24 research outputs found

    Russian Jews in the Global City of Toronto: A Pilot Study of Identity and Social Integration

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    La communauté des anciens Juifs soviétiques dans le Grand Toronto a beaucoup augmenté depuis 15 ans, à la fois par immigration directe depuis les pays de l’ex-URSS et par re-migration de Juifs russes depuis Israël. Peu d’études canadiennes sur les expériences de réinstallation des Juifs russes se sont penchées jusqu’à présent sur les questions d’identité juive et de modification de cette identité avec la migration. Cette étude ethnique exploratoire est basée sur des entretiens, des discussions de groupe et l’observation des contextes de vie des immigrants avec l’intention de comparer quelques aspects essentiels de l’intégration entre Juifs arrivés directement de l’ex-URSS et Juifs ayant d’abord migré vers Israël. Les récits collectés pour cette étude portent sur différents points : causes de la migration vers le Canada, difficultés d’entrée sur le marché du travail canadien, perception des niveaux de vie, difficultés spécifiques aux couples d’immigrants, aux jeunes et aux personnes âgées, liens transnationaux avec d’autres branches de la diaspora juive russe. Les résultats indiquent des différences notables entre les deux groupes, en particulier dans l’adaptation au marché du travail et les processus familiaux. En général, les migrants de seconde migration sont mieux armés pour le mode de vie et l’économie occidentale et ont plus de points d’ancrage dans la société canadienne que ceux qui arrivent directement de l’ex-URSS.The community of former Soviet Jews in the Greater Toronto Area has considerably expanded over the last 15 years reflecting both immigration from the former Soviet Union (FSU) and re-migration of Russian Jews from Israel. Few Canadian studies of the resettlement experiences of Russian Jews focused on the issues of Jewish identity and its change upon migration. This exploratory ethnographic study included in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observations of natural contexts of immigrants’ lives with the goal of comparing some key aspects of social integration between direct arrivals from the FSU and secondary migrants from Israel. The narratives collected in this study refer to several domains: causes of migration to Canada, the challenges of occupational adjustment, perceived living standards and quality of life, the specific challenges faced by immigrant couples, youth and the elders, and transnational ties with other branches of the Russian Jewish diaspora. The findings point to some tangible differentials in the integration process between the two groups of immigrants, particularly in their labor market adjustments and family processes. Generally, ‘second lap’ migrants from Israel are better equipped for western economic marketplace and have more social anchors within Canadian society than direct arrivals from the FSU

    Russian Jews in the Global City of Toronto: A Pilot Study of Identity and Social Integration

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    The community of former Soviet Jews in the Greater Toronto Area has considerably expanded over the last 15 years reflecting both immigration from the former Soviet Union (FSU) and re-migration of Russian Jews from Israel. Few Canadian studies of the resettlement experiences of Russian Jews focused on the issues of Jewish identity and its change upon migration. This exploratory ethnographic study included in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observations of natural contexts of immigrants’ lives with the goal of comparing some key aspects of social integration between direct arrivals from the FSU and secondary migrants from Israel. The narratives collected in this study refer to several domains: causes of migration to Canada, the challenges of occupational adjustment, perceived living standards and quality of life, the specific challenges faced by immigrant couples, youth and the elders, and transnational ties with other branches of the Russian Jewish diaspora. The findings point to some tangible differentials in the integration process between the two groups of immigrants, particularly in their labor market adjustments and family processes. Generally, ‘second lap’ migrants from Israel are better equipped for western economic marketplace and have more social anchors within Canadian society than direct arrivals from the FSU

    Epidemology and determinants of induced abortion in the U.S.S.R.

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    Since the mid-50s, induced abortion (IA) has been the principal method of birth control for as much as 80% of the U.S.S.R. population, with more than 9 million of terminations performed annually. After brief discussion of the general and specific reasons for a long-term IA dominance in family planning practices, data of the national statistics and local surveys on IA prevalence, contraceptive use and their determinants are critically reviewed. Although most couples are willing to use contraception, they have to rely on traditional methods with high failure rates (withdrawal, condom, rhythm/calendar). Due to many years of misleading information, population views on pros and cons of various birth control methods are severely biased. Public health implications of multiple IA are summarised.induced abortion statistics contraceptive methods determinants attitudes

    Preventive behavior among recent immigrants: Russian-speaking women and cancer screening in Israel

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    This study examined the risk profile and preventive practices aimed at female reproductive cancer in a national sample of 620 women aged over 35, who immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union after 1989. The study setting typifies a more general problem of the encounter between East European immigrants and western-type health cultures and medical systems. It has shown that universal access to preventive care may not translate into its optimal utilization among marginalized population groups. Specifically, while being at moderate to high cancer risk, Russian immigrants avoid screening activities; gynecological check-ups, breast examination and mammography. This is a reversal of the pre-emigration pattern: two thirds of respondents underwent cancer screening in their home country and only one third in Israel. The risk groups for late detection of cancer are the women least integrated into the mainstream society: those over 60, unemployed or having unskilled jobs. Women without regular primary care providers showed the lowest cancer awareness and minimal screening activity. Even those who knew the key cancer facts, believed in their own susceptibility and in the benefit of early detection, in practice did little to avert the danger. Three explanations for the discrepancy between cognition and practice are suggested: (a) the immigrants' low health motivation, reflecting their downward social mobility and preoccupation with resettlement problems; (b) low self-efficacy and external locus of control over health, typical of ex-Soviet citizens and (c) communicative and other cultural barriers to health care services.Immigrants women Cancer attitudes Breast screening Israel