5 research outputs found

    Graph Relation Aware Continual Learning

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    Continual graph learning (CGL) studies the problem of learning from an infinite stream of graph data, consolidating historical knowledge, and generalizing it to the future task. At once, only current graph data are available. Although some recent attempts have been made to handle this task, we still face two potential challenges: 1) most of existing works only manipulate on the intermediate graph embedding and ignore intrinsic properties of graphs. It is non-trivial to differentiate the transferred information across graphs. 2) recent attempts take a parameter-sharing policy to transfer knowledge across time steps or progressively expand new architecture given shifted graph distribution. Learning a single model could loss discriminative information for each graph task while the model expansion scheme suffers from high model complexity. In this paper, we point out that latent relations behind graph edges can be attributed as an invariant factor for the evolving graphs and the statistical information of latent relations evolves. Motivated by this, we design a relation-aware adaptive model, dubbed as RAM-CG, that consists of a relation-discovery modular to explore latent relations behind edges and a task-awareness masking classifier to accounts for the shifted. Extensive experiments show that RAM-CG provides significant 2.2%, 6.9% and 6.6% accuracy improvements over the state-of-the-art results on CitationNet, OGBN-arxiv and TWITCH dataset, respective

    T-SaS: Toward Shift-aware Dynamic Adaptation for Streaming Data

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    In many real-world scenarios, distribution shifts exist in the streaming data across time steps. Many complex sequential data can be effectively divided into distinct regimes that exhibit persistent dynamics. Discovering the shifted behaviors and the evolving patterns underlying the streaming data are important to understand the dynamic system. Existing methods typically train one robust model to work for the evolving data of distinct distributions or sequentially adapt the model utilizing explicitly given regime boundaries. However, there are two challenges: (1) shifts in data streams could happen drastically and abruptly without precursors. Boundaries of distribution shifts are usually unavailable, and (2) training a shared model for all domains could fail to capture varying patterns. This paper aims to solve the problem of sequential data modeling in the presence of sudden distribution shifts that occur without any precursors. Specifically, we design a Bayesian framework, dubbed as T-SaS, with a discrete distribution-modeling variable to capture abrupt shifts of data. Then, we design a model that enable adaptation with dynamic network selection conditioned on that discrete variable. The proposed method learns specific model parameters for each distribution by learning which neurons should be activated in the full network. A dynamic masking strategy is adopted here to support inter-distribution transfer through the overlapping of a set of sparse networks. Extensive experiments show that our proposed method is superior in both accurately detecting shift boundaries to get segments of varying distributions and effectively adapting to downstream forecast or classification tasks.Comment: CIKM 202

    Mitigating Popularity Bias in Recommendation with Unbalanced Interactions: A Gradient Perspective

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    Recommender systems learn from historical user-item interactions to identify preferred items for target users. These observed interactions are usually unbalanced following a long-tailed distribution. Such long-tailed data lead to popularity bias to recommend popular but not personalized items to users. We present a gradient perspective to understand two negative impacts of popularity bias in recommendation model optimization: (i) the gradient direction of popular item embeddings is closer to that of positive interactions, and (ii) the magnitude of positive gradient for popular items are much greater than that of unpopular items. To address these issues, we propose a simple yet efficient framework to mitigate popularity bias from a gradient perspective. Specifically, we first normalize each user embedding and record accumulated gradients of users and items via popularity bias measures in model training. To address the popularity bias issues, we develop a gradient-based embedding adjustment approach used in model testing. This strategy is generic, model-agnostic, and can be seamlessly integrated into most existing recommender systems. Our extensive experiments on two classic recommendation models and four real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method over state-of-the-art debiasing baselines.Comment: Recommendation System, Popularity Bia