27 research outputs found

    Mental health issues, needs, and challenges faced by children and adolescents during public health emergencies: a study based on the perspective of educators

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    Public health emergencies, including catastrophic events such as pandemics and natural disasters, as well as the rise of diseases caused by high-threat pathogens result in specific and often critically threatening situations (WHO, 2023). This study aimed to examine the perception of educators (e.g., teachers and trainers) in Croatia regarding the mental health issues, needs, and challenges faced by children and adolescents during public health emergencies, as well as the risk and protective factors associated with mental health issues. Data was collected using two focus groups that included a total of 12 educators (e.g., teachers, sports trainers, kindergarten teachers, and so on) who work with children and adolescents. The results were analysed using thematic analyses and showed that the symptoms observed most often in children were fear, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, sleep problems, behavioural problems, and concentration problems. Educators also provided insights into the broader context in which these symptoms were evident and highlighted their personal need for additional support and education. Furthermore, they listed various protective and risk factors that, in their opinion, could influence the coping abilities of children faced with a crisis. These findings are important for the creation of programmes that aim to protect the mental health of children during and after public emergencies, as well as to train those working with children in order to help them recognise the needs of children and adolescents and find ways of providing help


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    Uporaba sredstava ovisnosti globalni je fenomen koji je u svojoj dugoj povijesti imao različit tretman u društvu, prije svega stoga što se radi o ponašanju koje ne samo da je rizično za zdravlje pojedinca nego može uzrokovati ozbiljne posljedice i za njegovo uže i šire okruženje. Upravo svijest o zdravstvenim i socijalnim problemima povezanim s konzumiranjem sredstava ovisnosti u velikoj mjeri utječe na razinu društvene prihvatljivosti takva ponašanja. Primjerice, razne su mjere intervencija utjecale na to da je danas pušenje cigareta, iako ima dugu tradiciju, društveno sve manje prihvatljivo. Temeljna pretpostavka koja omogućuje društvu da se kroz svoje institucije aktivno postavi prema problemu konzumiranja sredstava ovisnosti jest poznavanje ovoga fenomena. Stoga su od posebne važnosti znanstvena istraživanja koja omogućuju uvid u osnovna obilježja problema uporabe sredstava ovisnosti. Ovaj tematski broj sadrži pet radova, od kojih se četiri temelje na rezultatima prvog istraživanja raširenosti i obrazaca uporabe sredstava ovisnosti u općoj populaciji Republike Hrvatske, a peti na zasebnom istraživanju među adolescentima

    Indikatoren zur Früherkennung vom Rauschmittelmissbrauch extrem bedrohter Jugendlicher in Kroatien

