20 research outputs found

    Esélyegyenlőség - érték vagy illúzió? - Diszkrimináció a munkahelyen

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    A tanulmány célja a diszkrimináció, ezen belül is a munkahelyi diszkrimináció vizsgálata. A témakör elméleti hátterének rövid bemutatása után egy vállalati példa szolgáltatja az alapot a valóságos történések megítélésére. A szerzők tanulmányukban felvázolták a hátrányos munkahelyi megkülönböztetés megnyilvánulásainak negatív hatásait a munkatársak viselkedésére, munkahelyi teljesítményére, egyúttal a vállalati sikerre. Az elméleti alapok bemutatása után egy kiválasztott vállalat teljes munkatársi állományát kérdezték meg kérdőív segítségével arról, hogy ők maguk hogyan érzékelik a hátrányos megkülönböztetés megnyilvánulásait, és mit tesznek vagy nem tesznek a probléma kezelése érdekében. A tanulmány a vizsgálat eredményeit összegzi

    Munkaerő fluktuáció vizsgálata Szlovákiában

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    Fluctuation in the labor force was the subject of numerous studies and literature recently published. This study presents the characteristics of theoretical and practical problems of fluctuation. Our goal is to present via an empirical research conducted among companies the characteristics of the labor fluctuation in Slovakia. We analyzed separately the fluctuations in different occupational groups, the key characteristics of key man migration and replacement, costs of replacement labor and workplace policies and programs relating to the conservation of staff. During the examination process of the fluctuation problems it was important for us to separate analysis of motivational tools used to prevent employee turnover as well. The study summarizes the specific features of the analyzed factors

    The role of dominant power in supply chains

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    Cheap and clever – symbiosis of frugal innovation and knowledge management

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    To operate knowledge management system has become an accepted method and a part of everyday life in the biggest companies. The full circle exploitation of advantages and possibilities of this system does not show a hopeful picture. It is especially true when we examine relationships and constructions with other key processes in the operation of a company. Innovation belongs to above mentioned processes. Though every outsider and professional way of thinking sees clearly that knowledge is needed to innovate and knowledge is a basis of knowledge management, but the close connection of the two important processes has not been realized on behalf of success. Defectiveness is especially true in cases of the newest innovation methods. The paper shows the connection of frugal innovation and knowledge management, its theoretical and practical possibilitie

    Vezető/leader versus etika avagy az etikus leaderi magatartás jellemzői

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    A tanulmányban bemutatott kutatás a jó vezetői tulajdonságokat keresi, összefüggésbe hozva a leaderrel szembeni elvárásokkal és az etikus vezetői viselkedéssel. A kvantitatív és kvalitatív elemeket is tartalmazó kutatás 3 nemzet vizsgálatát célozta (Magyarország, Csehország, Szlovákia). A tanulmányban bemutatott kérdőíves kutatás kérdései között a jó vezetők tulajdonságai és a leaderi jellemzők közötti különbség és az etikus vezetői viselkedéssel való kapcsolatuk kapott helyet. Az egyszerű és komplex statisztikai elemzés eredményei azt igazolták, hogy a három ország megkérdezettjeinek véleménye a legtöbb esetben szignifikáns módon különbözik a leaderrel szembeni elvárásokban, tulajdonságokban és az etikus magatartásban

    Knowledge management and ethics fromt the business point of view

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    Acknowledging the roles of employees can be achieved through appropriate business culture. Business morals and ethics reflect business values; the values define the extent of ethics, or eventually also unethical behavior, and so define the dominant business culture. European countries profess traditional values, but are also capable of accepting new values of other cultures to their value system. Adopting such cultures is accompanied by changes in business value system, while it is also necessary to discover and accept ethics of other countries. [1] In the times of globalization it is important to keep national cultural awareness, in order to keep business values and competitiveness, and it cannot be underestimated

    Theoretical Background to the Role of Trust in Marketing

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    The aim of the study is to present the theoretical background of trust and to review its role in marketing among the disciplines mentioned in the article. After the methodological definition, the article provides the reader with a complex overview of the concept of trust in the national and international literature. The need for trust extends to business and market interactions throughout the supply and value chain, as they are interrelated in all areas of production and service. In addition, its existence also plays an important role in online commerce, the lack of which is understood by companies and intermediaries in the reduction of transaction costs and reputation. However, the question arises as to whether trust can be so easily delineated. Is the decision of whether or not to trust the other a simple question to be decided to which there is a clear answer

    From Goods-dominant logic to Service-dominant logic

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    In recent decades, the role of consumers in the marketing process has become more valuable to marketers. The previous theory – which focused only on the product itself and the services – has now become completely obsolete. This approach is called GDL, which is an acronym that stands for “Goods-dominant logic”. The need for a paradigm shift has also been recognized by professionals, so they have increasingly begun to develop theories that put customers at the center. This shift did not occur from one moment to the next. With the development of newer and newer theories, the theory that changed the basic direction of marketing appeared by the end of the 2000s. This new paradigm is linked to researchers Lusch and Vargo. Their study titled “Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing” was published in 2004 in a professional journal called Journal of Marketing. The new policy is now called Service-dominant logic, abbreviated SDL. However, this theory is still not fully accepted. In some cases, shortcomings can be identified, mainly in terms of practical implementation. Furthermore, some research show that some elements or tools of the previous theory - GDL - cannot be completely omitted due to their simple applicability