371 research outputs found

    An Overview of Automotive Service-Oriented Architectures and Implications for Security Countermeasures

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    New requirements from the customers\u27 and manufacturers\u27 point of view such as adding new software functions during the product life cycle require a transformed architecture design for future vehicles. The paradigm of signal-oriented communication established for many years will increasingly be replaced by service-oriented approaches in order to increase the update and upgrade capability. In this article, we provide an overview of current protocols and communication patterns for automotive architectures based on the service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm and compare them with signal-oriented approaches. Resulting challenges and opportunities of SOAs with respect to information security are outlined and discussed. For this purpose, we explain different security countermeasures and present a state of the section of automotive approaches in the fields of firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) and Identity and Access Management (IAM). Our final discussion is based on an exemplary hybrid architecture (signal- and service-oriented) and examines the adaptation of existing security measures as well as their specific security features

    A civilian perspective on ballistic trauma and gunshot injuries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gun violence is on the rise in some European countries, however most of the literature on gunshot injuries pertains to military weaponry and is difficult to apply to civilians, due to dissimilarities in wound contamination and wounding potential of firearms and ammunition. Gunshot injuries in civilians have more focal injury patterns and should be considered distinct entities.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A search of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health MEDLINE database was performed using PubMed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Craniocerebral gunshot injuries are often lethal, especially after suicide attempts. The treatment of non space consuming haematomas and the indications for invasive pressure measurement are controversial. Civilian gunshot injuries to the torso mostly intend to kill; however for those patients who do not die at the scene and are hemodynamically stable, insertion of a chest tube is usually the only required procedure for the majority of penetrating chest injuries. In penetrating abdominal injuries there is a trend towards non-operative care, provided that the patient is hemodynamically stable. Spinal gunshots can also often be treated without operation. Gunshot injuries of the extremities are rarely life-threatening but can be associated with severe morbidity.</p> <p>With the exception of craniocerebral, bowel, articular, or severe soft tissue injury, the use of antibiotics is controversial and may depend on the surgeon's preference.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The treatment strategy for patients with gunshot injuries to the torso mostly depends on the hemodynamic status of the patient. Whereas hemodynamically unstable patients require immediate operative measures like thoracotomy or laparotomy, hemodynamically stable patients might be treated with minor surgical procedures (e.g. chest tube) or even conservatively.</p

    CAN Radar: Sensing Physical Devices in CAN Networks based on Time Domain Reflectometry

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    The presence of security vulnerabilities in automotive networks has already been shown by various publications in recent years. Due to the specification of the Controller Area Network (CAN) as a broadcast medium without security mechanisms, attackers are able to read transmitted messages without being noticed and to inject malicious messages. In order to detect potential attackers within a network or software system as early as possible, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are prevalent. Many approaches for vehicles are based on techniques which are able to detect deviations from specified CAN network behaviour regarding protocol or payload properties. However, it is challenging to detect attackers who secretly connect to CAN networks and do not actively participate in bus traffic. In this paper, we present an approach that is capable of successfully detecting unknown CAN devices and determining the distance (cable length) between the attacker device and our sensing unit based on Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technique. We evaluated our approach on a real vehicle network.Comment: Submitted to conferenc