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    The aim of the study was to identify psychosocial indicators in micro and macro-milieus that reveal adolescents at high risk of substance abuse. The research using a representative sample was carried out among 2 823 high school students throughout Croatia. We devised a questionnaire to assess student\u27s socio-economic status, family functioning, school functioning, satisfaction with life, and relationships with friends. Students in the group at risk of substance abuse (tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use) differ from the students in the group not at risk. The most important variables that determine these differences are: a) respondents\u27 attitudes towards their friends and acquaintances who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and use drugs; b) gender; and c) truancy. In addition, compared to adolescents that are not at risk, adolescents at risk function worse in a family and school milieu and are less satisfied with their life in general. Smoking cigarettes, alcohol consumption, and use of drugs are mainly associated with the use of these substances within peer group. Therefore, to reduce the abuse of psychoactive substances, it is necessary to strengthen an individual\u27s resistance to the social peer pressure and pay attention to the quality of relationships between adolescents as well as with their parents and teachers.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi psihosocijalne indikatore mikro- i makrookružja za rano prepoznavanje visokorizične populacije mladih u odnosu na zlouporabu sredstava ovisnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku srednjoškolaca iz cijele Hrvatske (N=2 823). Primijenjen je upitnik kojim su ispitani socioekonomski status, obiteljsko funkcioniranje, školsko funkcioniranje, zadovoljstvo životom i odnosi s prijateljima. Rezultati pokazuju da su najvažnije varijable koje razlikuju rizične i nerizične skupine s obzirom na uzimanje sredstava ovisnosti (pušenje, konzumiranje alkohola i uzimanje droge): a) procjene ispitanika o pušenju, konzumiranju alkohola i uzimanju droge njihovih prijatelja i znanaca, b) spol i c) markiranje iz škole. Rizični učenici, u usporedbi s nerizičnima, lošije funkcioniraju u obiteljskom i školskom okružju i manje su zadovoljni životom općenito. Uporaba sredstava ovisnosti u najvećoj je mjeri povezana s uporabom istih sredstava u skupini vršnjaka. Kako bi se smanjila upotreba psihoaktivnih tvari, potrebno je ojačati otpor pojedinca socijalnom pritisku vršnjaka te poboljšati kvalitetu odnosa između adolescenata i njihovih roditelja i učitelja.Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war, die psychosozialen Indikatoren des Mikro- und Makromilieus zur Früherkennung vom Rauschmittelmissbrauch (Zigaretten, Alkohol und Drogen) extrem bedrohter Jugendlicher zu ermitteln. Die Untersuchung wurde in einer repräsentativen Gruppe von Mittelschülern aus ganz Kroatien (N = 2823) durchgeführt. Mit dem zu diesem Zweck erarbeiteten Fragebogen wollte man den gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Status, das Familienleben, die schulischen Leistungen, die allgemeine Zufriedenheit mit dem Leben und das Verhältnis zu Freunden ergründen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass sich Risikogruppen und nicht gefährdete Gruppen vor allem anhand folgender Variablen unterscheiden: a) Einschätzung des Zigaretten-, Alkohol- und Drogenkonsums im Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis; b) Geschlechtszugehörigkeit und c) Fernbleiben vom Unterricht. Gefährdete Schüler haben überdies größere Schwierigkeiten im Familienkreis sowie in der Schule und sind mit ihrem Leben allgemein weniger zufrieden als die anderen. Der Rauschmittelmissbrauch erfolgt zumeist im Kreise Gleichaltriger. Um den Gebrauch psychoaktiver Genussmittel einzuschränken, muss der Widerstand des Einzelnen hinsichtlich des Drucks, den seine Altersgenossen auf ihn ausüben, gestärkt werden. Ebenso gilt, das Verhältnis zwischen Adoleszenten einerseits und Eltern und Lehrern andererseits zu verbessern

    Der Zusammenhang zwischen grundlegenden Persönlichkeitsdimensionen und Depressivität in der Frühadoleszenz

