36 research outputs found

    MIDOT: A novel probe for monitoring high-current flat transmission lines

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    This paper was published in the journal Review of Scientific Instruments and the definitive published version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4971246A novel inductive probe, termed MIDOT, was developed for monitoring high-current flat transmission lines. While being inexpensive the probe does not require calibration, is resistant to both shock waves and temperature variations, and it is easy to manufacture and mount. It generates strong output signals that are relatively easy to interpret and has a detection region limited to a pre-defined part of the transmission line. The theoretical background related to the MIDOT probes, together with their practical implementation in both preliminary experimentation and high-current tests, is also presented in the paper. The novel probe can be used to benchmark existing 2D numerical codes used in calculating the current distribution inside the conductors of a transmission line but can easily detect an early movement of a transmission line component. The probe can also find other applications, such as locating the position of a pulsed current flowing through a thin wire

    Future Explosive Pulse-power, Technology For High-energy Plasma Physics Experiments

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    A variety of high-performance pulse-power systems in the 10 to 20-MJ class have been built in the last ten years or are planned in the next 3--5 years. Such systems, using capacitive energy storage, are employed in particle beam fusion, x-ray effects, x-ray physics, and plasma physics experiments. Advances in the technology of high-energy- density capacitors over the same time period has substantially decreased the cost per joule of the basic capacitor and kept the total parts count in large systems within reason. Overall, the savings in capacitor costs has about balanced the generally increasing system costs keeping the total cost of large, high-performance systems at 1βˆ’βˆ’2perjouleovertheperiod.Thenextstep,to100βˆ’MJclasssystems,willprofitfromtheimprovementsofthelastdecade,butthereseemslittlereasontoprojectaloweringofthecostperjoule.Incontrast,thereiseveryreasontoexpectthecontinuouslygrowingsystemcoststooutstripanysavingstoberealizedfromimprovementsincapacitortechnology.Overthesameperiod,explosivepulsepowersystemsinthe10to20βˆ’MJclasshavebeenemployed,routinely,inplasmaphysicsexperiments.Theseoneβˆ’shotsystemscurrentlycostabout1--2 per joule over the period. The next step, to 100-MJ class systems, will profit from the improvements of the last decade, but there seems little reason to project a lowering of the cost per joule. In contrast, there is every reason to expect the continuously growing system costs to outstrip any savings to be realized from improvements in capacitor technology. Over the same period, explosive pulse power systems in the 10 to 20-MJ class have been employed, routinely, in plasma physics experiments. These one- shot systems currently cost about 100 K for the generator and switching and deliver energy to a plasma physics experiment in a few microseconds. Comparing only hardware costs, such systems are competitive with capacitor systems for developmental activities involving 100--200 shots -- but not for repetitive applications involving 1000's of shots. At this rate, explosive systems are competitive systems for applications involving up to 200--500 shots. In this paper, we discuss general concepts for generators and power-conditioning systems appropriate for high-energy applications. We scope two such applications and show how explosive pulse power can address those applications. And we describe one example of an explosively powered generator suitable for 100-MJ operation