    Microbiota-driven gut vascular barrier disruption is a prerequisite for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis development.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS Fatty liver disease, including non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) and steatohepatitis (NASH), has been associated with increased intestinal barrier permeability and translocation of bacteria or bacterial products into the blood circulation. In this study, we aimed to unravel the role of both intestinal barrier integrity and microbiota in NAFLD/NASH development. METHODS C57BL/6J mice were fed with high-fat diet (HFD) or methionine-choline-deficient diet for 1 week or longer to recapitulate aspects of NASH (steatosis, inflammation, insulin resistance). Genetic and pharmacological strategies were then used to modulate intestinal barrier integrity. RESULTS We show that disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier and gut vascular barrier (GVB) are early events in NASH pathogenesis. Mice fed HFD for only 1 week undergo a diet-induced dysbiosis that drives GVB damage and bacterial translocation into the liver. Fecal microbiota transplantation from HFD-fed mice into specific pathogen-free recipients induces GVB damage and epididymal adipose tissue enlargement. GVB disruption depends on interference with the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway, as shown by genetic intervention driving β-catenin activation only in endothelial cells, preventing GVB disruption and NASH development. The bile acid analogue and farnesoid X receptor agonist obeticholic acid (OCA) drives β-catenin activation in endothelial cells. Accordingly, pharmacologic intervention with OCA protects against GVB disruption, both as a preventive and therapeutic agent. Importantly, we found upregulation of the GVB leakage marker in the colon of patients with NASH. CONCLUSIONS We have identified a new player in NASH development, the GVB, whose damage leads to bacteria or bacterial product translocation into the blood circulation. Treatment aimed at restoring β-catenin activation in endothelial cells, such as administration of OCA, protects against GVB damage and NASH development. LAY SUMMARY The incidence of fatty liver disease is reaching epidemic levels in the USA, with more than 30% of adults having NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), which can progress to more severe non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Herein, we show that disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier and gut vascular barrier are early events in the development of NASH. We show that the drug obeticholic acid protects against barrier disruption and thereby prevents the development of NASH, providing further evidence for its use in the prevention or treatment of NASH

    Evaluation des Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetzes (AÜG): Endbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben

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    Der Forschungsbericht dokumentiert die Ergebnisse der Evaluation des zum April 2017 weiterentwickelten Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetzes (AÜG). Die Evaluation des Gesetzes hatte zum Ziel Umsetzung und Wirksamkeit der damaligen Neuregelungen auf Grundlage wissenschaftlicher Daten und Methoden zu untersuchen. Dabei lag der Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung auf dem mit der Gesetzesreform verfolgten Ziel, die Leiharbeit auf ihre Kernfunktion zu fokussieren. Gleichzeitig sollten das Grundprinzip "Faire Bezahlung für gute Arbeit" und die Sozialpartnerschaft in Deutschland gestärkt werden. Im Fokus der Untersuchung standen hierbei die Neuregelungen zur Überlassungshöchstdauer sowie die Regelungen zu Equal Pay und den Abweichungsmöglichkeiten hiervon. Ebenfalls umfassend betrachtet wurden die Offenlegungs-, Konkretisierungs- und Informationspflicht sowie die Stärkung der Tarifautonomie, das Streikbrecherverbot, die Regelungen zur Mitbestimmung und die Festhaltenserklärung

    Magmatic PGE Sulphide Mineralization in Clinopyroxenite from the Platreef, Bushveld Complex, South Africa