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    Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su da postoji povezanost izmeđ u bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti i psihopatoloških fenomena. Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi povezanost bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti prema Eysenckovu mišljenju, kao i njihovih međusobnih interakcija s depresivnošću u doba rane adolescencije. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 583 adolescenta oba spola, u dobi od 12 do 15 godina. Rezultati pokazuju da su sve tri dimenzije ličnosti u značajnoj korelaciji s rezultatima na Skali depresivnosti. Depresivniji adolescenti postižu više rezultate na skalama neuroticizma i psihoticizma, a niže rezultate na skalama ekstraverzije i laži. Djevojčice izvještavaju o više depresivnih simptoma od dječaka. Dječaci postižu više rezultate na Skali psihoticizma, a djevojčice na skalama neuroticizma i laži. Rezultati provedene hijerarhijske regresijske analize pokazuju da se opisanim setom prediktorskih varijabla (spol, naobrazba roditelja, neuroticizam, psihoticizam, ekstraverzija) može objasniti 40% ukupne varijance depresivnosti, pri čemu su značajni prediktori neuroticizam, psihoticizam, ekstraverzija, te dvostruka interakcija ekstraverzije i psihoticizma koja pridonosi dodatnih 1% objašnjenju varijabiliteta depresivnih simptoma. Introvertirani adolescenti s visokim rezultatom na Skali psihoticizma su depresivniji, a u ekstravertiranih adolescenata ta povezanost nije utvrđena.Many studies suggest that there is a relationship between basic personality dimensions and psychopathology. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between basic personality dimensions according to Eysenck, as well as their interactions with depression in early adolescence. The research was conducted on a sample of 583 adolescents of both sexes, between the ages of 12 and 15. The results show that all three personality dimensions are significantly correlated with scores on the Depression Scale. More depressive adolescents achieve higher scores on scales of Neuroticism and Psychoticism, while lower scores on Extroversion and Lie scales. Girls report more depressive symptoms than boys. Boys achieve higher scores on the Psychoticism Scale, while girls score higher on Neuroticism and Lie scales. The results of the hierarchical regression analysis indicate that the described set of predictor variables (gender, parents\u27 education, neuroticism, psychoticism, extroversion) can explain 40% of the total variance of depression. The significant predictors are neuroticism, psychoticism, extroversion, and the double interaction of extroversion and psychoticism which contributes to another 1% of the explained variance of depressive symptoms. Introvert adolescents with a high score on the Psychoticism Scale are more depressive, while such a connection has not been established for extrovert adolescents.Vorläuferstudien haben gezeigt, dass zwischen grundlegenden Persönlichkeitsdimensionen (nach Eysenck) und psychopathologischen Erscheinungen in der Frühadoleszenz ein Zusammenhang besteht. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, diesen Zusammenhang sowie mögliche Interaktionen zwischen genannten Persönlichkeitsdimensionen zu ermitteln. An der Untersuchung nahmen 583 Adoleszenten beiderlei Geschlechts im Alter von 12 bis 15 Jahren teil. Die Resultate ergaben, dass die drei angeführten Persönlichkeitsdimensionen in beträchtlichem Ausmaß mit den ermittelten Werten auf der Depressivitäts-Skala korrelieren. Adoleszenten mit einer ausgeprägteren Neigung zu Depressionen offenbarten ein Verhalten, das in erhöhtem Maße neurotisch und psychotisch ist; niedrigere Werte ergaben sich hingegen bezüglich Extraversion und der Neigung zum Lügen. Mädchen berichten von einer größeren Zahl depressiver Symptome als Jungen. Jungen neigen eher zu psychotischem Verhalten, Mädchen wiederum eher zu neurotischem Verhalten gepaart mit der Gewohnheit zu lügen. Eine hierarchische Regressionsanalyse ergab, dass anhand der eingesetzten Prädiktor- -Variablen (Geschlecht, Bildungsgrad der Eltern, neurotisches Verhalten, psychotisches Verhalten, Extraversion) 40% der Depressivitäts-Varianzen erklärt werden können. Das größte Gewicht haben dabei die Prädiktoren: neurotisches und psychotisches Verhalten, Extraversion, ferner die zweifache Interaktion zwischen Extraversion und psychotischem Verhalten, worauf zusätzlich 1% abfällt, was die Variabilität von Depressionssymptomen mit erläutert. Introvertierte Adoleszenten mit ausgeprägtem psychotischem Verhalten sind depressiver, während bei extravertierten Jugendlichen ein solcher Zusammenhang nicht festgestellt werden konnte

    Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Addiction Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti razine zamora suosjećanja i sagorijevanja kod stručnjaka na području tretmana ovisnosti te provjeriti mogućnost njihova predviđanja na temelju izvora stresa na poslu i stresa zbog promjena u uvjetima rada tijekom pandemije COVID-19. Ispitano je i postojanje moderatorskog učinka zadovoljstva suosjećanjem na odnos između izvora stresa i zamora suosjećanja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 126 sudionika (79,7 % žena). Upotrijebljeni su: Oldenburški upitnik sagorijevanja, Upitnik profesionalne kvalitete života, Skala stresa za radnike u mentalnom zdravlju i Upitnik percipiranoga stresa zbog promjena u uvjetima rada tijekom pandemije COVID-19, konstruiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Zamor suosjećanja (sekundarni traumatski stres i sagorijevanje) bio je određen poteškoćama vezanima uz klijente, sukobom između radne i obiteljske uloge, sukobima s drugim radnicima te obilježjima organizacijske strukture. Samostalna mjera sagorijevanja (OLBI) bila je određena pritiskom zbog opterećenja na poslu. Zadovoljstvo suosjećanjem djelovalo je kao moderator u odnosu između izvora stresa na poslu i zamora suosjećanja. Percipirani stres zbog promjena u uvjetima rada tijekom pandemije COVID-19 značajno je pridonio predviđanju sekundarnoga traumatskog stresa i OLBI mjere sagorijevanja.The aim of this research was to determine the levels of compassion fatigue and burnout in addiction workers and to assess the possibility of prediction of the variance of those variables using mental health workers\u27 work stressors and experienced stress due to changes in working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, the moderating effect of compassion satisfaction in the relationship between work stressors and compassion fatigue was tested. 126 addiction workers (79,7 % women) participated in this research. The following instruments were used: Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, Professional Quality of Life Scale, Mental Health 20 Professional Stress Scale, and Perceived Stress due to Changes in Working Conditions during the COVID-19 Pandemic Questionnaire, developed for the purpose of this study. Compassion fatigue (secondary traumatic stress (STS) and burnout) was determined by client-related difficulties, home-work conflict, relationship and conflicts with other professionals and organisational structure and processes. Burnout (OLBI) was determined by workload-related stress. Compassion satisfaction was found to have a moderating effect in the relationship between work stressors and compassion fatigue. Perceived stress due to changes in working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic predicted both secondary traumatic stress and burnout (OLBI)

    Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Addiction Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti razine zamora suosjećanja i sagorijevanja kod stručnjaka na području tretmana ovisnosti te provjeriti mogućnost njihova predviđanja na temelju izvora stresa na poslu i stresa zbog promjena u uvjetima rada tijekom pandemije COVID-19. Ispitano je i postojanje moderatorskog učinka zadovoljstva suosjećanjem na odnos između izvora stresa i zamora suosjećanja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 126 sudionika (79,7 % žena). Upotrijebljeni su: Oldenburški upitnik sagorijevanja, Upitnik profesionalne kvalitete života, Skala stresa za radnike u mentalnom zdravlju i Upitnik percipiranoga stresa zbog promjena u uvjetima rada tijekom pandemije COVID-19, konstruiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Zamor suosjećanja (sekundarni traumatski stres i sagorijevanje) bio je određen poteškoćama vezanima uz klijente, sukobom između radne i obiteljske uloge, sukobima s drugim radnicima te obilježjima organizacijske strukture. Samostalna mjera sagorijevanja (OLBI) bila je određena pritiskom zbog opterećenja na poslu. Zadovoljstvo suosjećanjem djelovalo je kao moderator u odnosu između izvora stresa na poslu i zamora suosjećanja. Percipirani stres zbog promjena u uvjetima rada tijekom pandemije COVID-19 značajno je pridonio predviđanju sekundarnoga traumatskog stresa i OLBI mjere sagorijevanja.The aim of this research was to determine the levels of compassion fatigue and burnout in addiction workers and to assess the possibility of prediction of the variance of those variables using mental health workers\u27 work stressors and experienced stress due to changes in working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, the moderating effect of compassion satisfaction in the relationship between work stressors and compassion fatigue was tested. 126 addiction workers (79,7 % women) participated in this research. The following instruments were used: Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, Professional Quality of Life Scale, Mental Health 20 Professional Stress Scale, and Perceived Stress due to Changes in Working Conditions during the COVID-19 Pandemic Questionnaire, developed for the purpose of this study. Compassion fatigue (secondary traumatic stress (STS) and burnout) was determined by client-related difficulties, home-work conflict, relationship and conflicts with other professionals and organisational structure and processes. Burnout (OLBI) was determined by workload-related stress. Compassion satisfaction was found to have a moderating effect in the relationship between work stressors and compassion fatigue. Perceived stress due to changes in working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic predicted both secondary traumatic stress and burnout (OLBI)

