3 research outputs found

    Pollination biology of Impatiens capensis Meerb. in non-native range.

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    Pollination biology in the widespread species Impatiens capensis Meerb. has only been studied in America, specifically in zones of the U.S.A. and Canada. In this study, we investigated the pollination biology of I. capensis using an integrative identification approach using morphological and molecular tools in four populations of Northwest Poland. We also determined and compared the functional characteristics of the pollinators of the introduced species from the study sites and the native ones reported, for the latter collecting information from bibliographic sources. Visitors were identified using standard morphological keys, including identifying and classifying insect mouthparts. Molecular identification was carried out using mitochondrial DNA's cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI). We morphologically identified 20 species of visitors constituted by 17 pollinators and three nectar robbers. DNA barcoding of 59 individuals proved the identification of 18 species (also 18 BINs). The frequency of pollinator species was primarily made up of representatives of both Hymenoptera (75%) and Diptera (21%). The morphological traits, such as the chewing and sucking mouthparts, small and big body height, and robber and pollinator behavior explained mainly the native and introduced visitors' arrangements that allow pollination success. However, to understand the process comprehensively, further investigation of other causalities in pollination success and understanding the diversity of pollinators in outer native ranges are necessary

    The Mexican Balsam, <i>Impatiens mexicana</i> Rydb: A Redescription Based on Morphological and Phylogenetic Studies, with an Update of the Current Geographical Range of the Species

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    Impatiens mexicana is a native balsam restricted to the cloud forests of central and southwest Mexico, which is currently known to exist in four states (Zacatecas, Veracruz, Puebla, and Oaxaca), and is probably threatened by geographic restriction. Morphological and distributional information about this species is still scarce, with only a couple of investigations since its first description in 1910, which means the phylogenetic position of this species has yet to be placed. In order to contribute to knowledge of I. mexicana, morphological and molecular studies were carried out with material collected in the localities of Hidalgo, Veracruz, and Oaxaca, during expeditions from July to October 2021 and in 2022. The specimens selected were measured, photographed, and compared with morphological information from the six American balsams. At the same time, phylogenetic studies were carried out by using two regions of the cpDNA and one of the nrDNA. We report I. mexicana for the first time in Hidalgo state, and identify new registers in the Veracruz and Oaxaca localities, thus increasing the knowledge in its geographic distribution. We also redescribe the Mexican balsam by using new and complementary traits: we note that while the species is morphologically similar to I. capensis, it is distinguished by differences in flower color, the distribution of spot patterns on the upper petal, lower sepal, and lateral petals, and geographic information such as endemic geographic distribution in Mexico’s Tropical Montane Cloud Forest (TMCF). We also carried out phylogenetic analyses by using ITS and ITS + atpb-rbcL, which showed the Mexican balsam was independent from its Asian-American congeners. Interestingly, our genetic distance analyses reveal differences of 0.01–0.16% between I. mexicana and the other North American congeners that use ITS, atpb-rbcL and trnL-F, both independently and as concatenated genes: this low divergence most likely occurred because of the recent diversification of the group. However, both future redescriptions and phylogenetic studies in American species are imperative, as this will enable better discrimination

    Palm Sunday in central Mexico: among sellers, palms and syncretism

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    Abstract Background Domingo de Ramos, or Palm Sunday, is a traditional Christian religious event where devotees use ramos, which are bouquets currently elaborated from palm leaves and other natural elements. In various countries, it is assumed this use of biodiversity leads to the depletion of the species involved. However, other important aspects must be considered, including the role of the people who produce and sell these ramos, the associated symbolism that has been overlooked, as well as commercial aspects that have barely been documented. This ethnobotanical study evaluates the regional-scale cultural, biological and socioeconomic aspects associated with Domingo de Ramos in central Mexico from an emic perspective. Methods Ethnographic and commercial information was obtained through interviews with ramos sellers in 28 municipalities in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. We specifically sought sociodemographic data regarding the interviewees, as well as information pertaining to the ramos themselves and the palms. These aspects were explored with all of the sellers. The free list method was used to describe the uses and key elements associated with the ramos. Results Although the ramos are used for religious purposes, they have eight different uses in the daily life of the sellers, the main one being “protection.” They serve to protect families, crops and animals, as well as against several diseases. Likewise, they are considered valuable for diminishing strong storms. This belief in the protection conferred by the ramos preserves pre-Hispanic concepts and is combined with their use in blessing corresponding to Western beliefs. Ramos are made from 35 introduced and native plant species and comprise a base (made of palm, wheat or sotol), a “reliquia” (palm, rosemary, chamomile and laurel) and natural or artificial flowers. The ramos sellers are mostly adult women of indigenous origin and heads of family. Conclusions This study of Domingo de Ramos, carried out at a regional scale, highlights a syncretism that is reflected in both the symbolic importance of ramos palm and in the species used, as well as socioeconomic aspects that had not previously been identified in the study area and reflect the occurrence of complex relationships in non-timber forest products that remain little addressed