16 research outputs found

    Tokamak magnetic islands in the presence of nonaxisymmetric perturbations

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    The effects of a small, externally imposed, nonaxisymmetric magnetic field perturbation on magnetic islands are studied analytically, assuming zero {beta}, tokamak ordering, and narrow islands. For the tearing stable case, the conditions under which the self-consistent plasma response is self-healing or amplifying are elucidated. For the tearing unstable case, the quasilinear theory of tearing modes is extended to a description of locked modes. 16 refs., 12 figs

    Suppression of magnetic islands by rf-driven currents

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    The quasilinear theory for the saturation of nonlinear tearing modes is modified to include rf driven currents. It is shown that the presence of lower hybrid driven currents can strongly suppress the growth of magnetic islands

    Nonlinear tearing instabilities in tokamaks with locally flattened current profiles

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    Nonlinear tearing stability is evaluated for current profiles which are linearly stabilized by flattening the current in the neighborhood of the rational surface. When marginally stable to the linear instability, these profiles remain unstable in the presence of a small but finite island. The growth of the island saturated only when the island reaches the width it would have attained in the absence of flattening. Implications are discused for proposed methods of tearing mode stabilization and for theories of the tokamak sawtooth oscillation. 19 refs., 1 fig

    Numerical solution of three-dimensional magnetic differential equations

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    A computer code is described that solves differential equations of the form B . del f = h for a single-valued solution f, given a toroidal three-dimensional divergence-free field B and a single-valued function h. The code uses a new algorithm that Fourier decomposes a given function in a set of flux coordinates in which the field lines are straight. The algorithm automatically adjusts the required integration lengths to compensate for proximity to low order rational surfaces. Applying this algorithm to the Cartesian coordinates defines a transformation to magnetic coordinates, in which the magnetic differential equation can be accurately solved. Our method is illustrated by calculating the Pfirsch-Schlueter currents for a stellarator

    Computation of magnetic coordinates and action-angle variables

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    We have developed a new algorithm for calculating magnetic surfaces and coordinates for a given three-dimensional magnetic field. The algorithm serves also to solve the equivalent problem of computing invariant tori and action-angle variables for a one-dimensional time-dependent numerically specified Hamiltonian (or a two-dimensional time-independent Hamiltonian). Our approach combines features of both iterative and trajectory following methods. This allows us to overcome the inefficiency of trajectory following methods near low order rational surfaces, while retaining some of the robustness of these methods. 26 refs., 8 figs., 1 tab

    A nonvariational code for calculating three-dimensional MHD (magnetohydrodynamic) equilibria

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    Details are presented of the PIES code, which uses a nonvariational algorithm for calculating fully three-dimensional MHD equilibria. The MHD equilibrium equations are directly iterated in special coordinates to find self-consistent currents and magnetic fields for given pressure and current profiles and for a given outermost magnetic surface. Three important advantages of this approach over previous methods are the ease with which net current profiles can be imposed, the explicit treatment of resonances, and the ability to handle magnetic islands and stochastic field lines. The convergence properties of the code are studied for several axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric finite-..beta.. equilibria that have magnetic surfaces. 36 refs., 14 figs., 3 tabs