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    The Platreef, at the base of the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex in South Africa, hosts platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization in association with base-metal sulphides (BMS) and platinum-group minerals (PGM). However, whilst a magmatic origin of the stratiform mineralization of the upper Platreef has been widely confirmed, the processes responsible for the PGE and BMS mineralization and metasomatism of the host rocks in the Platreef are still under discussion. In order to contribute to the present discussion, we present an integrated petrographical, mineral-chemical, whole-rock trace- and major-element, sulphur- and neodymium-isotope, study of Platreef footwall clinopyroxenite drill core samples from Overysel, which is located in the northern sector of the northern Bushveld limb. A metasomatic transformation of magmatic pyroxenite units to non-magmatic clinopyroxenite is in accordance with the petrography and whole-rock chemical analysis. The whole-rock data display lower SiO2, FeO, Na2O and Cr (<1700 ppm), and higher CaO, concentrations in the here-studied footwall Platreef clinopyroxenite samples than primary magmatic Platreef pyroxenite and norite. The presence of capped globular sulphides in some samples, which display differentiation into pyrrhotite and pentlandite in the lower, and chalcopyrite in the upper part, is attributed to the fractional crystallization of a sulphide liquid, and a downward transport of the blebs. In situ sulphur (V-CDT) isotope BMS data show isotopic signatures (δ34S = 0.9 to 3.1 ‰; Δ33S = 0.09 to 0.32‰) close to or within the pristine magmatic range. Elevated (non-zero) Δ33S values are common for Bushveld magmas, indicating contamination by older, presumably crustal sulphur in an early stage chamber, whereas magmatic δ34S values suggest the absence of local crustal contamination during emplacement. This is in accordance with the εNd (2.06 Ga) (chondritic uniform reservoir (CHUR)) values, of −6.16 to −6.94, which are similar to those of the magmatic pyroxenite and norite of the Main Zone and the Platreef in the northern sector of the northern Bushveld limb. Base-metal sulphide textures and S–Se-ratios give evidence for a secondary S-loss during late- to post-magmatic hydrothermal alteration. The textural evidence, as well as the bulk S/Se ratios and sulphide S isotopes studies, suggest that the mineralization in both the less and the pervasively hydrothermally altered clinopyroxenite samples of Overysel are of magmatic origin. This is further supported by the PPGE (Rh, Pt, Pd) concentrations in the BMS and mass-balance calculations, in both of which large proportions of the whole-rock Pd and Rh are hosted by pentlandite, whereas Pt and the IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru) were interpreted to mainly occur in discrete PGM. However, the presence of pentlandite with variable PGE concentrations on the thin section scale may be related to variations in the S content, already at S-saturation during magmatic formation, and/or post-solidification mobilization and redistribution

    Operational Experience of a Centrifugal Particle Receiver Prototype

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    The centrifugal particle receiver “CentRec” is a solar tower receiver development by DLR based on a direct absorption receiver concept especially suitable for high temperature process heat and electricity generation applications. Ceramic particles are used as heat transfer and storage medium for temperatures up to 1000°C. A centrifugal particle receiver system including a CentRec receiver prototype has been tested up to 965°C average receiver outlet temperature in the research platform of DLR’s test facility Juelich Solar Tower, Germany. This paper describes the first test results with a focus on first operational experiences

    Allgemeiner gesetzlicher Mindestlohn: seine Kontrolle und Durchsetzung sowie bürokratische Kosten für Arbeitgeber

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    Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Einhaltung der Pflichten nach dem Mindestlohngesetz (MiLoG), den Aufwand der Arbeitgeber, die Vorgehensweise der Finanzkontrolle Schwarzarbeit (FKS) bei der Prüfung der Einhaltung der Pflichten und die Rolle der Haftung des Auftraggebers nach § 13 MiLoG. Dazu wurden eine standardisierte telefonische Befragung bei Betrieben sowie leitfadengestützte Interviews mit der Finanzkontrolle Schwarzarbeit, Interessenvertretungen von Arbeitnehmern und Arbeitgebern, Betrieben und sonstigen Akteuren durchgeführt. Zudem wurden die Daten, die vom Zoll in der "Zentralen Datenbank Programmunterstützung Finanzkontrolle Schwarzarbeit" (ZenDa ProFiS) erhoben werden, analysiert. Die Analyse identifiziert wichtige Handlungsbedarfe bei der Durchsetzung des Mindestlohns. Dazu gehören Vereinfachungen bei der Umsetzung des MiLoG in den Betrieben, eine wirkungsvollere Informationspolitik sowie Verbesserungen bei der Ausstattung der FKS.This study examines the compliance with the obligations under the German Minimum Wage Act andthe compliance cost to employers. Furthermore, it analyses the organisation and process of the FKS, the agency charged with the inspection of the minimum wage in Germany. In addition, it considersthe role of civil liability for the payment of minimum wages in the case of service contracts. For these purposes, a standardised employer survey as well as semi-standardised interviews with a wide range of actors were conducted. In addition, process data of the FKS was analysed. The study identifies important needs for action for a better enforcement of the minimum wage. This includes simplifications in the implementation of the Minimum Wage Act for companies, a more effective information policy and improvements regarding the staff and equipment of the FKS