27 research outputs found

    Two decades of runoff measurements (1974 to 1993) at the pegelstation Vernagtbach/Oetztal Alps

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    This report summarizes the runoff data collected at the "Pegelstation Vernagtbach" in the Oetztal Alps, Tyrol. The drainage basin controlled by the Station Covers 11.44 km2, of which 81 % is glacierized by Vernagtferner and hasan altitudinal rÀnge from 2635 m a.s.l. to 3635 m a.s.l., with 3115 m a.s.l. as the mean altitude. Runoff records, which start in 1974, are given as monthly, daily and hourly mean values. In addition, the mean diurnal Variation is presented for each month. The records show the typical features of the glacier runoff regime, with high discharge during fair weather periods in summer, and low discharge during bad weather and throughout the winter and spring; thus, on average, about 90 % of annual runoff is recorded between June and September. The climatic pattern of the two decades and the resulting mass balances of Vernagtferner tend towards increasing runoff amounts, in particular since the middle of the 1980s. 1991 was the year with highest runoff (0.806 nr/s yearly average), August 1992 delivered the highest monthly mean (4.048 m/s), on July 19,1987 an average daily runoff of 6.123 m3/s was recorded, and 10.68 m3/s was the highest hourly average on August 22, 1993. The rise in absolute amounts was accompanied by increasing diurnal variations, which, on average, were less than 1 m3/s in August 1974, but almost 5 m / s in the same month of 1992

    Glazialmeteorologische Arbeiten auf dem Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis wÀhrend der Standorterkundungsexpedition 1979/80

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    Results of tracer experiments with fluorescent dyes on Vernagtferner (Oetztal Alps, Austria) from 1974 to 1982

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    From 1974 to 1982 repeated tracer tests using fluorescent dyes were carried out in the highly glaciated drainage basin of Vernagtbach. These tests enabled the quantitative determination of the runoff in the forefield of the Vernagtferner, the calculation of travel times of the stream water and estimations of the relative contributions to the entire runoff originating from individual streams. In addition, tracer tests were carried out in the firn area of the glacier resulting in data concerning the storage and travel time of meltwater inside the glacier

    Survey and Mapping of the Ice Front along the Antarctic Coast between 8° W and 62° W

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    In situ-Messungen der mechanischen Festigkeit von Schnee auf dem Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis 1979/80

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    Modelling the runoff from a glaciated drainage basin (Vernagtferner, Oetztal Alps)

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    For the drainage basin of the gauging station Pegelstation Vernagtbach (2640 m a.s.l., 11.44km^2; Oetztal Alps, Austria) which is 84% glacierized by the Vernagtferner, combined discharge and meteorological data are available since 1974. For this catchment a discharge model was developed which takes into account the meteorological and hydrological factors involved in the formation and distribution of runoff in a highly glaciated basin as a system of four parallel linear reservoirs which correspond to three different parts of the glacier, and a small groundwater reservoir. The model input is the meltwater produced at the glacier surface and calculated with an energy balance model based on global radiation, longwave radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, and albedo. In addition, input may be caused by liquid precipitation. The paper presents the results for the period 1978-1985. The discharge model yields hourly mean values of the runoff, which agree well with the measured runoff data

    Accumulation and ice core-studies on Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica

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    Accumulation rates in the eastern part of Ronne Ice Shelf were determined by isotopic stratigraphy (18O). The samples were taken from snow-pits dug during the Filchner I and II operations in 1984 and 1986. In general, the accumulation rate decreases towards the south; the greatest decrease, from 21.3 to 13.3 g cm−2 a−1, was observed between Filchner Station and measuring point 341, sited 270 km up-stream of the ice edge. The ÎŽ18O values of the near-surface layers vary between −25 and -29‰. The 18O content in the more southerly part is progressively depleted in the direction of Möllereisstrom, paralleling a decrease in the accumulation rate. Near the ice edge the 18O content decreases to the west. A 100 m ice core drilled in 1984 at point 340, 220 km from the ice edge, probably goes back to A.D. 1460; it has been dated by isotopic stratigraphy.The accumulation rate up-stream of the drilling site was deduced from the sequence of annual layers, using a simple ice-flow model. The accumulation shows strong variations over the last 200 years, which may be caused in part by local variations in the accumulation on Ronne Ice Shelf.</jats:p

    The 520-year temperature record of a 100m core from the Ronne ice shelf, Antarctica.

