65 research outputs found

    Governance in cross-border agglomerations in Europe: the examples of Basle and Strasbourg

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    Mehrere GroßstĂ€dte befinden sich an Staatsgrenzen in Westeuropa. Trotz der Stetigkeit des GelĂ€ndes und bestehender funktionaler Verflechtungen, liegt ein Teil der Vororte in einem anderen Staat, was originale Verwaltungsprobleme stellt. Der europĂ€ische Integrationsprozess regt örtliche und regionale Behörden zur Zusammenarbeit an, um die Folgen der Unterbrechung der politischen Grenze einzuschrĂ€nken. Strasbourg und Basel sind zwei grenzĂŒberschreitende StadtrĂ€ume, die sich im Oberrhein befinden, ein Raum der durch vorhandene Spannungen zwischen Frankreich und Deutschland gekennzeichnet ist. Seit dem Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges hat sich eine als Vorbild hingestellte, fortschreitende, grenzĂŒberschreitende Zusammenarbeit entwickelt. In den StadtrĂ€umen von Basel und Strasbourg beruht die Ausarbeitung von "Governance"-Systeme auf grenzĂŒberschreitender Ebene in den neunziger Jahren auf der Förderung von Projekten. Diese Systeme verbinden Integrationslogik und Behauptungslogik. Die Integration ist unvollkommen und ist das Ergebnis von GegenĂŒberstellungen, KrĂ€fteverhĂ€ltnissen und Verhandlungen zwischen den Grenzgebietskörperschaften. Aber die einge fĂŒhrten Systeme sind schwach und bestehen mĂŒhevoll auf die Dauer auf Grund ihrer geringen Institutionalisierung. Die Gebietskörperschaften versuchen sich im Rahmen des Stadtraumes und hauptsĂ€chlich in ihrem nationalen und regionalen politischen System zu behaupten, in dem sie ihre territoriale IdentitĂ€t und ihre Sichtbarkeit verstĂ€rken. Die Grenze fĂŒhrt eine Form theoretischer Gleichheit zwischen Gebietskörperschaften ein, die auf beiden Seiten der Grenze stark unterschiedliche FĂ€higkeiten haben. Die Arbeitsweise der "Governance"-Systeme ist dennoch von dem politischen und kulturellen Systems der großstĂ€dtischen AutoritĂ€t weitgehend beeinflusst. Deswegen weisen beide StadtrĂ€ume Unterschiede, sowohl in ihren Strategien als in ihren Arbeitsweisen auf. (Autorenreferat)Several agglomerations of metropolitan dimension in Western Europe are situated on state borders. In spite of the continuity of the built-up area and the existence of functional links, part of their suburbs is located in another state, which creates specific problems of management. The process of European integration has encouraged the local and regional public authorities to cooperate in order to minimize the splitting effects of the political border. Strasbourg and Basle are two cross-border agglomerations located on the Upper Rhine, an area characterized by the existence of tensions between France and Germany. Since the end of the Second World War, a cross-border cooperation that is commonly seen as exemplary has been gradually developed. In the agglomerations of BĂąle and of Strasbourg, systems of governance at cross-border level were worked out in the 1990's, on the basis of the development of projects. Those systems combine a logic of integration and a logic of selfassertion. The integration is incomplete, resulting from confrontations, balance of power, and negotiations between the border collectivities. The limits are imposed by the weak institutionalization of the systems, so that their actions are defined slowly and difficult to execute. Flexibility goes together with mutual trust. Self-assertion is characteristic of collectivities that have succeeded in increasing their readability and their territorial identity within the context of the agglomeration and above all of their regional and national political systems. The border confers a status of theoretical equality to collectivities enjoying a highly varying degree of power on opposite sides of that limit. Nevertheless, the way the systems of governance operate is influenced by the political and cultural system to which the respective metropolitan authorities belong. As a result, the two agglomerations are significantly different, in their strategies as well as in their modes of organization. (author's abstract

    Cross-border metropolitan integration in Europe (Luxembourg, Basel and Geneva)

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    This article questions the integration processes in three small cross-border metropolitan areas: Luxembourg, Basel and Geneva. By referring to an original analysis framework, it evaluates the nature and intensity of the functional and institutional integration and highlights the elements that structure the cooperation between the actors. The analysis shows that there is not necessarily a reciprocal link between the size of the functional area and the extent of the cooperation. Whilst no metropolitan-sized project is on the agenda in Luxembourg, the example of Basel and Geneva shows that the presence of a national border offers an opportunity to invent original forms of governance, increase the autonomy of the local authorities by different types of cooperation which transcend the institutional and territorial divides, and enable the international character of the metropolitan centre to be valued for what it is. In a context of global competition, these features represent an undeniable benefit.Metropolitan regions ; Governance ; Border studies ; Integration ; Europe

    Haëntjens J. (coord.), 2016, Dossier « Renouveau des utopies urbaines », Futuribles, n° 414, septembre/octobre 2016.