    Prevalencija uporabe sredstava ovisnosti u općoj populaciji: stanje u Hrvatskoj i usporedba s drugim europskim zemljama

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    This paper has two primary aims: to present the data on the prevalence of licit and illicit substance use among the general population in the Republic of Croatia and to compare these prevalence rates with those from other European countries. The data on the prevalence in Croatia were gathered by empirical research on a nationally representative sample of Croatian adults aged 15-64 years (N = 4756). The data on the prevalence of licit drugs for other European countries were obtained through secondary analysis of raw data from the Special Eurobarometer 385 (tobacco) and 331 (alcohol), and the source of data on illicit drugs was the EMCDDA\u27s Statistical Bulletin 2012. The results showed that, in Croatia, last month prevalence of smoking was 37.4%, which is among the highest in Europe and above the European average (32.4%). In the month prior to the research, 60.8% of adults in Croatia drank alcohol, which is among the lower prevalence rates compared to the other European countries and also lower than the European average (70.3%). Cannabis was the most widely used illicit drug in Croatia, 15.6% of adults used it at least once in their lifetime, which is below the European average (23.7%).Ovaj rad imao je dva cilja: podastrti podatke o prevalenciji uporabe legalnih i ilegalnih sredstava ovisnosti u općoj populaciji Republike Hrvatske i usporediti te prevalencije s onima iz drugih europskih zemalja. Podaci o prevalencijama u Hrvatskoj prikupljeni su empirijskim istraživanjem na reprezentativnom uzorku odraslih između 15 i 64 godine (N = 4756). Podaci o prevalencijama uporabe legalnih sredstava ovisnosti dobiveni su sekundarnom analizom sirovih podataka iz Specijalnog Eurobarometra 385 (duhan) i 331 (alkohol), dok je izvor podataka o ilegalnim drogama bio Statistički buletin Europskog centra za praćenje droga i ovisnosti o drogama (EMCDDA) iz 2012. godine. Rezultati su pokazali da je u Hrvatskoj prevalencija pušenja cigareta u mjesecu koji je prethodio istraživanju bila 37,4%, što je među najvišima u Europi i iznad je europskoga prosjeka (32,4%). U mjesecu koji je prethodio istraživanju 60,8% odraslih u Hrvatskoj pilo je alkohol, što je među nižim prevalencijama u usporedbi s drugim europskim zemljama i ispod je europskoga prosjeka (70,3%). Kanabis je najčešća ilegalna droga u Hrvatskoj, 15,6% odraslih konzumiralo ga je barem jednom u životu, što je ispod europskoga prosjeka (23,7%)

    Die Angst vor negativer Bewertung und ihr Bezug zum Selbstverständnis sowie zur gesellschaftlichen Perzipierung bei Adoleszenten