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    The core was stratigraphically dated using seasonal variations of 18O content. The mean 18O content of the annual layers calculated on the basis of this dating decreases with depth z according to &delta;18O (&permil;) = -27.3 - 0.049z (m). Corrected &delta;18O values show a large scatter from year-to-year due to the local variability. The smoothed isotopic record displays variations in different time scales, which are caused most probably by climatological induced temperature variations. The gradient of 18O content with the 10m firn temperature of 1.15&permil;/K found in the middle part of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf was used to transfer the 18O series to a temperature record

    Raum-zeitliche Variationen von Isotopengehalten im Firn von Dronning-Maud-Land

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    Im Rahmen von EPICA (European Programme for Ice Coring in Antarctica) sind zwei Bohrungen in der Antarktis vorgesehen. Eine davon wird z.Zt. auf Dome Concordia niedergebracht. FĂŒr die zweite Bohrung stand zwar Dronning-Maud-Land als Zielgebiet fest, nicht aber der genaue Ansatzpunkt. Um diesen festzulegen, wurden umfangreiche Voruntersuchungen durchgefĂŒhrt, u.a. (isotopen-)glaziologische Untersuchungen, die auf die Erfassung von raum-zeitlichen Variationen klassischer glaziologischer Parameter, wie Firntemperatur in 10 m Tiefe, Akkumulationsraten und Isotopengehalte (18O, 2H) zielten. Die Auswertung der 10-m-Firnkerne der beiden Kampagnen 1995/96 und 1996/97 erbrachte erste Ergebnisse zur regionalen Verteilung der genannten Parameter (Oerter et al., Ann. Glac. 29, 1999). Die 17 tieferen Firnkerne der darauf folgenden Saison 1997/98 dienten einer Verdichtung des Messnetzes (Oerter et al., Ann. Glac. 30, 2000), hauptsĂ€chlich aber sollte mit ihnen die Variation von Akkumulationsraten und Isotopengehalten, zumindest in den letzten 200 Jahren, erfasst werden. Die mittleren 18O-Gehalte folgen im wesentlichen der regionalen Temperaturverteilung, die der Akumulationsraten ist auch von der großrĂ€umigen atmosphĂ€rsichen Zirkulation oder lokal von windbedingter Umlagerungen des Schnees beeinflusst. Auf dem Amundsenisen besteht eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen den Akkumulationsraten und der 10-m-Temperatur; dies spricht fĂŒr ein einheitliches meteorologisches Regime; auch die Isotopen-Temperaturbeziehung spricht dafĂŒr. Der Schneedeckenaufbau dĂŒrfte danach in gesamten Untersuchungsgebiet sehr Ă€hnlich sein. Alle 17 Kerne vom Amundsenisen reichen mindestens 200 Jahre zurĂŒck, drei davon sogar mehr als 1000 Jahre. Die Kerne konnten mit DEP- oder CFA-Profilen anhand von vulkanognen Horizonten sehr genau datiert werden. Die abgeleiteten Zeitreihen wurden gestapelt, um die gespeicherten klimatischen Signale zu verstĂ€rken und fĂŒr Dronnig-Maud-Land represantative Zeitreihen aufzustellen. Die beiden zusammengesetzten 200-jĂ€hrigen Reihen der Akkumulationsraten und der 18O-Gehalte enthalten trotz Stapelung von 17 Reihen einen Rauschanteil dessen Varianz 50 bzw. 40% der Gesamtvarianz ausmacht. Trotzdem sind beide 200-jĂ€hrigen Reihen korreliert und zwar aufgrund langperiodischer Variationen. Die 18O-Gehalte und die Akkumulationsraten erreichen an der Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert ein Minimum und steigen danach wieder an. Dieser parallele Verlauf der beiden Reihen kann durch eine Variation des Schneedeckenaufbaus und/oder der Temperatur erklĂ€rt werden. Auch die beiden 1000-jĂ€hrigen Reihen sind korreliert. Ein Vergleich zeigt, dass zwischen verschieden Reihen aus dem Wedellmeer-Sektor der Antarktis nur geringe Ähnlichkeiten bestehen. Allerdings sind manche der Reihen wenigstens in einzelnen Zeitbereichen korreliert und deuten auf eine gleichsinnige oder gegenlĂ€ufige klimatische Entwicklung im Rand- und Zentralbereich der Antarktis in diesen Zeitabschnitten