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    Ce numĂ©ro du pĂ©riodique Futuribles est consacrĂ© au « renouveau des utopies urbaines » alors que 500 ans se sont Ă©coulĂ©s depuis la parution du livre de Thomas More. Dans ce numĂ©ro spĂ©cial composĂ© d’une dizaine d’articles, l’utopie n’est pas considĂ©rĂ©e comme une construction imaginaire, reprĂ©sentation d’une sociĂ©tĂ© idĂ©ale, hors du temps et hors de l’espace, mais comme une expĂ©rience ancrĂ©e, fruit d’innovations, qui cherche Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  des besoins contemporains, en partant du constat suivant : ..

    Un monde de frontiÚres ?

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    Éditorial -Visions europĂ©ennes de la mĂ©tropolisation : concepts globaux, enjeux et politiques nationales (Editorial -European views on metropolization. Global concepts, issues and national policies)

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    Reitel Bernard. Éditorial -Visions europĂ©ennes de la mĂ©tropolisation : concepts globaux, enjeux et politiques nationales (Editorial -European views on metropolization. Global concepts, issues and national policies). In: Bulletin de l'Association de gĂ©ographes français, 89e annĂ©e, 2012-4. pp. 503-511


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    Reitel Bernard. Tahiti. In: Espace géographique, tome 22, n°4, 1993. pp. 371-372

    L’agglomĂ©ration transfrontaliĂšre : un objet gĂ©ographique, produit de relations singuliĂšres entre continu et discontinu

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    INTRODUCTION : LES AGGLOMÉRATIONS TRANSFRONTALIÈRES, DES OBJETS GÉOGRAPHIQUES SINGULIERS QUI INTERPELLENT LE GÉOGRAPHE Tout pouvoir qui s’exerce sur un territoire cherche Ă  en garantir la cohĂ©rence. Pour les États dont la construction territoriale s’est souvent faite sur de longues durĂ©es, les frontiĂšres ont jouĂ© un rĂŽle essentiel de dĂ©limitation. La cohĂ©rence du territoire est garantie en partie par la stabilitĂ© des frontiĂšres. Limites intangibles, contrĂŽlĂ©es, souvent militarisĂ©es, ces front..

    Les forĂȘts de France

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    Reitel Bernard. Les forĂȘts de France. In: Espace gĂ©ographique, tome 22, n°2, 1993. pp. 185-186

    L’ambition internationale d’une mĂ©tropole française : le dĂ©veloppement de la diplomatie territoriale de Lille entre 1958 et nos jours

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    International audienceThis paper aims at providing a short survey of the development of international action in the city of Lille and its agglomeration, focusing on three aspects: politics, with the legitimacy and leadership of the involved communities, geography, with the spatial extent of relations, and history, through the continuity of action and its possible disruptions.The late 1980s were a turning-point: after the town-twinning phenomenon of the 1950s, the international action diversified at the same time as a metropolitan project was clearly asserted by the inter-municipal community created in 1968 (which became the Lille European Metropolis [MEL] in 2015). This action materialized through multi-scale cooperation, across the border with the neighbouring Belgian communities, but also on a European, or even global level, in order to reinforce the region’s attractiveness and to promote a spirit of solidarity.Cet article vise Ă  donner un bref aperçu du dĂ©veloppement de l’action internationale de la ville de Lille et de son agglomĂ©ration en interrogeant 3 dimensions : politique, Ă  travers la lĂ©gitimitĂ© et le leadership des collectivitĂ©s impliquĂ©es, gĂ©ographique Ă  travers l’extension spatiale des relations, historique Ă  travers la continuitĂ© des actions en identifiant d’éventuelles ruptures.La fin des annĂ©es 1980 constitue un tournant : aprĂšs les jumelages instaurĂ©s dĂšs les annĂ©es 1950, l’action se diversifie dans un contexte d’affirmation d’un projet mĂ©tropolitain par la collectivitĂ© intercommunale crĂ©Ă©e en 1968 (devenue MĂ©tropole EuropĂ©enne de Lille (MEL) en 2015). Cette action se concrĂ©tise par l’établissement de coopĂ©rations Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles, transfrontaliĂšre avec les collectivitĂ©s belges limitrophes, mais aussi europĂ©enne voire mondiale avec pour objectif de renforcer l’attractivitĂ© et d’afficher un esprit de solidaritĂ©

    Mémoire, effacement et transgression : l'aménagement urbain des zones frontiÚres de villes-frontiÚres (Berlin, Frankfurt/ Oder-Slubice, Strasbourg-Kehl)

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    Reitel Bernard. MĂ©moire, effacement et transgression : l'amĂ©nagement urbain des zones frontiĂšres de villes-frontiĂšres (Berlin, Frankfurt/ Oder-Slubice, Strasbourg-Kehl). In: Le Globe. Revue genevoise de gĂ©ographie, tome 145, 2005. FrontiĂšres – frontiĂšre. pp. 29-58
