445 research outputs found

    SADC Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report

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    The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is one of the oldest regional economic communities on the African continent. It has developed into a progressive regional institution providing guidance to 15 member states, covering a wide range of economic, social and geographic characteristics. SADC is now becoming a key player in the international trend towards development of renewable energy resources as well as energy efficiency. The SADC Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report supports SADC’s efforts to increase the deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Southern Africa by providing a comprehensive regional review of renewable energy and energy efficiency developments, evolving policy landscapes, market trends and related activities, achievements in renewable energy on- and off-grid, and opportunities for the financing of these activities

    Renewables 2023 Global Status Report collection, Renewables in Energy Demand

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    This report presents the first modules of the eight-piece Renewables 2023 Global Status Report (GSR) Collection. The Energy Demand modules on Buildings, Industry, Transport and Agriculture are a testament to the crucial role that energy-consuming sectors play in driving the transition to renewable energy. They underscore the importance of looking beyond the supply side and installed capacities, and recognising that accelerating the demand for renewables across these four sectors is critical. Without substantive progress on the demand side, it will be impossible to achieve the structural transformations needed to shift to a renewables-based energy system, economy and society. With this report, REN21 continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the transition to sustainable energy sources and in bridging the gap between (renewable) energy supply and demand. The findings presented in the GSR Energy Demand modules represent an important step forward in understanding the full potential of renewables in meeting the world's energy needs, as well as the persisting barriers

    Renewables 2024 Global Status Report Collection, Global Overview

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    We stand at a precipice, with the urgent need for a rapid transition to renewable energy underscored by escalating global crises and the encouraging targets set at COP28. The role of renewable energy as a key solution to climate, energy, and economic challenges is more apparent than ever. This yearʼs Renewables Global Status Report illuminates a complex landscape of progress tempered by persistent challenges. Despite record investments in renewables, reaching USD 622.5 billion in 2023, we are still far from what is needed to meet our climate and sustainable development goals. Estimates suggest that global investments need to reach at least USD 1.3 trillion annually between now and 2030 if we are to keep the 1.5°C target in reach. The disparity in investment opportunities between high- and low-income countries, compounded by unequal access to capital, remains a major obstacle to an equitable energy transition. Interest rates in emerging economies remain significantly higher than in advanced economies, further hindering progress towards sustainability

    Renewables 2022 Global Status Report

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    The REN21 Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) provides an annual look at the tremendous advances in renewable energy markets, policy frameworks and industries globally. Each report uses formal and informal data to provide the most up-to-date information available. Reliable, timely and regularly updated data on renewable energy are essential as they are used for establishing baselines for decision makers; for demonstrating the increasing role that renewables play in the energy sector; and illustrating that the renewable energy transition is a reality

    Renewables in Cities 2019 Global Status Report

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    Cities are directly responsible for around twothirds of global final energy use as well as for significant indirect consumption of energy that is embodied in materials, products and other goods. Due largely to this energy use, cities account for an estimated 75% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In addition, cities account for 55% of the global population and for more than 80% of global gross domestic product. Thus, shifting to renewable energy in cities is critical to decarbonising the global energy system. At the same time, cities offer a lever to advance the transition towards renewable energy in all end-use sectors, not only in power but also in heating and cooling and in transport. Renewable energy offers cities the opportunity to achieve a wide range of objectives. Through their various roles, including urban planning and the provision of numerous services, cities are wellpositioned to increase the use of renewable energy in their own activities and to support the deployment of renewables more broadly, while simultaneously achieving local objectives such as reducing air pollution to improve public health, mitigating climate change, supporting the local economy and building resilient infrastructure. City government

    Renewables 2019 Global Status Report

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    The REN21 Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) provides an annual look at the tremendous advances in renewable energy markets, policy frameworks and industries globally. Each report uses formal and informal data to provide the most up-to-date information available. Reliable, timely and regularly updated data on renewable energy are essential as they are used for establishing baselines for decision makers; for demonstrating the increasing role that renewables play in the energy sector; and illustrating that the renewable energy transition is a reality

    Renewables 2015 Global Status Report

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    The REN21 Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) provides an annual look at the tremendous advances in renewable energy markets, policy frameworks and industries globally. Each report uses formal and informal data to provide the most up-to-date information available. Reliable, timely and regularly updated data on renewable energy are essential as they are used for establishing baselines for decision makers; for demonstrating the increasing role that renewables play in the energy sector; and illustrating that the renewable energy transition is a reality

    Renewables 2020 Global Status Report

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    The REN21 Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) provides an annual look at the tremendous advances in renewable energy markets, policy frameworks and industries globally. Each report uses formal and informal data to provide the most up-to-date information available. Reliable, timely and regularly updated data on renewable energy are essential as they are used for establishing baselines for decision makers; for demonstrating the increasing role that renewables play in the energy sector; and illustrating that the renewable energy transition is a reality

    Renewables 2016 Global Status Report

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    The REN21 Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) provides an annual look at the tremendous advances in renewable energy markets, policy frameworks and industries globally. Each report uses formal and informal data to provide the most up-to-date information available. Reliable, timely and regularly updated data on renewable energy are essential as they are used for establishing baselines for decision makers; for demonstrating the increasing role that renewables play in the energy sector; and illustrating that the renewable energy transition is a reality

    Renewables 2024 Global Status Report Collection, Energy Demand

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    The transition to renewable energy in buildings, industry, transport, and agriculture is falling behind, with 12.7% of energy in these sectors coming from renewables. Despite the urgent need for targeted policies, progress is slow: by 2023, only 13 countries had comprehensive renewable energy policies across all key sectors. This report, the second module in REN21’s Renewables 2024 Global Status Report (GSR) collection, demonstrates the disconnect between energy supply and demand that is currently slowing the energy transition. The message is clear: accelerating renewables adoption in critical sectors like buildings, industry, transport, and agriculture is essential for emissions reduction and economic prosperity. Without significant demand-side advancements, a shift to a renewable-based energy system and economy remains out of reach
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