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je provjeriti na osnovi kojih se aspekata samopoimanja i socijalne percepcije može kod adolescenata prognozirati strah od negativne evaluacije. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 225 srednjoškolaca (105 muškog i 120 ženskog spola). Primijenjene su Skala straha od negativne evaluacije i Rosenbergova skala općega samopoštovanja. Adolescenti su procjenjivali sebe i svoje suučenike s obzirom na pet aspekata samopoimanja: uspjeh u školi, prihvaćenost od vršnjaka, samopouzdanje, inteligenciju i opći tjelesni izgled. Rezultati pokazuju da adolescenti najpozitivnije procjenjuju svoju inteligenciju te stupanj prihvaćenosti od vršnjaka. Očekuju da ih vršnjaci najpozitivnije procjenjuju s obzirom na inteligenciju, a najnegativnije s obzirom na tjelesni izgled. Adolescenti od vršnjaka dobivaju najniže ocjene za tjelesni izgled. Stupnjevitom regresijskom analizom dobivene su dvije značajne prediktorske varijable (rezultat na Rosenbergovoj skali samopoštovanja i prosječna vršnjačka procjena adolescentova samopouzdanja) te dvije supresor varijable (samoprocjena prihvaćenosti od vršnjaka i samoprocjena inteligencije). Te varijable dijele 22% zajedničke varijance s kriterijskom varijablom (rezultat na Skali straha od negativne evaluacije). Rezultat na Skali straha od negativne evaluacije bit će to viši što je kod adolescenta niži rezultat na Rosenbergovoj skali samopoštovanja te što je niža prosječna vršnjačka procjena adolescentova samopouzdanja.The aim of this study was to determine which aspects of self- -concept and social perception could predict fear of negative evaluation as an aspect of social anxiety among adolescents. The participants were 225 high-school students (105 males and 120 females) from Zagreb. Fear of negative evaluation scale and Rosenberg self-esteem scale were administered. Adolescents also evaluated themselves and their classmates regarding five aspects of adolescent self-concept: school achievement, peer acceptance, self-competence, intelligence, and general physical appearance. Results showed that adolescents\u27 self-evaluations of their intelligence were highest, followed by self-evaluations of peer acceptance. They expected highest peer evaluations of intelligence, and lowest peer evaluations of their physical appearance. Peer evaluations of physical appearance were lowest. There was a tendency of overestimation – adolescents\u27 self-evaluations of peer acceptance, intelligence and physical appearance were higher than peer evaluations. Stepwise regression analysis was conducted which resulted in two significant predictors (result on Rosenberg self-esteem scale and peer evaluation of adolescent\u27s self-competence) and two suppressor variables (self-evaluations of peer acceptance and intelligence). These variables accounted for 22% of the total variance of criteria variable (result on Fear of negative evaluation scale). The result on Fear of negative evaluation scale will be higher with a lower result on Rosenberg self- -esteem scale and lower peer evaluation of adolescent\u27s self- -competence.Mittels der Untersuchung sollten Aspekte des Selbstverständnisses sowie der gesellschaftlichen Perzipierung ermittelt werden, aufgrund deren bei Adoleszenten das Bestehen von Angst vor negativer Bewertung prognosiert werden kann. An der Umfrage nahmen 225 Gymnasiasten (105 Jungen und 120 Mädchen) teil. Angewandt wurden eine Skala zur Ermittlung der Angst vor negativer Bewertung und die Rosenberg\u27sche Skala zur Ermittlung des allgemeinen Selbstwertgefühls. Die Umfrageteilnehmer wurden aufgefordert, sich selbst sowie ihre Mitschüler in Bezug auf fünf Aspekte des Selbstverständnisses einzuschätzen: schulischer Erfolg, Integriertheit in den Kreis der Altersgenossen, Selbstvertrauen, Intelligenz und körperliches Aussehen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Adoleszenten ihre Intelligenz am besten bewerten, ferner die Integriertheit in den Kreis der Altersgenossen. Ebenso erwarten sie, dass sie von ihren Altersgenossen am positivsten im Hinblick auf ihre Intelligenz eingeschätzt werden, am negativsten bezüglich ihres körperlichen Erscheinungsbildes. Tatsächlich gelten die schlechtesten "Noten", mit denen Adoleszenten einander bewerten, dem körperlichen Aussehen. Anhand einer graduellen Regressions-Analyse konnten zwei wesentliche Prädiktor-Variablen ermittelt werden (Ergebnis der Rosenberg-Skala zur Ermittlung des Selbstwertgefühls sowie durchschnittliche Einschätzung des Selbstvertrauens eines Adoleszenten vonseiten seiner Altersgenossen), ferner zwei Suppressor-Variablen (Selbsteinschätzung der Integriertheit in den Kreis der Altersgenossen und Bewertung der eigenen Intelligenz). Diese Variablen teilen sich 22% der gemeinsamen Varianz mit der Kriterienvariable (Ergebnis der Skala zur Ermittlung der Angst vor negativer Bewertung). Das Resultat auf der Skala zur Ermittlung der Angst vor negativer Bewertung fällt desto höher aus, je niedriger die auf der Rosenberg-Skala gewonnenen Werte liegen, und je niedriger die Altersgenossen das Selbstvertrauen ihrer Mitschüler einstufen