejące hipotezy genetyczne oraz kierunki przyszłych badań. Dotychczas w literaturze opisane zostały cechy morfometryczne, rozmieszczenie i warunki geologiczne występowania tych form. W wybranych zagłębieniach zbadano gleby kopalne i osady koluwialne wypełniające formy. Zróżnicowane procesy (pierwotne i wtórne): deflacja, nierównomierna akumulacja lessu, sufozja, wyciskanie poziomów kurzawkowych, termokras były opisywane jako możliwe procesy morfogenetyczne. Zagłębienia bezodpływowe pełnią funkcję sedymentologicznych archiwów, umożliwiających rekonstrukcję naturalnych i antropogenicznych procesów zachodzących w przeszłości. Niezbędne są dalsze badania genezy i ewolucji zagłębień bezodpływowych. Pozwoli to na lepsze zrozumienie znaczenia okresu późnego glacjału i holocenu dla morfogenezy obszarów lessowych Europy.Closed depressions (CDs) are typical geomorphological features of the loess belts in Europe and their origin is highly debated in literature. This paper presents the current state of research on CDs in the loess belts in Poland. A review was conducted of several studies describing CDs. The existing genetic hypothesis and the scope of future research are described. Morphometric features of CDs, distribution and geological conditions were described in several publications so far. In the selected CDs, colluvial sediments and fossil soils were studied. Various processes (primary and secondary): deflation, uneven loess deposition, suffosion, extrusion of strongly saturated layers, thermokarst were reported as probable genetic processes. CDs act as important archives allowing a reconstruction of natural and anthropogenic processes operating in the past. More research is needed for a better understanding of the origin and evolution of CDs. This will help better understand the importance of the Late Glacial and Holocene stages for the morphogenesis of the loess belts in Europe

    Typy i funkcja zagłębień bezodpływowych we współczesnym lessowym krajobrazie Płaskowyżu Nałęczowskiego (Wyżyna Lubelska, Polska wschodnia)

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    There is no abstract available for this languageZagłębienia bezodpływowe należą do głównych, a jednocześnie osobliwych elementów rzeźby obszarów lessowych. Celem badań była próba klasyfikacji zagłębień na podstawie ich cech zewnętrznych oraz określenie funkcji, jaką formy te pełnią we współczesnym krajobrazie obszarów lessowych Płaskowyżu Nałęczowskiego. Klasyfikacji zagłębień dokonano w oparciu o kryteria geomorfologiczne, hydrograficzne oraz użytkowanie terenu. Zagłębienia bezodpływowe, mimo iż są to drobne formy rzeźby, pełnią ważną funkcję we współczesnym krajobrazie Płaskowyżu Nałęczowskiego. Funkcję tę można rozpatrywać w aspekcie geomorfologicznym, ekologicznym oraz estetycznym. Z punktu widzenia geomorfologicznego, funkcja zagłębień wyraża się w ich wpływie na georóżnorodność obszarów lessowych. Na terenie wierzchowin tworzą one specyficzny mikrorelief, który urozmaica rzeźbę. W aspekcie ekologicznym, zagłębienia bezodpływowe korzystnie wpływają na bioróżnorodność obszarów użytkowanych rolniczo. Największe znaczenie pod tym względem mają zagłębienia z wodą stałą oraz periodyczną. Dzięki porastającej je roślinności leśnej oraz wodno- i wilgociolubnej bezpośrednio sąsiadującej z roślinnością pól uprawnych, wprowadzają one do krajobrazu kontrasty przyrodnicze oraz zróżnicowanie siedlisk, wpływające korzystnie na różnorodność gatunkową. Zagłębienia periodycznie wypełniające się wodą stanowią swoistego rodzaju wyspy kontrastujące typem roślinności z otaczającymi terenami pól uprawnych. Kępy drzew i zarośli stanowią osobliwe dominanty w krajobrazie monotonnych, silnie odlesionych wierzchowin lessowych, podnosząc ich walory estetyczne

    The natural and antropogenic determinants of the development of gully systems in the Rogów area (Lublin Upland)

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    The study describes the gully system in the Rogów area (Lublin Upland). Based on field researchand available literature, four stages of gully erosion and three stages of alluvial sediment deposition were identified. The first erosion stage occurred towards the end of the last glacial period and was determined by natural factors. The other three erosion stages occurred in the Holocene and were impacted by man’s agricultural activity

    Geomorphosite Assessment in the Proposed Geopark Vistula River Gap (E Poland)

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    Geomorphosites are among major assets for the development of geotourism. An accurate assessment of spatial distribution of their scientific, educational and economic characteristics provides the basis for appropriate design and management of proposed geoparks. Although the problem of assessing their value for geotourism has been discussed by numerous authors, consistent methodology for the assessment of geomorphosites has not been devised so far. In the present study, we conducted a geotourist evaluation of geomorphosites located within the proposed geopark Vistula River Gap. We assessed a total of 76 sites using 18 assessment criteria. The results indicate not uniform spatial distribution of sites having the highest value. The application of cluster analysis to evaluation results enabled us to distinguish groups of sites with similar characteristics and thus to identify groups of geomorphosites in relation to which various measures should be taken in order to increase the possibilities of their tourist use